English for Monday

Our English unit is a journalistic one. The first week we looked at newspapers. Last week we looked at diaries. (If you haven’t finished yours then please do so.)

This week I want you to try and record your diary in some way. You can listen to some children who have made radio broadcasts by clicking this link. On the third one you will hear that two people are involved – if you want to try to work with someone on teams you may do so.

You might decide to try to make a video presentation. If you look at newsround you might get some ideas.

I am not sure how this will go – you might need to get in touch with me and the other children during the teams meeting (11:00 – 12:00) for some ideas. I would just like you to have a go and see how you get on. The children in school have the chromebooks on Monday so it works well for them.

If you are at a complete loss and are really struggling then I would like you spending this time finishing your diary and then practise your spellings and reading your book.

Even if you don’t finish your work today let me know how you are getting on so I can plan accordingly for the next few days.

I look forward to seeing how you get on.