Well done!

Dear all Colomendy Adventurers,

We would just like to say how amazing you were during our time in Colomendy. Despite having to cut our trip early, we know that you have made many memories to treasure. Have a super half term!

From Mrs Pittaway, Mrs Pope, Mrs Keyland, Mrs Christopher and Mrs Bulter.


2017 SATS papers for you to try at home

Thank you to all that attended the SATS meeting earlier in the week. We have decided to upload the 2017 SATS tests for you to have a look at and perhaps download in your own time. This will allow you a chance to see how the booklets are set out and what to expect. The children have already completed all of these tests anyway so it shouldn’t be a surprise to them.

Unfortunately, I cannot seem to upload the reading paper or the reasoning paper 2 at the moment but you probably have enough to get on with at the moment!

2017 Arithmetic Paper

Reasoning Paper 2- Unavailable at the moment

2017 reasoning-Paper 3

2017_ Maths mark scheme

2017 Spelling Test

2017 SPAG test

2017 PAG and Spelling Answers

2017 Reading Paper – Unavailable at the moment


Things to ask me this week. 31.1.22

Here are some things to ask the children about their learning this week.

Things to ask me

Week beginning 31.1.22

This week we have been writing about our walk around Pontesbury.

  • What was the best bit of our walk?
  • Can you remember what different vehicles we saw? (cars, vans, a lorry, a tractor some of us saw a bus, a bike and a motorbike)
  • Can you remember the name of the chart we made back in school? (pictogram)

  • Can you tell someone at home what this pictogram shows? Which vehicle did we see most?
  • Which vehicle did we see least?
  • Did we see the same number of?
  • Can you remember what the primary colours are? (red, blue, yellow)
  • What happens when you mix them?
  • Can you think of any words with the digraphs ch, sh, th, ng in? Remember, ng is usually at the end of a word such as wing, sing, strong.
Sounds learnt this week Tricky words recap
 sh, ch, th, ng no, go, no, I


Things to ask me week 5

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs Pope


Things to ask me…

Things to ask me

Week beginning 24.1.22

From next week I will be putting this on the website for you to access, if you’d like a paper copy, just let me know.

This week we have been sharing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk in our English work.

  • can you re-tell the story of Jack and the beanstalk to someone at home?
  • why was Jack’s mum cross with him?(he sold the cow for magic beans)
  • what did Jack take from the giant?(a hen that laid golden eggs and a harp)
  • what special words did the giant say when he thought Jack was near by? (Fee Fi Fo Fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman)
  • what happened to the giant at the end of the story? (He fell out of the beanstalk and was never seen again)
  • what happened to Jack and his mum at the end of the story? (They had the hen that laid golden eggs and the harp and became rich)
  • can you think of any words that start with sh
  • how many words can you think of beginning with ch

We have been making up silly sentences using ch and sh, for example: chickens chomp chocolate. or sharks wear shirts made from shells.

  • can you make up a silly sentence of your own for the ch and sh sound?


  • can you remember how to make a paper aeroplane? We used this video to help us.

How to make a paper plane | Craft for kids – CBBC – BBC

  • how could you measure how far it flies? (measure the length using any objects or non-standard units such as toy bricks, teddy bears or footsteps)
  • can you find 5 things that are taller than you.
  • can you find 5 things that are shorter than you.
  • can you order some objects from shortest to tallest, shortest to longest.
Sounds learnt this week Tricky words recap
 sh, ch he, she,we


Year 2 Colomendy Parents Information Meeting

Dear Year 2 Parents,

On Monday 31st January, at 3:30pm, Mrs Pope and Mrs Pittaway will be holding a short meeting for parents of those attending the residential to Colomendy. It will be held in Room 3 and will be an opportunity to share the itinerary, groups and sleeping arrangements for the visit with you.

For anyone unable to make the meeting, we will can provide you with an itinerary and if you feel as though you would like to talk to us further, please arrange this via the school office.

We hope to see you there.

Kind regards,

Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Pope

Friday 26th November

Good morning everyone,

This morning we are going to do a little bit of number investigating. Please can you work your way through these challenges.  You will need to make some digit cards for 0-10 and a ÷ ,x, = and  to help you.

Maths for Friday

There are some extra challenges included on the printable sheet.  You don’t need to complete them all but you can if you wish.

For our English today we are going to continue with our newspaper report.  Yesterday we wrote the introduction. Today we are writing a paragraph about how the fire spread so quickly. This video may help you to remember some facts.


You will need to think about:

  • what the building were made of
  • how close the jetties were to each other
  • it had been a long, hot summer and there hadn’t been any rain for months
  • the strong wind blowing the flames and embers
  • that there was no fire brigade to put out the fires

Write a paragraph explaining only how and why the fire spread so quickly.  We will write the final paragraph about how they put it out on Monday.  Keep this paragraph safe, we will need it again next week.

For our RE today we are going to be thinking about the first Christmas.  Just to remind yourself…

This should be pretty familiar as we are practising our nativity in school.

Please can you re-tell the story.  In school we are using a large piece of A3 paper, divided into 8.- Here is an A4 copy or you can make your own version.  You can add pictures and text.  Make it really bright and colourful.

Nativity Grid

Please can you do your spelling test – I will post your new spellings for next week.

Please can you practise your nativity lines.

Please can you read some of your book.

Please can you have a lovely weekend!!!!

Keep me posted on how you are getting on and if there is anything you need, just let me me know..

Mrs Pope x




Home learning 23.11.21

Hello! Here is the work for those self-isolating at home.

Please make sure that you practice your spellings and read your reading book.


Today, we looked at number bonds to 5 then 10. Can you take 5 items then move one slightly away from the group and write the number sentence for it eg 4 + 1 – 5. Repeat for all the other number sentences up to 5. When you have mastered that, move onto number bonds to 10. Number-bond-sticks-activity-sheets here to help Number-bond-sticks-activity-sheets


We have been reading the Owl Babies book by Martin Waddell so today we began to retell the story in our own words. You can find the story here Owl Babies video Can you retell the story in your own words to someone at home? Write the beginning of the story down. The beginning of the the story introduces the Owl characters and the setting – that’s where they live. Can you remember what happens one night? Just write up to the part where the owls have woken up and how they are feeling about being left on their own for the first time. Remember to use Capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

We have been practising our Nativity play today so please could you practise your words.

We had a visit from The Shropshire Music Service today. Mr Ricard played his guitar to us. If you would like to play an instrument please do ask Mrs Smout or Ms Vincent for a leaflet.

We also did P.E. You could try and do some exercise. You could try some yoga Yoga video

Keep smiling, Year ones!

Home Learning 18.11.21

Sorry for the late post, I had parent evening consultations tonight so it will only be two subjects today.

SPAG and Spellings.

Last test I promise! Today we looked at both Spelling and the follow up Punctuation test. Now although this isn’t the test the rest of the class have done, it should help the children at home by exposing them to a similar style of test.

Spellings- Please find the spelling sheet and the spellings the children need to spell below. An adult will need to read the spelling out and then the sentence using that particular spelling.

Spelling test                         For adult – spelling administration and Mark Scheme

Please allow 45 minutes for the PAG (Punctuation and Grammar) test. It is really important that they try this independently and please encourage them to go back through their work and check that they have answered all of the questions and checked the ones they were unsure of.

Paper 1 PaG for kids                                       Paper 1 PaG Mark Scheme


Today we used our vocabulary we collected yesterday and turned it into a setting description. As a class, we went through what makes an effective description: effective vocabulary, starting sentences off in lots of different ways, using a range of punctuation, short sentences for tension etc.

Please look at the class example below to help give you a little structure to your setting description. You will include yours in your final write up next week. We went through phrases that we thought were effective and talked about why and we also looked at what punctuation is needed and why.

Life in the trenches example

If you look at the structure of the example, this will help you set yours out.


  1. Troops entering the trenches and noticing how different soldiers look when they leave.
  2. A mission has been given- is it a rescue or to capture someone?
  3. Trench life/going over the top- what can your character see, hear, smell, touch or taste?
  4. Retreat back to the trench

Please don’t go any further then this as we are looking at flashbacks only. Good luck. The children in class have produced some fantastic ones today, I hope yours is the same!