Day 1

What a super first day the children have had in Year 5. I was delighted to see all of the children in and to find out some of the things they have been up to in the summer. The children now know where they will be sitting for the first session every day and where to put their coats and bags.

A quick reminder that tomorrow is a PE day so it would be good if they could come into school wearing their PE kit.

If, at any time, there are going to be different arrangements for the picking up of the children would you please let the office know. I am quite happy if you want to copy me into too so that I see it. If you only send this direct to me there may be times when I am unable to open my emails during the day and so I miss it.

The overview of the work this term is under the information tab if you ever want a quick recap.

I look forward to another good day tomorrow.

Mr Morris