Composting workshop

The children took part in a composting workshop today. It finished our topic on natural resources very well. They all listened carefully and took part in discussions with the volunteers. They learned all about making good compost, peat bogs and observed worms under the microscope. They were told there is a peat bog they could visit on Whixall Moss. They also planted a poached egg plant seed which they have come home with today.

Forest School

Hello Everyone,

Weather permitting, Year 4 will be going out for a Forest School session on Wednesday morning. Please send your child in wearing suitable clothes eg long-sleeved top and tracksuit bottoms/leggings. Please send footwear, that you do not mind getting muddy, in a bag to change into.

Thank you

Mrs Smout

Multiplication practice book


Your child has been given a Multiplication Tables Practice book today. These are for practice at home. It has been confirmed that there are not division questions in the upcoming test for Year 4s in June but the division facts are still beneficial to learn.

We will be completing the tests in the week beginning 13th June.

Many thanks

Mrs Smout

Friday Swimming & Cricket

Year 4 will begin their swimming lessons on Fridays from 6th May. They will have a slightly earlier lunch and leave school at 12.30. Mrs Knowler and Mr Rogers will be taking them and returning by the end of the school day. Please send your child into school wearing their P.E. kit as they also have a cricket coaching session, in the morning. Children should bring their swimming things with them in a bag  -no bikinis or long board shorts, please.

Times Tables test

Dear Parents of Year 4 children,

As many of you will know, after our discussions at parents evening last term, Year 4 children are expected to take a multiplication tables check (MTC) in June.

The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for primary schools in the 2021/22 academic year. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It is aimed to help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided. Taken from Standards & testing Agency –

First and foremost, the check is about finding out which children are struggling with their times tables so that they can get extra support. It is not a judgement on what your child can do, but a way for our school to know how our teaching is going and to adjust our focus if needed.

Here is more information for parents about the check and how you can help at home: Info

We are teaching and revising times tables up to 12 x 12 in school. Children are enjoying the activities and are becoming increasingly more confident. Children have a log-in to use on Times tables Rockstars, on the inside cover of their reading record. Here are some links to a few websites to use for practice at home:

Hit the button

If you have any queries, don’t hesitate in getting in touch with me.

Many thanks

Amanda Smout