Monday 1st February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and French.


For the next two weeks we are going to be looking at writing a story.

Before we start, I would like you to revise the use of fronted adverbials. Remember fronted adverbials are words or phrases at the beginning of a sentence, used to describe the action that follows.

For example:

After the rain stopped, Jack went outside to play in the garden.

Look at the BBC Bitesize clip and then try some of the activities.

Using fronted adverbials


It was lovely seeing your French number games last week.  Also, I really enjoyed seeing the videos of you playing the games with your family, that some of you sent to me. Thank you!

This week I would like you to learn how to talk about what hobbies and sports you like in French. Look at the clip below and then try the French hobbies quiz.



For maths this week we are looking at multiplication. Today, I would like to see what you can remember. Try challenge 1 or 2 below.


Challenge 1

  1. a. 7 x 2 =      b. 70 x 2 =     c. 700 x 2 =
  2. a. 4 x 8=       b. 40 x 8 =     c. 400 x 8 =
  3. a. 7 x 4 =      b. 70 x 4=      c. 700 x 4=
  4. a. 9 x 6=       b. 90 x 6=      c. 900 x 6=
  5. a. 7 x 7=       b. 70 x 7=      c. 700 x 7=

Challenge 2

Use the grid method to answer each of these calculations.

  1. 333 x 3
  2. 243 x 2
  3. 322 x 4
  4. 467 x 4
  5. 691 x 7
  6. 794 x 8
  7. 609 x 8


Friday 29th January, 2021

It was lovely to see lots of you yesterday. Thank you!

Today it is English, Maths and P.E.


It is Friday so it is spelling test day. Please test yourself on the spellings for this week.

Then do the reading comprehension about Usain Bolt. Please choose the comprehension sheet most suitable for you.

Usain Bolt Biography Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity


First, make a poster about the number 28. I wonder why I chose that number!

Then try the mental maths test. You will need someone to read the questions to you.




It is Friday so it is P.E. today. Try the P.E. session with Joe Wicks or try the Cosmic Kids Yoga session.

Joe Wicks

Cosmic Kids Yoga


Thursday 28th January, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Science.


Please continue to follow your plans and write your newspaper report. After you have finished your article, please check it through carefully.

  1. Does my article have a short headline?
  2. Have I used capital letters for my headline?
  3. Does the beginning of my article answer the questions who, what where, why and when?
  4. Have I used a by-line?
  5. Is my article organised into paragraphs?
  6. Have I included quotes?
  7. Have I included a picture and a caption?
  8. Have I used sub-headlines?
  9. Have I put the least important information last?


Today we are looking at regular and irregular polygons.

A polygon is a 2-D shape with straight sides. Regular polygons are 2-D shapes where all the sides and angles are the same size. Irregular polygons have sides and angles of different lengths. Take a look at the BBC Bitesize lesson on 2-D shapes.

2-D shapes

Then try one of the activities below.

BusyAnt_y4 regular and irregular



Today we are looking at ways to change the pitch of a sound. Remember pitch is how high or low a sound is.

Look at the PowerPoint and then record what you now know about pitch.

Lesson Presentation Higher and Lower

If you have any straws at home you might like to try the activity below.

Activity Sheet Straw Pan Pipes


Thursday 28th January – Teams Meeting

Hi Everyone,

I hope those of you at home are able to join a little Teams meeting tomorrow with Mr Boffey to introduce himself and help you go over tomorrow’s maths at 9:15am.

Mr Boffey is the lovely teacher who is working in the Year 3 class bubble at the minute.

Sorry to make things more complicated, but Mr Boffey will have to send out a new invite for this meeting, so that he can be the host and therefore have access to share his screen and control the meeting.

Please can you ensure that you click on the new email link directly from Mr Boffey so that you can access the correct meeting.

Hopefully you’ve all managed to access your school email ok.  Don’t worry if the link disappears when you accept it, if you log into your emails just before 9:15am you should see a link to the meeting in the top right corner, or you can access the meeting through the calendar tab in Teams.

Please just give it a go, were are all trying to get to grips with the technology, so tomorrow will be a try it out and see how it works session.

Mrs Hilditch x

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Hello Everyone,

We know that many of you are finding it hard to juggle everything at home at the minute and many children are starting to struggle with their motivation and are missing their friends.

We’ve found this little booklet about supporting your child’s mental health and well being, which may be helpful.

Wellbeing pack for parents

We are also aware that it is a rather stressful and isolating time for many of you as parents too, so with that in mind we’d like to invite you to a virtual coffee morning next Wednesday 3rd February.

We’re hoping it will be time to have a little chat with other adults, have a cuppa without feeling guilty and see how others are getting on.

We understand this may mean you need to put something on the TV for half and hour so that you can have some peace and that’s OK, we all need a bit of time too.

We’ll set up two meetings:

EYFS & Key Stage One parents 9:00-9:30am (Reception, Year 1 & Year 2)

Key Stage Two parents 9:30-10:00am (Years 3 to 6)

You can drop in at any point during this time and if you have more than one child, you can obviously choose which meeting you join.

Please contact


If you are interested please email either of us and we will send a link to your email.  We will do this over Zoom so we can send the link directly to your personal email address.

Take care and keep well.

Mrs Hilditch and Miss Roberts x

Wednesday 27th January, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Art.


Thank you for planning out your newspaper articles.

Today, please follow your plans and write your headline, byline, and 5 W paragraph. Also, draw a picture and write the caption.

I am really looking forward to reading your newspaper articles.


Today, we are looking at comparing and ordering angles.

Look at the PowerPoint and then try one of the worksheets below.



Y4-Answers compare and order angles

BusyAnt_y4_ ordering angles


Thank you for your very persuasive letters last week. Lots of you want to do more art. Mrs Howland was so pleased!

Today, we are continuing to look at the work of Pablo Picasso. Take a look at some of his drawings and then have a go at some yourself.



Tuesday 26th January, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and History.


Remember when we looked at writing a newspaper report last term you wrote a newspaper article about the three little pigs. I have put the link below so you can watch it again.

I would like you to think of another fairy tale or a nursery rhyme that you could change slightly and write a newspaper report about it. It could be about Humpty Dumpty who went for a walk up Pontesford Hill and was pushed down!

Today, plan out your newspaper report. Think about the headline, the 5 W paragraph, sub-headlines and any quotations you might want to include.

newspaper_report_plan blank


Today, we are looking at identifying acute and obtuse angles in 2-D shapes.

Remember an acute angle is less than a right angle. An obtuse angle is greater than a right angle but less than a straight angle.

Look at the PowerPoint and then try Challenge 2 on the PowerPoint.

BusyAnt_y4 2-D shapes

Once you have finished Challenge 2, you might want to write the letters of the shapes in Challenge 2 that have:

  1. at least two acute angles
  2. at least two obtuse angles
  3. two pairs of acute angles and two pairs of obtuse angles.


As you know we are looking at the Anglo-Saxons and Scots this term.

I have put the booklet below that we will be using.


Take a look at the PowerPoint and then read through lesson one in the booklet and answer the questions.

Anglo-Saxons Slides – L1.171964081 (1)








Teams Meeting

Following on from Mr Langford’s home learning information, we are going to try to set up a live lesson on Thursday at 9:15am. Mr Boffey, a teacher who is currently working in Room 2 with Mrs Davies and Mrs Hilditch, will be introducing himself and taking a maths lesson.

In order for this to go ahead the following things need to be put in place.

  1. The children need to have their school email set up. Mrs Andrew’s has created a video in order to help with this. It is on the School News page.
  2. The children need to know their email address and password. They have used them before to log into the Chromebooks. The email address is something like:  Please email me if your child does not remember it.
  3. The meeting takes place via Microsoft Teams.
  4. When a meeting is set up a link goes to the children’s email account. They can click on the link in the email and accept. They would then need to open up Teams and access the calendar tab at the side. The children need to click on the meeting to join.