Camp PPS Activities

Flag Raising

Making Camp

Evening Meal

Group 1 – Bug Buns & Blazes
Group 2 – Water Purification

Kin Ball

Camp Fire & Hot Chocolate

Bed and sleep (hopefully)


Group 1 – Water Purification
Group 2 – Bug Buns & Blazes

Group 1 – Crash & Carry
Group 2 – Pendants & Pump Drills

Break Time

Group 1 – Pendants & Pump Drills
Group 2 – Crash & Carry


Tents Down

Year 4

Dear year 4 parents

Unfortunately, Mrs Gwyther continues to be absent form school and, during her absence, we are striving to minimise any disruption for the children as much as possible. I am pleased to inform you therefore that Mrs Glover, a highly experienced teacher, will be covering the class on Mondays, Tuesdays and alternate Wednesdays. Consistent cover for the end of the week will be arranged as soon as possible.

If there are any questions about the situation please do not hesitate to contact me or catch Mrs Glover at the beginning or end of the day.

Mr Langford

UPDATE:  Cover for the end of each week in Room 6 will be provided by Mrs Parry (a regular supply teacher here at PPS) and Mrs Taplin.

Room 6 Home Learning Adventure

Dear Room 6,

As I am sure you will know we have one last day of school. It only seems fair that you get to have a day of fun like everyone else who is still in school. So I won’t be posting any work for you today. I’d like to thank Mrs Glover who has been setting the work for you this last week. I have loved receiving your completed work and sending my comments. I wanted you to know that just because Mrs Gwyther is off school that someone was checking your work and appreciating just how hard you were trying in what I know are difficult circumstances. Both for you and whoever has been your home tutor. We appreciate you all!

It’s been a lovely mix of work for me to look at. I particularly enjoyed the co-ordinates and the self portrait challenge yesterday so if you haven’t already sent me your self portrait it isn’t too late I’d love to see it!

We are very sad that you haven’t been able to finish your year in Room 6, we all very much hope that School Year 2021/2022 is back to normal for you all (and us) it has certainly been a challenge.

We are sorry you can’t be at our big picnic this lunchtime – you will all be missed. I do hope you can have your own picnic in the garden at home with your sun cream / hat / sunglasses. Hopefully we’ve all learned more about being safe in the sun after this week’s lessons. Your picnic may even better than ours if you have a paddling pool or even a bucket to put your feet in. I don’t mind if you want to send photos to make me envious!

Finally I do hope you have a wonderful summer, staying safe, and having lots of fun with your friends and families.

We look forward to seeing you in Room 7 next year. Mr Morris is in for a treat, I’m not sure he knows yet what wonderful brains and different skills you all have!


love from Mrs Andrew

Tuesday 19 July – Room 6 home learning

Tuesday 20th July 2021

Hope you are all well and looking forward to the summer holiday ahead. Just one last push and you’ve made it to the end of the school year.



Co-ordinates worksheet Maths



Following on from our co-ordinates work last week, I would like you to use that knowledge to complete this activity.

Plot the coordinates on the grid and then connect the lines. This will then create a picture.



Message in a bottle worksheet English – secret message

Pen or pencil


Use the grid to break to codes to reveal the words. Once you have completed the words, you can write a paragraph that contains the each secret words. How creative can you be?



Self-portrait outline Art – self portrait



Using the sheet, or creating one of your own, draw a self-portrait.  However, this is a self-portrait with a difference. On one side, you draw your ‘outer self’, what your face looks (you could use a mirror to help). On the other side, you your ‘inner self’. This can pictures of your feelings, likes, hobbies etc. Have a look at the example to help give you some ideas.

Have a fantastic last day and I wish all the very best for the summer holidays. Have a well-earned break, enjoy yourselves and stay safe.

Monday 19 July – Room 6 home learning

Monday 19th July 2021

Good morning! Hope you have had a lovely weekend and are all keeping well.

For the next two days, all work will have a summer theme.





Reading comprehension sheets Sun safety reading comprehension x 3


For today’s English lesson, you can select one of the summer themed reading comprehensions. There are 3 differentiated versions from which you can choose the most suitable for you. At the bottom of each one, you will notice 1, 2 or 3 stars, with 3 stars being the most challenging. Remember to answer in full sentences and use the information in the text and question to help you structure your answer.




Summer holiday code breaker worksheet Summer code breaker



Today’s maths challenge is a summer code breaker. Solve the calculations and then use the code breaker to spell out the summer themes words.




Sun safety PowerPoint Sun-Safety-Powerpoint

Design a sun safety poster help sheet Design a sun safety poster




Firstly, read through the sun safety PowerPoint. This information is not only interesting but also very important especially when the of late has been so warm and sunny. Next, read through the poster help sheet to get some ideas and pointers on how to create a sun safety poster.

Now create your sun safety poster. Try and include as much information as you can. Don’t forget to use colour to make it attractive and eye catching.


Have a great day.


Friday 16 July – Room 6 home learning

Friday 16th July 2021

It’s Friday! Well done for your week of home learning, we have some fun things planned for you today.



BBC 9 x table rap  Table Rap

Paper / Pencil


Have a look at the rap for the 9x table. Can you write a rap of your own for another x table?

You can write it out or even create a video of yourself performing it.

Good luck.




Alien artwork ideas information pack (see resources list included in this) Aliens-Craft-Instructions



Today’s English lesson is to design and write about your own alien.

You can use the finger and hand print guide or completely design your own alien.

After you have finished your artwork, I would like you to create a fact file on your alien. As well as coming up with a unique name, try and think of some interesting sub headings to write information about. Such as; home planet, special powers, unique features, diet, a day in the life of, amazing fact etc.

Have fun with your alien challenge.




Handwriting sheets for ‘a’ and ‘b’ (if printing please remember to only print the pages you need) Mindfulness Booklet



Complete the handwriting activity, either on the sheet of copying out the join again on a separate piece of paper.


Have a great day.


Thursday 15 July – Room 6 home learning

Thursday 15th July 2021

You have all been working so hard on your home learning….keep it up!



PowerPoint describing movement  PowerPoint – Describe Movement on a Grid

Horizontal Version – Describe Movement on a Grid

Translation of shapes worksheets  Worksheet


Work through the PowerPoint which then links to the worksheets provided. Again, each activity gets progressively harder so complete as many as you can.




Electricity comprehension  Electricity




Today’s English lesson follows on from the science work on electivity which we started yesterday. The focus for today is a reading comprehension. Please read the information carefully before answering the questions. When you answer the questions, try and write in a full sentence using the words in the question to help structure your answer.


Physical Education


Joe Wicks five-minute workout  Workout



Task 1- Start your PE lesson by watching and joining in with the Joe Wicks 5 minute workout. Try and keep moving for the full 5 minutes.

Task 2- Now it is your time to create your own workout. Plan out between 8-10 different moves and write these in the order that you want them to be completed.

You can either do the workout on your own or ask another member of your household to join in. Remember, you are the instructor so you need to offer words on encouragement and explain and demonstrate each move carefully.

Have fun and keep moving!



Wednesday 14 July – Room 6 home learning

Wednesday 14th July 2021

Today’s home learning will continue along the same themes as yesterday with a Maths, an English and a Science lesson.



Café co-ordinates PowerPoint   Lesson Presentation Cafe Coordinates

Café co-ordinates activity  Differentiated Cafe Coordinated Activity Sheet B&W
Differentiated Cafe Coordinated Activity Sheet

Café co-ordinates match up game  Coordinates Match Up Game


Start your lesson by looking through the café co-ordinates PowerPoint. You will see part way through there is a matching game; you can play this by turning your cards over and finding the pairs that match. On the PowerPoint, it mentions playing this with a partner, this can be played on your own or you can ask someone in your household to join in with you.

Now it’s time to compete the Café co-ordinates worksheets. There are three of these and each one gets harder. Have a go at one or all of three if you like a challenge.



YouTube hover bike video   YouTube Video



I would like you to watch the video again but this time think about the missing instructions that should have been in the box. You may want to look for some instructions around the house. For example: rules for board games or recipes.

Instructions need to be written using specific features:

  • Title and subheadings
  • List of equipment
  • Imperative verbs and adverbs
  • Formal, impersonal tone
  • Chronological order using bullet points or numbers
  • Diagrams or illustrations

Your task is to write a set of instructions for how to work the hoverbike. You need to include an instruction to cover from the moment you take the hoverbike out of the box.



Circuits PowerPoint Introduction to circuits

Dangers worksheet  Find the dangers

Labelling the circuit worksheet labeling-electrical-circuits-activity



Look through the circuits PowerPoint paying close attention to the circuit symbols.

Task 1- Label the circuit symbols- Complete the worksheet by writing the name of each symbol in the boxes provided.

Task 2- Circle the electrical dangers- Look closely at the picture and then circle all the dangers you can see.

Task 3- Do a safety check of your own home. Please do this with an adult as some switches may need to be turned off or objects may need to be moved if you think they are unsafe.


Please send your work to email

Have a great day!