Applying for the post of Caretaker

Thank you for the interest in the Caretaker post we are advertising.

The closing date for the post is: 12noon 19 April 2021

Shortlisting: w/c 19 April 2021
Interview: w/c 26 April 2021

Starting Pay £10.41 per hour (Grade 6 SCP Point 7)

Due to the current situation I am not in a position to confirm a start date.

The three documents below form the application pack

Application form available as  WORD or PDF

Job Description – Caretaker

Person Specification -Caretaker

Please return the fully completed application form to school via email


Morning Drop Off

Mr Langford posted last week about large numbers of people gathering at the school gate before 8:40am.  We have allocated a 20 minute window for parents to drop children off and registration is not until 9am.  We have noticed that even by 8:45am it is considerably quieter around the school site.  So we are once again asking that parents please stagger the time at which you arrive during this period, otherwise we may have to introduce set drop off times for certain year groups.   We are working extremely hard as a school to follow guidelines and keep our bubbles separate and we worry that the numbers of people gathering at the start of the day does not allow for safe social distancing.   All of the measures we have introduced are for the safety of you, your children and the wider community and we would really appreciate your support with this matter.

Thank you to all the parents who have encouraged their children to come into school independently this is already making a big difference in the mornings.

Mrs Hilditch and Miss Roberts


Friday 5th March

Good morning everybody. Welcome come to your last day of home learning.  We are all so excited to see you in school on Monday.  I hope you are feeling excited too.

This morning, for maths, I’d like you to warm your brains up with of our favourite games!  Funky Mummy.  Today I’d like you to practise your 2,3,5,10 times tables.  You can choose to practise one at a time or all of them at once.

Now I’d like you to have a look at this PowerPoint about bar charts.

Please can you choose and complete either sheet 1 or sheet 2.  Sheet 2 is a little more tricky.

Friday Maths PowerPoint

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

After World Book Day yesterday, today we are having Free Write Friday.  You can choose a picture from the gallery below or one from your favourite book and write, well, whatever you fancy.

  • story
  • information
  • explanation
  • instructions
  • poem
  • song
  • letter
  • postcard
  • diary
  • comic

The choice is yours.

Please can you do you’re spelling test.  I will give you your new spellings on Monday so please can you bring in your red Spelling Books.

Perhaps you can make a reading den and read your favourite book.  Somewhere comfy and cosy.

Have a brain break – we were talking about this book in school yesterday!

This afternoon, I would like you to have a little think about what your lock down memories are.  Did you discover a new walk or read a book you loved?  Have you made a delicious recipe or did something funny, new or sad happen?

I would like you to draw your lock down memories in this jar.  Have chat at home about all the things that have happened over the last few weeks.

Lockdown Memories Jar

Now I’d like you to have a little think about Monday.  How are you feeling about coming back to school?  Are you excited or nervous or both?  If you have any questions, you could always email them to me and I will try my best to answer them or you can join our Teams meeting at 2.30. We’ll be finishing our book then there’ll be plenty of time for a chat.

Perhaps, this afternoon, you could spend a little time getting yourself ready to come back to school.  You won’t need a bag or pencil case- brand new pencils and glues are waiting for you in school- but you will need your water bottle and perhaps a lunch box.  Have you got any reading books that need finding…in my house they always disappear!  Do you know where your red Spelling Book is?  Most importantly, does your uniform still fit? I bet some of you have grown so much things may not fit like they did!

Some things you may want to know ready for Monday.

Until Easter, we are going to be having our lunchtime playtime first then our lunch at 12.30 so make sure you have a big breakfast.  There will be fruit snacks in school for break times so you don’t get too hungry or you can bring in your own healthy snack from home.

We will be changing reading books on a Monday and Thursday so please make sure you have read them and they are in school to be changed.  You can take your reading book home at night to read to someone at home and we will be doing lots of reading in school.

Our PE day is now Thursday.  The fantastic Mr Boffey will be taking you outside for PE so come to school in your PE kit and make sure you have warm coats and hats until the weather is a little milder.

On Fridays, we will be using the Forest School area and be outside for some of the day.  Please can you come to school in trousers, a long sleeved top and can you bring a warm, waterproof coat and your wellies.  We will be getting grubby so no party clothes please!

Here is a copy of our timetable for the next few weeks.  We have lots of lovely things planned – beginning with an art project that I think you will enjoy.

Weekly Timetable Spring 21

I hope you are looking forward to seeing each other again as much as Miss Claydon, Mrs Keyland and I are looking forward to seeing you.  Have a lovely weekend.

Love from Mrs Pope x








We are going to continue with our World Book Day theme for Art this afternoon. There are lots of different types of bookmarks you can make. We are going to start with a corner bookmark and then I will give you some suggestions for other ideas.

Corner bookmark tutorial

These are simple monster bookmarks for beginners. Once you have mastered making one, you can be creative, there are lots of ideas on the internet. I have seen foxes, penguins, pandas, ladybirds, pokemon, unicorns, choose your favourite.

here are some other ideas: Tear art bookmark



Wednesday 3rd March

Good morning everyone.

I hope you had a good day yesterday, it was nice to see a little sunshine in the afternoon.

Let’s warm up our brains. Practise your mental maths and money skills with a little shopping!  Choose ‘Mixed Coins’ to make your brain work even harder!

The Toy Shop Game

Today, in our maths, we are looking at pictograms.  They are a special type of chart where pictures show you the information.  Have a look at this PowerPoint.

Wednesday PowerPoint

Pictogram Sheet

Please can you practise your spellings.  You could take a pot of water and a paintbrush into the garden and write your spellings in water on the path or wall.  They you can watch as they disappear again!

Brain Break time!


For our English today, we are going to play a matching game.  I have looked and looked but there isn’t a fun game to learn about contractions, so enjoy this song instead!



So now you know what a contraction is, have a little look at this PowerPoint.

Contraction PowerPoint

Cut out the words and match the contractions to the whole phrase eg match she will to she’ll.  You may want to match all of the words or, perhaps choose a few to look at first and save the others for another time.

Contraction Match Game

Have a little look at this poem.  It’s called ‘The Sound Keeper’.

The Sound Keeper Poem

Choose questions 1,2, or 3 to answer about the poem.  The Question 3 sheet is the most challenging.

Questions 1

Questions 2

Questions 3

This afternoon is our Science afternoon.  Today we are looking at our local habitats so you might want to get your wellies on!

Local Habitats PowerPoint Wednesday

Wednesday Science Sheet

Have a lovely day today everyone.  Remember, if you are free we will have ‘Show and Tell’ at 2.30, so bring something you’d like to share.

Mrs Pope x



Wednesday 3rd March


LO: To write the main body of my report. 

Have a look at your success criteria so that you are clear on what your report should include. Reread your notes. Today, you will be writing the main body of your report under your subheadings. You can use the sentence starters I gave you on the word mat last week. It’s here for you if you need it: Report-sentence-openers Say the sentence you would like to write before you write it down so that you can check that it sounds right.

We will write the concluding sentence and do the pictures/diagrams tomorrow.

Reading: I would like you to read your own book today for 20 – 25 minutes. Try to stay focused on your book.

Spellings: Wednesday’s spelling activity Read the poem and underline the homophones. Then read the instructions on the second sheet.

Maths 03.03.21

Today, I would like you to continue with your TO x TO. Do challenge 1 as your starter and then focus on challenge 2. You are using the grid method which you know.

Look at the example on page 1 of the Busy Ants book. You will see they have estimated first (as you did yesterday) then pick a number from each box to calculate in the grid. Don’t forget to add all the numbers up at the end to get your answer!

Busy Ants page 1

If you are feeling super confident, then you can have a go at the problems here on page 2.

Busy Ants page 2

PPS Presents… The Masked Reader!

To celebrate World Book Day we have made a silly video challenge for you!

Various members of staff have recorded a fun poem, each with a silly disguise – can you guess who they are?

Each member of the Pontesbury team who took part is listed below – can you guess which video belongs to which member of staff?

Mrs Giles

Mr Boffey

Mrs Smout

Miss Gwilliam



Tuesday 2nd March

Good morning everyone, how did you get on with your work yesterday?  I hope you are all ready for another day of learning at home. Not many days left now!

Let’s wake those marvellous brains up with a little game. This is practising your skills with Carroll diagrams.  Today you are sorting shapes.  Start on level 1 to begin with.

Carroll Diagram game

Today we are going to continue to look at charts but we will be looking at Tally charts.   These are particularly useful when you are collecting information and you have all used them in our Science work last year.  Have a little look at this PowerPoint and then complete one of the sheets.  Sheet 2 is more tricky.

Tuesday Maths PowerPoint

Tally Chart 1

Tally Chart 2

Have a little brain break.

Please can you practise your spellings. Can you either read a little of your reading book or finish your comprehension from yesterday.

For your English today, we are going to look at 4 different types of sentences.

  • questions
  • statements
  • commands
  • exclamations

You will need a pencil and paper as you will need to write a little as you work through the PowerPoint.

Tuesday PowerPoint

Next week we are going to begin making traditional African masks out of paper Mache.  If you have an newspaper at home, bring it in on Monday so we can store it for a few days before using it.

I thought it would be nice to make some African inspired jewellery today.  This is based on the colourful jewellery that the Maasai people wear in Kenya.  Here are your instructions.  You will need pasta, paint, glue,  string and a paper plate or some cardboard.

Traditional African jewellery Instructions

In our PSHE work this afternoon, I’d like you to have a little think about how it’s going to feel when we all come back to school.  Are you feeling excited, nervous, anxious or all of them?  It’s important to think about how we are feeling and to talk about why we may be feeling a certain way.  To help you to do this I’d like you to draw around one of your hands on a piece of paper.


Inside your hand, I want you to write all the things you can control.  How you talk to people, manners, how kind you are, getting up on time, getting dressed etc

Around the outside, I would like you to write all of the things you cannot control.  How others behave, how other people feel, what other people do, what is going on around the world…

It may be good to have a chat about this with someone at home, they could even have a go too.

Then have a little look.  All the things that are inside your hand picture are things you can control and can change.  All the things outside of your hand you cannot control and so do not need to worry about.  It’s a good way of thinking about the things that may be worrying you and to make sure you are only worried about the things you can change.

I hope you have a wonderful day today.

Mrs Pope x