Children’s Mental Health Week

Next week, it is Children’s Mental Health Week.  We would like to show our support for this by joining in with their ‘Dress to Express’ day next Friday 10th February.  The children can come to school in their own clothes to express their personality.

If your child/children has PE on this day then they can either bring their PE kit to get changed, bring some trainers or do PE in their own clothes if they are already suitable (i.e. trainers and tracksuit bottoms).

The week is run by a charity called Place 2 Be.  We are joining in with the activities and Dress to Express day to raise awareness of children’s mental health, however, if you would like to make a donation to the Place 2 Be Charity you can do so through their website directly.

After-school clubs for Spring 2 go live on the Weduc app this Sunday 5th February

After-school clubs for Spring 2 (27th February – 31st March) go on sale on the Weduc app this Sunday 5th February at 12 noon.  Please ensure you have downloaded the app and can access it before then!

They will be available in your payments section for the clubs your child is eligible for.  They will look something like this:

ASC (day of club) – (name of club)

Please note, Top Hat Drama (performing arts) club can only go ahead if we have a minimum of 8 pupils booked on it. Refunds will be given if this minimum target isn’t met.

Year 6 STEAM session from Mary Webb

This afternoon Mrs Lee, and some wonderful ex-pupils, came in to deliver a science workshop.  Today, we investigated and dissected some owl pellets to discover what they had eaten.  We dissected a pellet, removed the bones and used an identification key to work out what the bones were from and therefore what they had eaten.

Visitors in Year 6 this week

This week in Year 6, we have some visitors coming to help us with our learning.

On Wednesday afternoon, we will have Mrs Lee from Mary Webb coming to deliver a science workshop for the afternoon.  She may be supported by some Year 10 pupils if she can convince them to come too!

On Thursday we will have a session delivered by our Police Community Support Officers.  Please see the message below from Mr Lowrie-Herz.

On Thursday, our local PCSOs will be delivering a session to our Year 5/6 classes which will include safety in the community, internet safety, drug and medicine safety (including county lines) and knife safety (including knife crime).
This is also an opportunity to meet the PCSOs and build links that will form part of the transition across to secondary schools.
This session has been delivered to other local primary schools with great success and we’re sure it will be the same at Pontesbury.
Many thanks for your support,
Mr L-H

Advance Notice – after-school clubs running in Spring 2 (February 27th – 31st March 2023)

Clubs notices—all clubs are £3-£6 per session.  Payments will be available on the Weduc app before the end of this half term (a notification will be sent out when they’re available for booking).
The following clubs will be running during the second half of the Spring Term (February/March) from 3.15pm-4.15pm (unless indicated differently below):

EYFS & KS1 Construction Club (years R-2)  £15  (10 spaces)  (the children explore constructing things through play, e.g. lego, building blocks etc)
KS2 Cross Country (years 3-6)   £15  (12 spaces)
Born to Move (years 3-6)   £15  (20 spaces)   club finishes at 4.00pm
KS2 Cookery Club (years 3-6)  £15  (10 spaces) – 3 sessions only (6th, 13th & 20th March) – KS2 Cookery Club finishes at 4.30pm.

Older Football (years 4-6)   £15  (14 spaces)
KS2 Pottery Club (years 3-6)   £30  (15 spaces)
Mindfulness Club (year 5-6)  £15  (16 spaces)

EYFS & KS1 Multi-Sports (years R-2)  £15  (10 spaces) (a variety of different sports and activities each week so the children get to try all sorts of different things (reinforcing anything they would learn in PE)
KS2 Board Games (years 3-6)  £15  (12 spaces)

Younger Football (years 1-3)  £15  (12 spaces)

KS2 Dance (years 3-6)   £15   (12 spaces) 
Top Hat Drama (years 4-6)   £15   (15 spaces)please note this club can only go ahead if we have a minimum of 8 pupils