
Oh you lovely year 5s, I would love to know more about you!

For English today, I am asking you to write a letter to me, all about yourself! I’m hoping this is something that you will enjoy doing whilst getting used to writing longer pieces of writing again, after the holiday. Please remember to write in full sentences and choose your words carefully. Also, remember all the punctuation we focused on over the Autumn term, including brackets, dashes and commas for parenthesis (extra information)

I have included a powerpoint here with some sound (I’m testing it out!) Wednesday’s English

I am hoping that you all have a book to read at home. Please read for twenty minutes or so to help your brain concentrate for longer periods of time.

Here is a quick read with a few quick questions for when you need to fill 5 or 10 minutes at another point during the day. Superhero Facts quick read