Children’s Mental Health Week

Next week, it is Children’s Mental Health Week.  We would like to show our support for this by joining in with their ‘Dress to Express’ day next Friday 10th February.  The children can come to school in their own clothes to express their personality.

If your child/children has PE on this day then they can either bring their PE kit to get changed, bring some trainers or do PE in their own clothes if they are already suitable (i.e. trainers and tracksuit bottoms).

The week is run by a charity called Place 2 Be.  We are joining in with the activities and Dress to Express day to raise awareness of children’s mental health, however, if you would like to make a donation to the Place 2 Be Charity you can do so through their website directly.

Multiplication Tables Check.

A you may be aware, all children in Year 4 take part in a Multiplication Table Check.  This takes place in June and is designed to measure how well children know their times tables. The test is taken on a computer or laptop and, in short, the children will have 3 practise questions and then 25 multiplication questions. These will be on all times tables from 1-12.  Each question must be answered within 6 seconds or less.  I have include some additional information below for all who would like to find out more.

Multiplication Information for Parents

In class, we have been focussing on speedy recall of multiplication facts.  With this in mind, each week I will be sending home some times table facts for the children to practise and learn.  They will be glued into their Spelling Books alongside their spellings for the week.  The children also have a multiplication booklet which they can use to practise, if they wish. This can be kept at home and does not need to come into school unless they want to share their hard work.

The children can use plenty of online games to support their speedy recall of facts. Below are some that we regularly use in school.

TT rock stars

Hit the button

Tables check

Multiplication Miner

If you have any questions about the Multiplication Check, please don’t hesitate to ask. (

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Pope

Christmassy Things!

The children have worked really hard this term and have earned their 20 cubes.  In order that they earn a single cube, the children have to all  work together, be kind, respectful and persevere with challenges.  To reward them for all their hard work, the children get to choose what they would like to do as their reward. This time they have chosen to watch a Christmas film with hot chocolate and popcorn.  This will take place on Friday afternoon.  The children have asked if they can bring their teddies and I’ve said yes, as long as they fit in their bag.  The children can wear their PE kit as usual.

Tomorrow is our Christmas party, Can the children bring their party clothes in their bag so that they can get changed after lunch.

The children will have PE as usual on Wednesday.

If I don’t see you before hand, I hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a happy New Year.

Mrs Pope

Christmas Parties and Post


Next week we will be holding our Christmas Parties on the following days.

Monday 12th December – Years 5 and 6

Tuesday 13th December – Years 3 and 4

Wednesday 14th December – EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2

Please remember to bring your party clothes in a named carrier bag for the afternoon and a contribution of £1 towards sweets and prizes would be most appreciated.  Payments can be made via school money.


The children may also use the school post boxes to post their Christmas cards for delivery by our Year 6 elves!   The post boxes are in the area by the office.

Please remember to include the name and class name or year group on the envelope.

Last day for posting will be Thursday 15th December.

Forest School and other things!

Tomorrow afternoon, after our PE session, Room 6 have been invited to join Room 4 for a Forest School session outside in the Gruffalo Woods.  Please can the children bring a warm coat and a pair of welly boots.

The children have also been working hard to learn their 7 times table.  Tonight, they will bring home some times table cards and 3 envelopes. They will explain all!  Please can you help them to practise any sums they are unsure of.

Any worries, please just let me know.

Mrs Pope


School jumpers

A couple of children in Year 5 have misplaced their jumpers. They have looked in the other classrooms and in lost property. It would be lovely if people could check the jumpers that children have brought home, just to see that one hasn’t been picked up in a rush that belongs to another child. If they have then please return to school. Thank you.

Mr Morris