Diversity week wb 15th June

You will have seen from Mrs Rowe’s post that each week from now until the end of term will follow a particular theme, starting next week with ‘diversity week’.

Diversity week will be an opportunity for children to learn more about the concepts of equality, fairness and ‘difference’ through engaging activities which are designed to promote discussion and critical thinking about how we view both ourselves and others. We will start by looking at our own skills and talents, identifying ways in which we are all special and unique. The children will be encouraged to become more aware of how we all make certain assumptions and to challenge some of these stereotypical ways of thinking in a fun and safe way.

As part of the week, we will be looking at issues surrounding racial inequalities and learning about some of the significant and influential black leaders who have changed history. We will look at what discrimination is and how it makes people feel, and we will look at how changes in our world are needed so that people with disabilities are never prevented from having experiences enjoyed by those without these challenges. We will finish the week by examining our own roles and responsibilities in helping the world to be a fairer, more inclusive place and consider how we can develop skills in teamwork to better support and care for one another.

We are all looking forward to a stimulating and thought-provoking week, and hope you are too!