Mrs Gwyther

Dear year 4 parents and carers

I am contacting to let you know that Mrs Gwyther will be returning to work from tomorrow, 20th January.

Her return will be phased over the next couple of weeks as follows:

  • Thursday 20th January – None contact day
  • Friday 21st January – In class working alongside Mr Bremner
  • Wednesday 26th, Thursday 27th and Friday 28th January – In class
  • Monday 31st January – Return to work full time.

If there are any questions or queries regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mr Langford


Year Four Staffing from 5.1.2022

Dear Parents

Thank you to those parents who have emailed me detailing your concerns about the staffing issues we have had in our Y4 class.

Since the beginning of Mrs Gwyther’s absence, we have striven to provide as much continuity as possible with the teachers we have employed in room 6.

I appreciate that there have been a significant number of supply teachers employed, but during the autumn term we simply have not been able to ensure consistency of staffing.

This is due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic across all schools in Shropshire. With so many schools requiring cover for teachers self-isolating, the supply agencies simply have not had enough employees to cover the required demand.

This, together with the issue of only been in the position to employ cover on a short-term basis, as is often the case with long term sickness absence, has severely hampered our ability to provide consistent supply cover of the right calibre for the year four class.

In the New Year, when the children return on the 5th January, I am happy to inform you that Mrs Glover will be continuing after Christmas starting on Wednesday 5th January. The timetable will then be:

  • January 5th, 6th and 7th – Mrs Glover
  • Mondays and Tuesdays from 10th January – Mrs Glover
  • Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays – Mr Rory Bremner.

Mr Bremner is a fantastic teacher who has worked at Pontesbury many times over many years. I am delighted he is available to teach our wonderful year 4 children.

This arrangement will continue for as long as necessary until Mrs Gwyther returns. If necessary, this will continue until the end of the academic year.

I am very aware that there is a rumour circulating amongst the year four parents that we will be having a TA re-shuffle in the New Year.

Consistency, when the year has already been so disruptive, is vital for all our children, but especially so for those in year four.

I therefore inform you that, whilst there may be adjustments to TA deployment across the school, Mrs Green will be continuing to provide TA support in room 6.

I would like to thank you all for your continued support, especially considering how very challenging this year has been.

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Mr Langford

Year 4 Home Learning 7 December 2021


Take a look at the information following this link:


What is analogue and digital time? – BBC Bitesize

There are 24 hours in one day, but the day can be measured by splitting it into two halves. The first 12 hours of the day – from midnight to midday – are called AM, and the next twelve hours are …

Busy Ants Worksheet 49



Complete the questions started yesterday and then Watch the video and see if you can add any information to the answers you have given.



Stereotypes, discussion about what a stereotype is and how does this effect people’s thoughts.

E.g. in fairy tales.

Read/watch the story of the paper bag princess and think about how this breaks down stereotypes. How was this different to other fairy tales?

Year 4 Home Learning 6 December 2021


Understanding the relationship between time and how we can convert from one unit of time to another.

Busy Ants Worksheet 48

Children need to use their knowledge of multiplication from last week to help solve the problems.


We are looking at the speech by the Chieftain and today thinking about how she would answer the following questions.

Children need to take the role of the Chieftain and answer these questions:

  1. How effective was my speech?
  2. Did you write the speech down?
  3. Did you practise the speech?
  4. How did you connect with the people?
  5. Why did you choose to use so many ellipses?
  6. Why did I ask so many questions in my speech?
  7. Would I consider my speech to be formal or informal?
  8. Do you think the villagers will follow me? Why?

(You may only do about half of these as you can continue this tomorrow)


Correct the Spelling Mistakes on this sheet



Year 4 Home Learning 1 December 2021


Write a speech to persuade your village to follow you into battle against the dreaded Tyrranoflax.

You are part of a village that is being rules over by the Tyrannoflax. It rules with an iron fist and devours anyone who stands in its way. But you are tired of living like this; you want to set the people free! 


Continue practising using the written method to multiply a 2 digit number by a single digit with the sheet from yesterday.

Year 4 Home Learning 30 November 2021


Imagine you are in a village being ruled by the Tyrranoflax, a deadly beast who rules with an iron fist. This beast will eat anything or anyone in its way.

Draw and label a picture of what you think the Tyrranflax looks like.



Using the written method to multiply a 2 digit number by a single digit.

Example on BBC Bitesize

Multiplying worksheet – this worksheet should be completed over the next two days


eSafety – I want you to think about blocking and reporting anything or anyone that you think is not safe.

Log In – Primary Computing Resources – iLearn2

Activity code 32A2 (videos 1 & 2)

Year 4 Home Learning 29 November 2021


Learning objective: Multiply by 10, 100 and 1000

Maths worksheets


Write a persuasive speech about why we should eradicate single use plastic.

If you have the technology you could record yourself delivering your persuasive speech.

Persuasive writing


Extract information from the text Roman Coin Surprise for Mrs Ship.

Roman Coins Comprehension


Noah’s story

What other people think about us is not as important as what we think about ourselves.

Learning objective: To recognise that we all have different talents.


Year 4 staffing change

Dear parents,

Due to a change of circumstances, Miss Graham will leave Pontesbury CE Primary School. We would like to formally thank her for all she has done for the school in her time here.

Miss Glover and Miss Manna will lead the class from Tuesday 30th November until the end of the term. Both teachers have worked in our school in the recent weeks (Miss Glover taught the class earlier in the term) and are familiar with our pedagogical approaches and long-term planning of the curriculum.

Miss Lewis and Mrs Green will continue to work in the class and will assist the class in continuing their learning journey and progression through the year.

I apologise but we have not had a chance to talk to the class about this yet however, Mr Langford will discuss this with them on Monday.

Many thanks for your understanding.

Mr Lowrie-Herz

Year 4 Home Learning 26 November 2021


We are looking at multiplication using the written method.

On this example sheet it shows how to use the written method to answer questions. Please complete the sheet but also make an estimate for the calculation before attempting to answer each question.



I have attached the  spelling sheet – this week we are looking at ‘ei’ ‘ey’ ‘ch’. Please practise these words so you know them and can someone at home test you next week?



Have a go at a  PE with Joe (Wicks) at home. Here is one of them

P.E with Joe | Friday 27th March 2020 – YouTube



We are continuing with self-portraits. Have a go at drawing yourself and use any materials you have at home to add colour or texture to them.


Year 4 Home Learning 25 November 2021


We are looking at multiplication using the grid method.
The Busy Ant maths sheets are here. Have a go at the questions.


We are working on answering questions using the text to help us. Read the text and answer the questions underneath.

For the benefit of parents who may not know the acronyms WALT means “what are we learning today” and WILF means “what I am looking for”


We are continuing our topic of rivers and we are looking at how people in poorer countries use rivers for water and to fish in.

Can you write a short speech to ask people to stop throwing waste into the rivers as it is making the population ill.



As always please practise times tables – this week we are looking at the 11 and 12 times tables. Please concentrate your practice on these two tables but it will help you recap them all.