Year 6 PE and Revision Books


This week needed to swap our session with Mr Rogers so the children will not have PE tomorrow.  I do not mind, however, if the children want to still come in PE Kit tomorrow that is fine.

I have given out maths and grammar revision books this week.  These will be used to complete homework tasks that I will set each Friday.  Please remind your child to bring these in each Friday so that we can mark the work together.

I will post on here each week which task they need to do.

Thank you for your support with this.

Mrs Hilditch

Reading feedback

Dear Parents,

Firstly, thank you for the very noticeable increase in reading at home. This collaboration will and is definitely benefiting the children.

As part of our ongoing mission to improve reading at school, we wanted to get your feedback on the recent changes that we have made (e.g. E-books/changing books twice a week).

Please can you complete the short survey to help us identify areas to improve further? It is important that you note that this is for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 only.


Many thanks in advance,

Tom Lowrie-Herz

(Acting Headteacher)