
Today, we had our termly quiz. Mrs Hilditch (our Quiz Master) quizzed pupils on the knowledge they’ve learnt this term in subjects ranging from RE to Geography. Each class selected a team to represent them in the quiz. We were bowled over by the knowledge each class had retained and all representatives did really well to answer the questions. This quiz is also reinforces the positive work we’ve been doing to develop our curriculum and the pupils’ memory.

Fancy a go yourself? Take a look at a few of the questions each class was asked:


In the story of Noah’s ark, what animal did Noah send to find dry land?

Where did Ernest Shackleton travel to?

Year 1

What do you call an animal that only eats plants?

Where would you find a Jewish mezuzah?

Year 2

When did Queen Victoria reign from and until?

What is the scientific word to describe a tadpole turning into a frog?

Year 3

What types of paintings is J W Turner famous for?

What is the name of an animal that has its skeleton on the outside of its body?

Year 4 

Name four different biomes.

Can you name three parts of the ear?

Year 5 

Where are the majority of volcanoes found?

Who denied knowing Jesus?

Year 6 

On what date did Germany invade Poland?

Name the four components of blood.

Coronation celebration

To mark the coronation of King Charles III, we are planning a few activities at school for the 5th May.

Coronation gift

Each child will receive a coronation gift to commemorate the special event which is kindly funded by our Friends (FOPPS).

Create a crown

Pupils are invited to design and make their own crowns and wear them to school along with regal dress (we’re trying to give as much notice as possible). One crown from each class will be chosen and that person will receive a special prize.

Coronation lunch

The Kitchen Team will be organising a special Coronation Banquet.

The winners of the Create a Crown competition will have lunch with the ‘King of the School’ (that’s me).


The children in Reception will be making a large crown which will go on display in the Pavilion for all to see. Some of our KS2 pupils have provided quotes to the Parish Council which will be on the newsletter.

Communications moving to Weduc

We are switching all our communications  (notices, information, calendar etc) to Weduc as of Easter. The website will continue to show general information and the statutory requirements.

The weekly newsletter will cease but all information relevant to your child will be available in the Newsfeed and in Notices, you will get notifications too.

Should you need help getting on the Weduc app please pop in and we can help you.

The app is about to be updated and rebranded to Reach More Parents by Weduc which looks really good.

It is really important that you keep an eye on the app so you know what is happening.

As we no longer send text messages all message will come through the app (which of course you can also view on your browser) we do strongly recommend putting the app on your home page so you will see when you have a new notification.