Monday 25th January

Good morning everyone and welcome to brand new week of learning. I hope you all had a super weekend and are ready to go!

This week, in our maths work we will be learning all about coins used in the UK.  This is a great excuse for you to ask someone at home for some money…just the coins…and you will have to give them back!

Have a little look at his PowerPoint.  There is a game to play included on the PowerPoint.  Please choose the ‘Ordering’ game if you are confident naming coins.  If you aren’t sure what all the coins look like, choose the sorting game first.


Monday PowerPoint

Here are your sheets.  Sheet 2 is the trickiest.

Coin Number Line to 10p

Coin Number Line to 20p

Have a little brain break and listen to this.

Now, can you remember all the way back to Friday?  It seems such a long time ago.  We wrote the first part of our report all about the rainforest.  Today I would like you to use the notes you have created, especially those about the layers of the rainforest and your fascinating facts to finish your report.

Have a little look at the PowerPoint to remind you of the writing feature you will need to have.

Monday PowerPoint

Rainforest Report Template

Please can you practise your spellings for the test on Friday then have a story.

Here is a reading comprehension for you to have a little look at.  As usual, comprehension 3 is the most tricky.

comprehension 1

comprehension 2

comprehension 3

This afternoon is our Topic afternoon.  we are going to look at Tudor food and farming today.  Have a look at this video.

Tudor Food

No have a look at this PowerPoint.

Tudor Food

Tudor picture

This afternoon, I would like you to design a Tudor menu.  What will you have on it?  You can do some more research by clicking on this web link below.

More Tudor Food information

Have fun everyone, let me know how you get on.

Love from Mrs Pope

Friday 22nd January

Happy Friday everyone,

I hope you are all ready to learn.

Today for maths I would like you to warm your brains up with a little bit of a boogie!

5 x table dance

Today we are continuing to look at 3D shapes. Today we are seeing how many of them we can find around our houses and gardens.   Have a look at the PowerPoint.

Friday PowerPoint

Here is the chart.  Remember, you can always draw your own and save printer ink.

Shape Hunt Sheet

For your English today we are going to be starting to write our reports about rainforests.  We will finish them on Monday.  If we were in school, we would look at the PowerPoint and talk about it.  Make our plans and then do about 20 minutes writing.  After that, we would stop and edit our work to make sure we have capital letters, full stops and have checked our spelling to see if we have made any mistakes when spelling words we know.

Have a look at the PowerPoint.

Friday PowerPoint

Here is the template if you would like to use it.

Rainforest Report Template

Please can you do your spelling test.  Let me know how you get on, I can record your score and you can get your house point and sticker when we are all back together again.

Here are your new spellings for next week.

Blue Group spellings week 3

Green Group spellings week 3

Yellow Group spellings week 3


For our computing today we are continuing with coding.  Please log on to the website below.

Log in

You will need activity code Y654. We are now on activity 3 so watch the short video and have a go.  Some of you are absolutely amazing at coding.

For our RE today I would like you to think about who influences you. This is quite a big idea. Someone who influences people can change their ideas.  Have a read about Greta Thunberg, she has influenced millions of people and the governments of countries about climate change.

Greta Thunberg

Have a think and talk to someone at home about the people who influence you.  How do they influence you?  Do people always have a good influence on you? How could you influence others?

Have a lovely weekend.

Make sure you get plenty of rest and have plenty of fun.

Love from Mrs Pope x

Friday 22nd January

Good Morning! You made it through another week, Well done!

English: See yesterday’s English post about today’s work – finishing & editing your story.

Reading comprehension:

Follow the link to your last Anthony Horowitz reading comprehension lesson: Anthony Horowitz


It’s Friday and that means it’s the spelling test today. Please ask someone to test you at home.

Please find your new spellings here:Spellings


Please practise your times tables on Ttrockstars. If you do not have your log in please email Mrs Giles to find out.

As usual test your knowledge here:Year 5 Spring 03

If you would like more Maths to do today, here are some simple division problems: division problems


Take time out to exercise this afternoon. Here is a short activity you could try this Rock, Paper, Scissors activity

or have a go at some yoga or both! Yoga video


What better way to walk into the weekend than being kind… As we have been thinking about refugees over the last couple of weeks and some of you have said you would love to help them. This is one way: Letter of Love


Thursday 21st January

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all ok and bright and ready to learn today. Lets start the day with a little maths warm up.

10 times table Super Movers

For maths today, we are continuing with 3D shapes.  Today we are sorting them into a Venn diagram.

A Venn diagram looks like this.

Have a look at the PowerPoint and it will explain all…I hope!

PowerPoint for Thursday

Here is the sheet that goes with the PowerPoint.

Venn diagram

We are going to write a report about rainforests.  We have spent all week finding out some amazing facts about them.  So for your first challenge today, I would like you to list all the facts you know about rainforests.  Think about:

  • Where they are found?
  • What the weather is like?
  • What are the layers and what is it like in each of the layers?
  • What animals and insects live there?
  • What food grows there?
  • why they are so important?

You could do this as a list with bullet points or you could do this as a spider diagram, whichever why suits you.

Now I’d like you to think about what you don’t know.  Can you write down 3 questions  Here are mine.  Yours may be different but you can share mine if you like.

  • How much rain falls in the rainforest?
  • Which animals are endangered?
  • What is deforestation?

Using books or a ‘safe search’ on the internet (where you write ‘for kids‘ so you get the right type of information)  Find out the answers to your questions and write them down.  I have included a sheet for this but only use it if you want to, you certainly don’t need to print it out.

English spider diagram

Tomorrow we are going to write our report using these notes.

We enjoyed listening to these rainforest sounds as we worked in school yesterday, you may too.


Have a little brain break! You deserve it.

Maddie Space and You- Rockets

Please can you practise your spellings ready for tomorrow’s test.

This afternoon is our PE afternoon so here is a video for you to have a go at if it is too rainy or your grown ups are too busy to take you outside for a walk or a bike ride at the moment.

I hope you have a lovely day, let me know how you get on.

Love from Mrs Pope x

Monday 18th January

Good morning everyone, I hope you all have had a lovely weekend.

This week in maths we are going to be learning about 3D shapes.  3D is short for 3 dimensional, it means you can pick it up.  If something is 2D or 2 dimensional it is like a drawing, you can’t hold it in your hands.

Here is a shape mat to help you.  It shows you the 3D shape and gives you its name.  You might want to have it nearby to help you with the PowerPoint.

3D shape mat

Have a look at this PowerPoint.

Name the 3D shape

Remember, that vocabulary of face, vertices and edge are really important.

If we were in school,  we would have the big box of 3D shapes out so you would be able to see them and hold them. You would be able to point out the vertices, edges and faces and count them.  Today I would like you to make a 3D shape collection.  You could do a search around your house,  can you find and cylinders, spheres, cuboids, cubes or square based pyramids?  If you can’t find all of the shapes, here is a selection you can print and make so that we all have the shapes with us for our work this week.

3D shape nets

Once you have your shape collection, have a look at each shape and find the faces, vertices and edges.  You don’t need to write anything down but I would like you to be familiar with the vocabulary.

Today, in English, we are going on a visit. You won’t need a packed lunch and you definitely won’t need a warm coat although, you may wish to bring an umbrella!!

See if you can guess from this video.  You only need to watch the first 1 minute and 10 seconds.

Yep, you’ve guessed it, we are going to finding out all about rainforests and their amazing creatures for our English.  This week we are going to be writing information texts all about what we find out.

Have a look at this PowerPoint.

Monday PowerPoint

And here is your sheet.

Monday sheet

Today I would like you to create a glossary from the text in the PowerPoint.  Choose 5 words, order them alphabetically and then explain them.  You may wish to use a dictionary to find out what they mean or perhaps an internet search.  If you choose to do an internet search, make sure you put ‘for kids’ after you type in the word.

If you have a little time, have a look at this.

Please can you choose a reading comprehension suitable for you and have a read then answer the questions. Comprehension 3 is the most tricky.

Wildlife Comprehension 1

Wildlife Comprehension 2

Wildlife Comprehension 3

Please can you practise your spellings.

Have a little brain break and enjoy a story.


Last week, in our topic work we found out how farming began. This afternoon, I would like you to think about where are food comes from.  We are very lucky, in Shropshire, we are never too far from a farm.  Have a look at this PowerPoint.

Where does our food come from PowerPoint

Now have a go at sorting these foods into those that come from animas and those that come from plants.

Where food comes from



Friday 15th January

It’s Friday!

Well done everyone, you have done an amazing job this week.  Thank you for all of your hard work and for sharing the lovely things you have been doing.

Here is your maths.

I have put a link to the ‘Funky Mummy’ game because I know how much you love it.  You can practise your number bonds or your times tables.

Here is your maths PowerPoint. Today we are continuing with adding and subtracting multiples of 10 but you are going to have to do both today.  Remember to keep your 100 square near by to double check your answers or to help you as you work.

Maths PowerPoint

100 square

Subtracting 10 maze

adding and subtracting 10 race game


extra challenge

As it is Friday, please can you do your spelling test.  Let me know how you get on and I will keep a record so we can add your stickers to the class chart.

For English, we are going to do a ‘Free Write Friday’. Today you can use one of the pictures, or a picture you love from home and write anything you like.  You could write a story, an information booklet or poster, a poem or song, a diary a letter…whatever inspires you most. You can hand write your work or you could do it on the computer if it is available.

Here are some pictures for you to have a look at.

Let me know how you get on, I am looking forward to seeing what you creative lot come up with.

Here is a story for you to relax with.

As you have done your spelling test, here is a copy of your spellings for next week.


Week 2


Week 2


week 2

This afternoon we will be doing RE and Computing.


I’m really please you enjoyed the work on programming last week.  This week, we are going to continue with this skill and do lesson 2.

You will need the activity code Y654.  We are looking at lesson 2.  There is a short video to watch and then get practising!!

For our RE this week, I would like you to listen to the PowerPoint of the Prodigal Son.  I would like you to think about forgiveness.

The prodigal son

Have you ever had to say sorry for doing something silly? I know I have.  What was it? Have a chat with someone at home about saying sorry, how you show you are sorry and what it means to forgive someone when they do something silly.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Love from Mrs Pope x





Thursday 14th January

Good morning,

I cannot believe it is Thursday already!

Let’s get started with our maths shall we.

Here is a place value maths game for you to have a go at.

Place Value Basketball

Here is today’s PowerPoint.

Thursday Maths PowerPoint

Here are your sheets to go with the PowerPoint.  Sheet 3 is the most challenging.

Sheet 1

sheet 2

sheet 3

To begin with, for your your English today, I would like you to play the board game you made yesterday.  Make sure you are really clear about all of the rules for how you play your game.  Have a look at what equipment you need. How many players can play the game?  Explain to someone at home how you play your game.  Perhaps they could ask you a question or two about it to make you think carefully.

Here is the PowerPoint

Instructions PowerPoint

Here is a template for writing your instructions if you wish to use it.

Instructions template

Please can you practise your spellings.

Find somewhere quiet and spend a few minutes reading your reading book.

Here is a little brain break for you!

This afternoon is our PE afternoon.

This is really popular in our house!!!  Have a go!

Keeping with oceans themes this week,  why not try a little yoga?

Perhaps you can also get out and about for a walk or bike ride?  Play in the garden, make up a dance.  Have fun and be safe whatever you do.

Have a lovely day everyone and let me knowhow you are doing.

Love from Mrs Pope x


Art 14.01.21

For Art today, I’d like you to take inspiration from Jeannie Baker and her wonderful picture book, Mirror. She used collage to create the pictures in her book. Last week, you sketched the picture on the front cover of Four Feet, Two Sandals. I did see some lovely efforts from you, thank you. So this week, I would like you to create a collage of the front cover. You can use any resources you have at home, e.g. old magazines, empty cereal boxes, coloured paper, bits of fabric, rice, pasta etc. You can use any scrap materials you have to hand but always ask for permission to use first!

Try and make those mountains high up on your page. The tents should be high up the page too and smaller with Lina and Feroza at the front. Try and include the smaller details as well, in order to make the collage come to life! I can’t wait to see them!

front cover of Four Feet Two Sandals