Create an Easter Garden

Here is a suggestion for you to do either this afternoon, or you might like to have something to work on during Holy Week (which begins with Palm Sunday on 5th April).

Check out Room 4’s page – our Reception children have made some amazing Easter gardens and I thought you might like to try too.

You will need:
– something to be a base (it could be a plate, a tray, a tin foil baking tin)
– some soil to create a landscape
– pebbles, moss, small plants (please ask before you start digging up flowers) to create the garden and shape around the tomb
– something to create a tomb to represent the place where Jesus’s body was laid – you could use a flowerpot on its side, an empty yoghurt pot – be creative!
– sticks to create three crosses

If you google ‘Easter Gardens’ you will see loads of examples you could use for inspiration.