Wednesday 10th February

Good morning everyone.  Welcome to Wednesday!!  I hope you are ready.

Here is a little game for you to try.  It will help you to practise counting in 2,3,5,10s. Read the instructions carefully because the ducks begin at different numbers.  Count along the ducks and click on the one that is the correct number shown.  Be careful, the ducks start from different numbers!

Duck Counting Game

Today we will begin with our maths.  Have a little look at the PowerPoint.  Todays maths is all about number fact families.  These will help you to remember your division facts.

Wednesday’s PowerPoint

Here are your maths sheets for today.

Maths Sheet 1

Maths Sheet 2

Maths Sheet 3

This website shows you how division and multiplication sums are related.  Have a little play.

Multiplication and Division families

Why not have a little brain break?


Please can you practise your spellings.  If you are beginning to find them easy, you could always challenge yourself to write them backwards.  This is really hard!!!

For your English today, I would like you to write a book review of your favourite book.  It could be one you have read or it could be one that you have had read to you.  It would be lovely if you could keep these in a safe place until we come back to school, then you could bring them in.  They would look amazing in our Reading Area.  They would be great inspiration for other people in our class who are looking for a great book to read.

Here is the sheet you could use.

Book Review

Have another brain break and a little story.

Here is a reading comprehension for you to have a little look at.  It’s all about the life cycle of butterflies.  As always, comprehension 3 is the most tricky.

Butterfly Comprehension 1

Butterfly Comprehension 2

Butterfly Comprehension 3

This afternoon is our science afternoon.  This week we are thinking about keeping clean.  It is particularly important that we know how to keep clean, especially at the moment.  Have a look at the PowerPoint.  When you have finished, there is a fun game to play that will hopefully help you to understand the importance of keeping clean.

Wednesday Science PowerPoint

Game Hygiene Heroes

Make sure you are free at 2.30 for our ‘Show and Tell’ meeting.  If you would like to, please bring something you have done or made that you are really proud of.  Have it near you so that you can show it easily and don’t need to take us on a tour of your house!  If you would like to tell us something, that would be amazing too.  If you just want to watch, that is absolutely fine too, it will be lovely to see your smiling faces.

I hope you have a lovely day and I’m really, really looking forward to seeing you later if you can make it.

Mrs Pope x

Tuesday 9th February

Good morning everyone, it’s Tuesday already!

Have a little play on Hit the Button, I know you enjoy this game.  Can you practise your 2,3,5,10 times tables.  You are going to need to know these facts for later in the week so it will be really helpful if you are confident. Feel free to practise others if you are really really speedy with these times tables.

Hit the Button

Today in maths we are going to continue to think about division but today we are moving on to grouping amounts.  This is a different way of working out division sums.  Have a look at the PowerPoint.

Tuesday PowerPoint

Sheet 3 is the most tricky.

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Please can you practise your spellings.  You could use one of the ideas below.

Spelling ideas

You may need a brain break, have a little moment.

For your English today, I would like you to watch the Bear and the Piano again.  You must know this story pretty well by now!

I would like you to think about the bear in the city again today.  You are now working for the concert theatre.  It is your job to design the posters that tell people who is performing at the theatre.   Have a little look at the PowerPoint and get designing!!

English PowerPoint


Here is a spot the difference, you could spend a couple of minutes seeing if you can find all 5 differences.

Spot 5 differences

This afternoon is our Art afternoon.  Last week we looked at a pattern and how making it smaller, made the pattern appear darker.

This week, to begin with I would like you to get  a piece of paper and make as many different marks and patterns as you can.  How many different shapes, squiggles, shades, patterns can you make?  You could always listen to your favourite piece of music as you do this, sometimes it helps inspire you.

We are going to continue looking at shading this week.  Have a look at the sheet and try the skills out.  Remember, when you press lightly with a pencil, the colour is light and when you press hard with the pencil, the colour is much darker.

Shading Sheet

I hope you have a lovely day, I know we are all getting a bit tired now, but you should be really proud of yourselves.  You have worked very hard this half term.

Let me know how you get on.

Mrs Pope x


Monday 8th

Every year Mary Webb have student teachers visiting them and they usually spend a day in our school. They come over with Mrs Mould, the Year 6/7 link teacher. They come so they can see what children in a primary school do in their final year. It is also a chance for Mrs. Mould to introduce herself to you.

This year this can obviously not happen in this way. However, on Monday some of these teachers, plus Mrs Mould, are going to join our teams meetings in the morning.

They may ask you some questions but they are more likely just watch the lesson. Likewise Mrs Mould might or might not ask you some questions.

I only wanted to tell you about this so if you saw some extra names in the meeting you would not be worried who they were. Rest assured they have been fully checked!!!!

These teachers are keen to see what we will be doing on Monday morning which is why the work for then is already online on the following pages.

Applying for the post of Kitchen Assistant

Thank you for the interest in the Kitchen Assistant post we are advertising.

The closing date for the post is: Wednesday 22 September 2021

We would like the successful candidate to start as soon as possible once satisfactory checks have been completed.

The three documents below form the application pack

Application form available as  WORD or PDF

Job Description

Person Specification

Please return the fully completed application form to school via email


Friday 5th February

Good morning,

I hope you are all feeling relaxed and happy after your lovely day of arts and crafts yesterday.  I cannot believe it is Friday already.

All week we have been looking at multiplication.  We have drawn arrays and turned multiplication sums into repeated addition.  Today we are going to learn multiplication facts.  By the end of year 2, it will really help you if you know all the facts for your 2,3,5,10 times tables confidently.  We have also talked about the 11 times table in school because it has such a nice pattern to help you…but it was a little while ago.

Remember, times tables, like addition calculations, can be done in any order.  if you aren’t sure what 2 x 9 is, turn it around to 9 x 2.

Here is a little game to help you practise these skills.  Remember to use your fingers to help you until you become speedy.  Choose the times table option and select the times tables you would like to practise.  You can make it harder by choosing more than one times table at a time.

Funky Mummy

Today, our focus is on learning our 2,3,5,10 times table number facts. So you have a couple of options.

Option 1: A times table treasure hunt.  Hide the answers around the house or garden – in places where you won’t disturb people who are working.  Work out the answers and find the correct clue.  Then work out the message using the letters you find.

Multiplication Treasure Hunt

Option 2: If you are still feeling creative, have a go at making these 2,3,5,10 times table fortune tellers.  Follow the instructions carefully.  Use them to practise your times tables.

2 times table fortune teller

3 times table fortune teller

5 times table fortune teller

10 times table fortune teller


Have a brain break. This story makes me laugh!!


Please can you do your spelling test. Let me know your scores so that you can add your stickers to the chart when you come back to school.

Your new spellings for next week are:

Blue spellings 8.2.21

Green spellings 8.2.21

Yellow spellings 8.2.21

For your English today, I’d like you to watch the story of the book The Bear and the Piano by David Litchfield.  It is a beautiful story of a bear, who learns to play the piano and the adventures he has.

Here are some pictures from the book.  I’d like you to cut them out and order them. Then write a  couple of sentence for each one explaining what is happening.  Please make sure you remember capital letters and full stops.  This is so that we get to know the story really well, ready for next week.

The Bear and the Piano pictures

This afternoon is our computing afternoon.   This afternoon I would like you to have a look at this chart program.

Charts Program

Today we are going to be making bar charts.

Make sure you have clicked on the bar chart symbol on the left of the screen.

You now need to collect some data.

  • This could be how many different toys you have – how many teddies, puzzles, dolls, cars, animals etc.
  • Or the favourite food of people in your family.
  • The favourite colour of people in your family.
  • It could even be how many different colour Lego pieces you have in one handful.

Or, if you are struggling here is some data for you to use.

Pet Chart

Have a go at adding the information to your bar chart.  Remember to give it a title so people know what information the chart is showing.

As we didn’t have PE yesterday, I think today we perhaps need some exercise, especially as we have found out how it helps us to feel happier.  Here is a yoga session for you to have a go at, but if you would rather go for a walk, ride your bike, scooter or play a game of football in the garden, please do.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.  Let me know how you are getting on and if there is anything you need.

Love from Mrs Pope x





KS1 Poetry

Poetry isn’t just about rhyming, some poems don’t rhyme at all. One of our favourite poems in school is by Michael Rosen and I know that you all know it. It’s ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.

Watch him perform it here, see if you can join in with the actions and the words.


Why not challenge yourself to memorise a short poem? There are some ideas here.

Now We Are Six by AA Milne

The Rainbow by Christina Rossetti

Bed In Summer by Robert Louis Stevenson

Glow Worm by Taylor Russell


We all love singing nursery rhymes! Choose your favourite to sing with some actions, maybe you could make up some new actions too.

Popular Nursery Rhymes


Stories for KS1 and EYFS

Stories and books are so important to us in our school. Why not make yourself a cosy reading den? You can put all your favourite toys in there if you like, or decorate it with fairy lights, or just put some cushions under your table and cover it with a blanket. Anything to make the space feel really cosy!

Then choose your favourite story to read. You could also have a look on Audible for a free audiobook to listen to instead.


The Book Trust website has lots of links to authors reading their own books and other story-related activities.

Book Trust

Oi Frog! Is one of our favourite stories in school.

The World Book Day website also has lots of lovely activities on there to suit your mood. There’s even a cooking section if you fancy whipping up some Gruffalo Crumble!

World Book Day Resources

Just enjoy having a bit of time with a story!

Wednesday 3rd February

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well.

Today, warm up your wrinkly brains with this little game.  We had a look in school and decided that this one was good because you could choose the times tables you wanted to practise.  10s, 2s,5s and 3s are a good place to start as you need to know these times tables by the end of year 2.

My Smart Horse Times Tables Game

Have a little look through todays maths PowerPoint.  You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.

Wednesday Maths PowerPoint

Here are the maths sheets.  Sheet 3 is the trickiest.

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Have a brain break.  Here is the sequel to ‘Oi Frog’.  It’s just as funny!!

Please can you practise your spellings.

If you would like to, you can practise some of your blending, segmenting  and spelling skills with a few minutes on Phonics Play.  I know how much you enjoy the buried treasure game!!

Phonics Play

For your English work today, I would like you to think about adverbs. Everyone’s favourite topic!!

Have a look at the PowerPoint.

Wednesday English PowerPoint

Here is the sheet to go with your work today.

Adverb and verb words

Here is a 60 second read all about The Great White Shark.

The Great White Shark Activity Card

This afternoon is our science afternoon.  Have a little look at this PowerPoint all about exercise.  You will need a way of timing 1 minute, a pencil and the sheet below to complete todays task.

Wednesday Science PowerPoint

Exercise Chart

I have sent you all an invitation to our Teams meeting today.  We will meet at 2.30 if you are available and have a chat and a catch up. It will be so lovely to see you all.  Any problems, please let me know before 1pm so that I can help you out.

See you tomorrow!

Love from Mrs Pope x





The assembly is 25 minutes long. For younger children, you may wish to pause and discuss the themes to break up the length. Here are some suggested discussion points and things to try at home or in class:

  1. 08:04: How do you like to express yourself creatively? How does it make you feel?
  2. 09:24: If you could design your own hat (or other item of clothing) to express yourself, what would it be like and why?
  3. 16:08: Why not have a go at your own Draw your Feelings activity? Check out our 2 minute demo video.
  4. 19:41: If you had magical powers, what spell would you cast for Children’s Mental Health Week?
  5. 23:44: Could you have a go at the BAFTA Young Presenter competition? Find out more.

Creative Writing

Try this wonderful website with amazing pictures to stimulate creative writing.  Under each picture is a story starter to get you going.  You could write a whole story, a setting description or a character description.  You could even write a letter or diary as a character from the picture.
