Things to ask me w/b: 02.01.23 and a couple of notes!

It has been a lovely start to the Spring Term. The children have really impressed myself and Miss Roberts with how they have settled straight back into school life. This half term, our topic is Vehicles. 

Things to ask me: 

  • This week we have been reading the story ‘You can’t take an elephant on the bus,’ can you remember any of the vehicles and animals from the story? 
  • What does adding mean? Does the number get bigger or smaller?
  • What song have we started learning in music? 
  • Which vehicles go on the land, in the sea or in the air? 
  • Can you remember any of the fine motor activities you did with Miss Roberts? Were they easy or tricky? 

A reminder that Forest School is now on Tuesdays, starting next week, so please send your child in wearing weather appropriate clothing, their wellies (if they’re not still at school) and their waterproofs. 

Finally, children who are age 5+ are no longer eligible for free milk. If you would like to pay for milk, for you child to have at snack time, speak with the office and they will be happy to help. Children under 5 will continue to get free milk.

Have a lovely weekend and we will look forward to seeing you next week.

Spellings for next week

The children have been given their copy of spellings for at home. I am aware these do not always make it home so here they are: Spellings for testing next week.

Thank you very much to those children who have already brought newspapers in for our art next week any extra newspapers will be much appreciated.

Well done to Jake and Jacob on their Golden Achiever awards today and to Mischa, Molly and Jacob  for getting pupil of the week.

A reminder that PE is on a Monday and Tuesday so the children should come into school wearing their PE kits those days.

Have a super weekend.

Mr Morris.

Christmas Dinner Day


Thank you to the wonderful kitchen staff for a delicious Christmas Dinner


Stockings needed in Year 2

With many of you bound to be putting up Christmas decorations over the weekend, I thought it was a good time to ask you to keep hold of any stockings that you have at home. We will need them in school for Thursday 6th December to look at as part of our design and technology unit- Stockings.

Thank you.

Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Crane

Thank you

Dear Parents,

Firstly, a massive thank you for any gifts or cards that I have received. They were so personal and shows that you and the children know me well.

Secondly, a further thanks for all of your support with the education of your children this year. I have really enjoyed teaching each and everyone of them. Today is their last day in my class but I will always be available to help them in any way.

The children have worked hard all year and have tried their best. As a result, they all made good progress this year and are now ready to start their final year. It has been very pleasing to see how they have developed through the year.

I would also like to thank Mrs.Howland and Miss.Lewis who have given tremendous support to me and to the children.

I wish you all a fantastic holiday.




On Wednesday the children are able to bring in a game from home to play with during the day.

Another hot one on Tuesday so I hope everyone brings their water bottles.
Mr Morris

Things to ask me for W/B 23.5.22

This half term seems to have been and gone so fast!

The seedlings in our garden are growing well.  They have been watered regularly by the rain this week.  The chicks are growing too.  They have been well cared for by the children. We have all enjoyed one or two cuddles with them. Sometimes they even fall asleep on us!

This week we have been busy as ever.  Here are some things you can ask us.

  • We have been looking at doubles sums this week in maths.  Can you tell me what 1+1=, 2+2=, 3+3=, 4+4= and 5+5=?
  • Can you make a doubles sum – you could use your fingers, some counters or even some slices of carrot.
  • We have practised counting in 2s to 10 and 10s to 100. Can you practise this at home or in the car on a journey?
  • Use this 100 square to help you if you like. How do you count in 2s and how do you count in 10s?

  • look at this picture.  Can you spot which numbers are odd and which are even?  Can you explain why they are odd or even?

  • Can you remember why we have a special celebration picnic lunch this week? (Queen’s Jubilee)
  • This week we have been looking at the last of the phase 3 sounds.  We looked at ‘ure‘ like pure, ‘air‘, ‘ear‘ and ‘er‘.  How many words can you think of with these sounds in?
  • Can you remember the actions that go with these trigraphs and digraph?
  • We have practised writing the tricky work you and they this week.  Can you write them at home?  You could try writing them how we do in the classroom – Write them BIG, write them SMALL, write them WITHOUT LOOKING AT ALL.

I hope you have a wonderful half term and we will see you on the 6th June.

Mrs Pope x

Things to ask me for W/B 16.5.22

Fingers crossed we should have the cheeping of chicks in our classroom very soon. We are very excited indeed!

This week we have been baking bread.

  • Can you remember the ingredients we used to make our bread rolls.
  • What was the ingredient that made the dough rise?


We have written some instructions to help other classes make bread.

  • Tell someone at home how we made our delicious bread.
  • What did we do first, then, next, finally…

We have also learned 2 new trigraphs, ear and air.

  • What is a trigraph?
  • What is the action for the ‘ear’ trigraph? -pointing to your ears.
  • What is the action for the ‘air’ trigraph? – fanning your face with your hands.
  • Can you think of any words that have the ‘ear’ and ‘air’ trigraph in?
  • We have been practising the tricky words ‘you’, me, we, he, be this week.

In maths we have been looking at doubling numbers to 5.

  • Can you make a Lego tower of 1,2,3,4,5 etc and then double it?
  • Can you count 1,2,3,4,5 grapes and double them?

We have been busy planting lots of seed so our garden will look amazing. Our runner beans are growing and we will be bringing them home at the end of next week.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Pope x

Super Year 5

Just to let you know with one week to go most of next week will be given over to

our D and T week.
If you looked at the plan for the term you will see we have covered everything.

We are going to be looking at bread. This will involve lots of tasting and lots of making – it should be a fun week.
I will post something next week BUT just to say we can only have such a fun week next week because your children have been superb this term. We have covered everything we needed to and the children have done well. I spoke to most of you at parents evening so you know how well they have done so far this year.
As ever – if you need to contact me please do so at

Things to ask me for the week beginning 28.2.22


Things to ask me 

Week beginning 4.3.22

  • What is our new topic for this half term? (Animals)
  • What is our brand new roleplay area? (a jungle vets)
  • what is the action for the trigraph ‘igh’ (a salute and in igh igh captain)
  • can you think of any words with the ‘igh’ sound in? (night, light, right, lightning, knight etc)
  • can you name 3 animals that walk? (elephant, dog etc)
  • can you name 3 animals that fly? (blackbird, wasp etc)
  • can you name 3 animals that swim? (shark, goldfish etc)
  • show me a way to make 5 using your fingers. Can you show me another way? Can you show me another way? You can ask this for other numbers too.
  • This week we have been talking about worries. What can you do if you have a worry? (share it with a grown-up you trust)
  • Can you name one ingredient that you would use if you made pancakes?
  • Why do Christians make pancakes (to use up all the nice food before Lent begins)
  • Where did Jesus go for 40 days and nights (desert)

It has been another busy week in Room 4 and the children have, as always, been amazing.

Sounds learnt this week Tricky words recap
 ee, igh Was, the, to, into