Mount Vesuvius

As part of our English work we have been finding out about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii.  We are gong to to be writing stories about the evens of that terrible day.

The children enjoyed watching this recreation and wanted to share it with you.  See what they can remember about it.

Welcome Back!

Hello Room 6 – or North America as you will be known.

We are all really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.  Here is just a little bit of information to get you started, there will be more to follow!

Our PE days will be on Tuesday and Friday.  Please come into school wearing your PE kits on those days.  You wont need to wear your PE kit tomorrow but you will need to be in your kit for Friday.

See you bright and early in the morning!

Mrs Pope

It’s time to update your subscription to the website class emails and/or newsletter!

Please could all parents update their subscription preferences for the class emails – this can be done by clicking on the ‘update subscription preferences’ link right at the bottom of every website newsletter/email.  You will need to change the preference from your child’s class/year group last academic year to their new class/year group starting this September.

If your child has now left the school (e.g. is now in year 7 at secondary school) please use the ‘unsubscribe from this list’ link at the bottom of any of the website emails.

If you are reading this on the website and would like to subscribe to the weekly newsletter email and additional bulletins from your child’s class, please click on the following link – Subscribe to Newsletter

Year 4 Viking trip

Dear Parents,

It is the Year 4 trip this Thursday (14th) to the Shropshire Hills Discovery Centre. Due to the hot weather, children can wear their P.E. tops and their own shorts with trainers. They should also wear suncream and bring a hat. Children can bring a small backpack to carry their packed lunch, water-bottle and waterproof coat. There is a small gift shop at the centre where children can purchase small items, e.g. notepad + pen = £2. Money is optional and it is not recommended that they bring any more than £5. Please send all money in a named purse/wallet/container. Any questions please email:

We are looking forward to having a fantastic day out with the class!

Mrs Smout

DT project

Year 4 Parents,

Please save any small boxes (cereal bar box/cake box/tissue box sort of size) for our DT projects. We would love you to send them in on Monday, please.

Thanks very much.

Enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Smout

Multiplication check for Year 4

We will be carrying out the Y4 multiplication tables check during the latter part of the first week after half-term. Please spend some time practising the times tables up to 12 x 12 with your child. Here is a child-friendly website which is a similar format to the test the children will take. It’s a good idea for children to have a go at this a few times to make sure they familiarise themselves with the test type questions. The children are asked to answer 25 questions and given 6 seconds to answer each one with a 3 second rest in between each one. multiplication tables check

Below is the information I posted at the end of last month:

Dear Parents of Year 4 children,

As many of you will know, after our discussions at parents evening last term, Year 4 children are expected to take a multiplication tables check (MTC) in June.

The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for primary schools in the 2021/22 academic year. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It is aimed to help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided. Taken from Standards & testing Agency –

First and foremost, the check is about finding out which children are struggling with their times tables so that they can get extra support. It is not a judgement on what your child can do, but a way for our school to know how our teaching is going and to adjust our focus if needed.

Here is more information for parents about the check and how you can help at home: Info

We are teaching and revising times tables up to 12 x 12 in school. Children are enjoying the activities and are becoming increasingly more confident. Children have a log-in to use on Times tables Rockstars, on the inside cover of their reading record. Here are some links to a few websites to use for practice at home:

Hit the button

If you have any queries, don’t hesitate in getting in touch with me.

Many thanks

Amanda Smout