
English lesson: LO: To summarise the main ideas in a story. 

I’d like you to summarise the story of ‘Four Feet, Two Sandals’. You may want to watch the video of the story again and write notes about the main ideas whilst it’s playing. Please do not recount the whole story but write down a much shorter version of the story (1 or 2 paragraphs) covering the key points, in your own words. Think about Who, Where, When, What, Why & How.

Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eaENPTeqFM

Reading comprehension: There is a wonderful book called ‘Mirror’ by Jeannie Baker which is a book that looks at different cultures as well. There are five reading lessons on Oak Academy centred all around this book and because it really is a super book, I’d love you to follow these lessons this week. Here is the link, just click on lesson one to get started. Mirror

Spellings: I would like you to practise your spellings today by choosing 6 and writing them in sentences, please. If you are not sure of the meaning, you can ask an adult at home, look in a dictionary or do a google search for the meaning.