Christmas Plans in Room 8!

We have a wonderful week to look forward to next week and I wanted to let you know what to expect! I will try hard to send texts so that everyone has reminders, but the information is here too:

Monday 14th Dec – Shelter building day! We are going to be building shelters outdoors for our DT project this week. Please could Room 8 come to school in cosy, old, outdoor clothes and suitable footwear. We will be spending much of the morning outside, building and evaluating dens.

Tuesday 15th Dec – CHRISTMAS PARTY DAY! Our party will be in the hall during the afternoon. Children should bring their party clothes with them (in their school bag) and we will give them time and a safe place to change. The only other things they need to bring with them that day is their water bottle and reading books (and packed lunch, if that is what they are having).

Wednesday 16th Dec – Christmas Panto day! We are lucky enough to have a travelling theatre company coming to present a Covid-safe performance for the children. Our bubble will be watching the panto in the afternoon. We are not having cricket on Wednesday so come in normal school uniform.

Thursday 17th Dec – a ‘normal’ day. We will have lots of Christmas learning fun today and recover from the excitement of the earlier part of the week!

Friday 18th Dec – we will be sharing a Christmas reflection via Teams with the rest of the school and then spending the day in Room 8 as usual. We have PE in the afternoon, so come in PE kits and expect Christmassy PE fun!