Tuesday 13 July – Room 6 home learning

Tuesday 13th July 2021

Hello Room 6 – Welcome to your home learning.

Each day you will be set three tasks: an English, a Maths and a Topic.

Try and do as much as you can. I will make a list of resources for each lesson so you can make sure you have everything you need before you start.

Happy learning!




  • PowerPoint
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • co-ordinates worksheets (If you are unable to print these then you can create your own by drawing out a grid using a ruler. Your grid needs to be 10cm by 10cm. You will need to label the x and y axis from 0 – 10

Today you are going to be learning about co-ordinates and how to use these.

  1. Follow this PowerPoint to learn about co-ordinates

Co-ordinates PowerPoint

  1. Complete the emoji co-ordinates worksheets

Emoji Coordinates



  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Hoverbike animation on YouTube (please see link)

Levitation International are the company that manufactures the hoverbike, as you can see from the animation the alien is less than pleased with his purchase. Can you write a letter of complaint to the company ‘Levitation International’. Try and include the following points

  • Reason why you bought the hoverbike and what you wanted to use it for
  • Two or three reasons why you are not happy (E.g. no instructions, difficult to drive and unpredictable behaviour)
  • Try and use a formal letter writing format starting with ‘Dear’ and ending with ‘Yours Sincerely’

Please watch this video before you start writing your letter




  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Re-watch the YouTube hoverbike animation

Following on from your English work, your task is to design your own hoverbike.

Draw your hoverbike and label the key features. You can also think about the packaging and logo that would be included on the hoverbike. You could even design your own slogan.

Work for Room 6

Hello to all the lovely Year 4s.

Here are some ideas for work that you could be doing whilst you are isolating at home.  You can pick and choose the order you do them in, what and when, just make sure you have fun while you are learning.

Mrs Glover will also be posting English and Maths activities for you so watch this space!


We know you have been finding out about the Vikings,  here is the BBC bitesize link.

BBC Bitesize Viking topic

Alongside this, here is a PowerPoint, it have some thought provoking information.

Vikings intro

Here is the book to be done alongside the PowerPoint.

lesson 1 – timeline worksheet

lesson 2 – Vikings fact file

lesson 3 – family life worksheet

Now perhaps you can design your own Viking flag.

For your art work, you were going to draw and paint the monsters carved on the front of Viking boats.  Here are a few pictures to give you some ideas.  Have a good look at these and then design your own.


Watch this video.

Can you:

  • write a diary of the boy’s day.
  • Turn the story of the song into a written narrative.
  • write a newspaper report about the events.
  • write the prequel

Have a little look at this lovely short film.

Can you:

  • write a character description of the DreamGiver.
  • re-write the story as a narrative.
  • write your own narrative of a dream.
  • describe the setting

Here is a biography of Charles Dickens.

Can you:

  • write a biography about Charles Dickens.
  • find out about the books he wrote, some of them you may of heard of before – maybe you could watch Oliver Twist.
  • Write your own story set in the past.

Your D&T is making Carrot and Coriander Soup.

Carrot and Coriander Soup

Here is a recipe for you to follow,  I hope it tastes good.  You could always make some bread rolls to go with your delicious soup.

For your Maths, you are going to be looking at division.  Here are your sheets.

Maths Lesson 1

Maths Lesson 2

Maths Lesson 3

Maths Lesson 4

Maths Lesson 5

Here is your ICT.


You will need the code 1J77 to access it.

For your PE, as you can’t go out of your garden, you might want to make an obstacle course, have a game of hide and seek, practise your football, tennis or bike riding skills.  Or you could have a little go at one of the videos below.





Year 4 Parents

As you will be aware Mrs Gwyther has been absent from school for the last few days and the class has been covered by supply teachers and Mr Langford.
During the period of Mrs Gwyther’s absence we are ensuring the disruption to the children’s education will be as minimal as possible, especially considering the turmoil of the last year.

If any parents have any day to day concerns, please contact me through the usual channels.
Mr Langford

P.E. Reminder

I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break.

I just wanted to remind you that we now have P.E. on a Monday so please come in your P.E. Kits on Monday. We still have Forest School on a Tuesday.

I am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Mrs Gwyther

Virtual Book Fair

Thank you so much to everyone who has so kindly donated a book to the school.  I know the teachers of each class will love sharing these books with the children and adding them to their class libraries.

Please note that this weekend is your last opportunity to order any books and they will hopefully be delivered to school next week.

Thank you all once again for your support as every book you purchase personally also helps the school to receive free books.

I would also like to express our thanks to Louise at Everybody Reads CIC for her time and effort in organising the book fair.  You can also visit their site to order books at https://uk.bookshop.org/shop/Everybodyreads

There are lots of lovely books on here organised into different lists for inspiration – you may also see some lists on there with wonderful books recommended by the lovely Mrs Rowe.