D+T week

The last week of term is usually D+T week and if possible I would hate for the children to miss out so I wanted you to have a heads up. During the week before Easter the children would have been working on two projects. The first is making a structure. As we had been looking at monarchs this was going to be a castle. I am now happy during the week before half term for this to be modified and you work with your child making any structure. Any photos would be appreciated. The second project was making a pizza with their own topping. Again I am happy for this to be modified and in the last week you do ANY baking with your child. Again photos would be good. During this week they would have been having a reduced timetable in regards to other subjects to accommodate the D+T project so please don’t be surprised during the last week before Easter to see less time given for other subjects. I just wanted to give you the heads up to think of what you might want to cook and make with your child. I hope these posts are useful.

Mr M