General Health and Wellbeing

Today (and hopefully at regular intervals everyday!) is a time to focus on the things that make you happy, so you just need to do whats right for you and your family.

It may be a good walk, a den building session, hide and seek around the house or a good film and a snuggle on the sofa.

Anna Freud Website Support for mental health and wellbeing for Parents and Carers.

A Children’s Guide To Coronavirus – I’m sure the children are sick of hearing about the virus now but if they do still have questions this booklet is a good source of information. cco-childrens-guide-to-coronavirus

You’ll find below lots of links to a range of sites with activities to keep your body and mind fit and healthy.

Cosmic Kids Yoga Videos Yoga stories.

Cosmic Kids Mindfulness – Join Jamie in the Zen Den for some relaxation and mindfulness activities.

Moovlee  A little Monkey leading Yoga, Meditation and Cardio for ages 3-5

Youth Sports Trust have created a whole range of activity cards that you can try at home.

They also have a range of 60 Second Challenges to try out.

Disney Dance-alongs  This Girl Can has created dance routines for parents and children from their favourite Disney movies. (I can’t wait to try this one!)

You may want to combine movement and exercise with learning – try these from the Supermovers

Have fun with a Go Noodle break Banana Banana Meatball    Milkshake





Music at home is a tricky one for most people who don’t have instruments at home – so again we’ll have to get creative!

So here are a few links to inspire you

Body Percussion a series of videos teaching various rhythms using only your bodies.

Free Workshops These free percussion workshops help you to learn a piece of music in a particular style/genre of world-music over 5 lessons. From Brazilian Samba to Jamaican Reggae to Far East Music.  Suitable for all ages and they show you how you can make instruments or use items at home.

Digital Music 

Year 3 have been learning about digital music this term but many others of you may enjoy the website.

Try Incredibox a great music mixing website where you can act as a record producer or DJ and mix some great music.  Beware – parents may enjoy this more so you might not get a go!

You can also try the Chrome Music Lab and experiment with the different ways to make music Music Lab


All Ages – Try The Children’s Poetry Archive to find an amazing range of poems.  Try the explore page, choose your age and theme and then you can listen to some great poems. Children’s Poetry Archive

For more EYFS and KS1 ideas click here KS1 Poetry


Key Stage 2 7-11

Watch this video by the poet Joshua Seigal


If you enjoyed that you can check out his website for more of his poetry here.


Author Masterclasses

Try out some of these wonderful free masterclasses from some of our favourite authors.  You will find creative writing masterclasses, interviews, and readings from their books.  You will need an adult to create a free account before you can access the materials.

Michael Rosen author of ‘Were Going on a Bear Hunt’

Onjali Q Rauf author of ‘Boy at the Back of the Class’ and ‘The Night Bus Hero’

Lauren Ellen Anderson author of the Amelia Fang books

Steven Butler and Steven Lenton author and illustrator of the ‘Nothing to See Here Hotel’ series.

Danny Wallace author of the ‘Hamish’ series of books

Guy Bass author of the Stitch Head series of books

Andy Griffiths author of the 13-Storey Treehouse series

Sophie Kirtley author of the Wild Way Home book.


Reading is a wonderful way to unwind and relax.  It is an opportunity to escape reality and live in a world of fantasy.  It helps us gain empathy for others and a sense of understanding of the world around us.  Books are an incredible vehicle for discussion and are often described as mirrors into our own lives and windows into the lives of others.
So today, and everyday, we’d like you to find a comfy space and enjoy a good book either on your own or with a family member.  You may even get extra creative and make your own little reading den first – we’d love to see your photos.
Try this link to find – Stories for KS1 and EYFS
For Key Stage 2 try …

The Book of Hopes

Award-winning children’s author, Katherine Rundell, launched ‘The Book of Hopes: Words and Pictures to Comfort, Inspire and Entertain Children in Lockdown’ during the last lockdown period.

This extraordinary collection of short stories, poems, essays and pictures has contributions from more than 110 children’s writers and illustrators, including Lauren Child, Anthony Horowitz, Greg James and Chris Smith, Michael Morpurgo, Liz Pichon, Axel Scheffler, Francesca Simon and Jacqueline Wilson.

The Book of Hopes aims to comfort, inspire and encourage children during lockdown through delight, new ideas, ridiculous jokes and heroic tales. There are true accounts of cats and hares and plastic-devouring caterpillars; there are doodles and flowers; revolting poems and beautiful poems; and there are stories of space travel and new shoes and dragons.

The Book of Hopes is available as a beautiful hardback gift edition, with 23 never-seen-before stories, poems and illustrations. The Book of Hopes is available to buy now from all good book retailers. A donation from the sale of each book will go to NHS Charities Together, in gratitude for the incredible efforts of all those who worked in hospitals over the quarantine period.

Bloomsbury have very kindly allowed us to share The Book of Hopes for free during this new lockdown. Find it below



“A few weeks ago, I began a Hope Project; I emailed some of the children’s writers and artists whose work I love most. I asked them to write something very short, fiction or non-fiction, or draw something that would make the children reading it feel like possibility-ists: something that would make them laugh or wonder or snort or smile. The response was magnificent, which shouldn’t have surprised me, because children’s writers and illustrators are professional hunters of hope. I hope that the imagination can be a place of shelter for children in the hard months ahead and that The Book of Hopes might be useful in that, even if only a little.”    Katherine Rundell


Tuesday 2nd February

Good morning everyone, How is it Tuesday already?

To warm up our maths brains, have a go at this basket ball game.  You will need to partition numbers into tens and ones.  If you are super confident, try hundreds, tens and ones.

Basket Ball Place Value Game

For your maths today, we are going to look at how multiplication can be shown as repeated addition.  Have a little look at the PowerPoint.

Maths PowerPoint

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

We have pretty much finished our rainforest creature report now.  These are the features your report needs to have.  If you haven’t finished your report, please can you finish it today.

  • A bright colourful title
  • Sub-headings to tell the reader what each paragraph is about
  • A description of your animal (this is the introduction)
  • A paragraph about what your animal eats – its prey
  • A paragraph about what eats your animal- its predators
  • A paragraph about where your creature lives – its habitat
  • Pictures of your creature with labels
  • A fact box with your 3 facts in it
  • Lots of lovely, bright decoration to make the reader want to read it

If you have finished your report, You can write a glossary.  When we first began looking at rainforests, we wrote one, do you remember? Please can you choose 5 or 6 words out of your report that need explaining.  For example: mammal, canopy, herbivore, algae, tropical. 

Can you order them alphabetically…






…and explain for the reader what these words mean.  If you can fit this on your page great, if not on the back or on another page is just fine.

Then I would like you to read through your report and check that you have all the features you need. These are what makes your report really interesting to read.

If you would like to send a picture of your report to me, I will make a class gallery and put them on the website so that everyone can see your lovely work.

Please can you practise your spellings.

How about a brain break?

Can you find 5 or 10 minutes to read your book.  Somewhere warm, snuggly and comfortable.

For your art this afternoon, I would like you to have a look at the patterns I have made


In the first box, I have drawn a pattern. Then in each of the next boxes I have made it smaller.  Can you see what happens to the colour as I make the pattern smaller?  Today, you can either start with my patterns in the first box and make them smaller or you can use the blank sheet and draw your own pattern and make it smaller and smaller in each box.  This skill is great for adding texture to a sketch and fantastic for pencil control.

Art for Tuesday

Tuesday art blank grid

Have another little break…treat yourself, you are working really hard.


For our PSHE this week, I would like you to continue to think about the jobs people do.  Last week, we talked about the jobs people in your house do.  This week, I would like you to think about the job you would like to do, your dream job.  Draw yourself doing it in the middle of the sheet.

Job skills sheet

Have a discussion with the people at home when they have a moment about what kind of skills and qualities you need to do this job.  Do you need to know how to do something or work something? Do you need to be calm under pressure or cheerful?  Write those skills and qualities you need around the outside.  You can make it bright and colourful – even write in felt tip pen!!

I thought it would be really lovely to see you all on Wednesday at 2.30 for a catch up.  People can share what they have been doing (if they would like to) and wave at their friends, we are all missing each other and I think it will be lovely to see everyone.  I will send out a meeting to the children’s email addresses. It will have a Teams link on which you can use to access the meeting.  It would be really useful if you could show your child how to mute themselves on the computer so that we can all listen to each other without background noise.

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love from Mrs Pope x



Many of you will already be familiar with Rob Biddulph and his draw alongs.  He is a successful illustrator of many children’s books.  You can have a go at his videos here

Many other illustrators are also sharing online tips and videos.

Steven Lenton – the illustrator if the Nothing to See Here Hotel books and Frank Cottrell-Boyce books has some draw alongs here

Nick Sharrat has worked with many authors including Jacqueline Wilson and Julia Donaldson.  he has some classes here

If some of you prefer colouring try these pictures from the illustrator Axel Scheffler who most of you will know from his work with Julia Donaldson. Colouring

When you’ve had a go at some of these, why not choose your favourite book and read a small section.  Can you use your imagination to draw a setting or a character as you imagine them?

Art and Craft

Art is a wonderful way to express yourself.  It is a wonderful relaxing subject that gives us lots of opportunities for mindfulness.

Please look at the links below and choose an activity you fancy and then be creative and try some of your own projects based on these.  We’d love to see your creations!

Darrell Wakelam is a 3d artist who specialises in making wonderful creations with and for children.  His #artjumpstart project is a huge collection of easy art projects to try at home using your recycling.


Check out his website here.

You could try these lovely art and craft activities from Mrs Andrew

Express yourself with scissors

Craft Activity – if you have some wool at home you could try these dreamcatchers.  You could maybe even make them for school and we could decorate our school grounds with a bit of colour.

God’s Eye Dreamcatchers

 2 sticks (4 spokes)

4 sticks (8 spokes)




Dancing is such a good way to lift your mood and express yourself and your emotions.

We are very lucky to have two workshops created especially for us by the wonderful Katie from KCDC – the Katie Crosland Dance Centre in Shrewsbury.  She teaches a range of classes for children aged 4 all the way up to adult classes (which I can highly recommend!).

Check out her website here for more details

Age 4-8 Session

8-12 Session