Wednesday 10th February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Art.


Thank you for planning out your stories.

This is how the Balaclava Story begins:

Tony and Barry both had one. I reckon half the kids in our class had one. But I didn’t. My mum wouldn’t even listen to me.

“You’re not having a balaclava! What do you want a balaclava for in the middle of summer?”

I must have told her about ten times why I wanted a balaclava.

“I want one so I can join the Balaclava Boys.”

‘Go and wash your hands for tea, and don’t be so silly.’

Now follow your plans and begin to write your story.


We are continuing to look at the work of Picasso. Take a look at the images below.

Can you recycle some materials you have at home and make a Picasso inspired piece of artwork?


We are continuing to use multiplication and division to find a fraction of a number. Today, we are looking specifically at tenths and hundredths. Remember Mr Boffey will be going through this at 9am.


Tuesday 9th February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and History.


Lots of you remember The Balaclava Story by George Layton that we looked at in the first term.

Today, I would like you to plan out your own gang story based on the Balaclava Story. I have put a plan below to remind you of the key events in the story.


You might also want to look at the BBC Bitesize clip on how to plan a story.

Planning a story


Today, we are looking at what life was like for the Anglo-Saxons.

Take a look at the PowerPoint and then read through lesson three in the Anglo-Saxon booklet and answer some of the questions.

Anglo-Saxons Slides – L3.171964081 (1)

Remember I put the Anglo-Saxon booklet on our class page on the 26th January.


Today, we are finding a fraction of a quantity.

Do you remember the rule?

Divide by the bottom, times by the top.

To work out 5/8 of 32 then you would need to divide 32 by 8 and then times the answer by 5.

Try the worksheet below.




Monday 8th February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and French.


For English today we are revising the use of inverted commas.

“Today we are revising the use of inverted commas,” said Mrs Gwyther.

Look at the BBC Bitesize clip and then complete the quiz. Try to get all five questions right.

“Try to dance along with Mr Smith when he is explaining how inverted commas are used,” suggested Mrs Gwyther.

Using inverted commas to show speech


Today we are looking at fractions and number lines.

Watch the video to remind yourself what a fraction is and then try the worksheet below.





Last week you were talking about your hobbies in French. Lots of you told me that you like drawing so this week I thought you might like to make an Eiffel Tower card.

Look at the BBC Bitesize clip below and learn some of the key French vocabulary. Then have a go at making the card.

How to make an Eiffel Tower card




Friday 5th February, 2021

I hope you all enjoyed the fun activities that you did yesterday. It was lovely to see lots of you being very creative.

Today it is English, Maths and P.E.


It is Friday so it is spelling test day. Please test yourself on the spellings for this week.

Then do the reading comprehension about a guinea pig. Please choose the comprehension sheet most suitable for you.

Pet Care of a Guinea Pig Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity


First, make a poster about the number 64.

Then try the mental maths test. You will need someone to read the questions to you.




It is Friday so it is P.E. today. Try the P.E. session with Joe Wicks or the Cosmic Kids Yoga session.

Joe Wicks

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Express Yourself! Thursday 4th February

Hi Everyone,

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and the national theme for this year is Express Yourself.

It is all about being creative and exploring and embracing your personality, individuality and what makes you you!

A really common way people show their personality and express themselves is through their choice of clothing.  So today we’d like you to be creative with your outfit choice and choose something that expresses who you are and how you feel.  Sometimes our choice of clothes makes us feel quite different.  It can make us feel cosy and warm, bright and colourful and happy, energetic and ready for action.  We’d love to see photos of your chosen outfits.

There are so many opportunities to express yourself through the Arts, so with that in mind today we are taking a break away from our usual timetable and we are going to post activities so that you can have a wonderful day being creative and finding out about or working on subjects that you really love and enjoy.

We are NOT suggesting that you work through every activity, but instead you choose subjects that interest you.  There will be a selection of video masterclasses or ideas from wonderfully talented people in these areas, who will hopefully inspire you to be creative and have a go either at versions of their work or at creating your own masterpieces.

We hope you have a fun day and that you can revisit these materials to explore throughout lockdown, you never know some of you may discover a new talent or passion.

The aim of the day is to focus on your mental health and wellbeing.  Have a day doing the things you love with the people you love.

Have fun everyone and take care x

Please be aware, I have found all of the pages below and they are aimed at primary aged children, however I have not been able to watch every video on every link and some may take you to further external sites, so please monitor your child.  

You could start the day with a Virtual Assembly hosted by Blue Peter’s Lindsey Russell, and CBBC Presenter and Place2Be Champion Rhys Stephenson,


For more information see Place2Be

Art and Craft



Author Masterclasses


Creative Writing




General Health and Wellbeing


Wednesday 3rd February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Art.


Yesterday, you read the text about George Layton who wanted to be in the Balaclava Boy gang so badly that he stole a balaclava. You identified lots of fronted adverbials within the text such as as quick as a flash and trembling with fear.

Today, follow the structure of the Balaclava Boy text that we looked at yesterday, and use your imagination to write about something you did to join a gang. What gang was it? What did you have to have to be in that gang? Remember to use some fronted adverbials for how, when and where to begin your sentences.


Today, we are going to be using the expanded written method to calculate HTO X O.

Remember Mr Boffey is doing a live maths lesson at 9am to talk this through.

Look at the example below and then try one of the worksheets.

BusyAnt_y4expanded written method



Last week, lots of you drew some fantastic Pablo Picasso inspired animal pictures. Today, I would like you to use Pablo Picasso’s style and draw a picture of yourself or a family member. Mrs Howland has created a fantastic example to show you what to do. Take a look and then have a go yourself. We can’t wait to see your pictures!



Tuesday 2nd February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and History.


Yesterday, you revised the use of fronted adverbials so today I would like you to identify the fronted adverbials I have used in the text below. This is part of the Balaclava Story that we looked at last term. I am trying to find the book so I can read the story to you again. What other features can you find?

Fronted adverbials


Thank you for doing lesson one of the Anglo-Saxon booklet. Today, answer the retrieval practice questions on page 7 of the booklet and then look at the PowerPoint to check if you got them right.

Anglo-Saxons Slides – Lesson2

Then, read through the information in lesson 2 and try to answer some of the questions.


We are continuing to use the grid method to calculate HTO X O.

Today, before you use the grid method to work out the answer, can you estimate the answer first?

For example, if you were working out 625 X 8 you would round 625 to the nearest 100 and work out 600 X 8 . This would be the estimate of your answer. Then, use the grid method to work out the answer.

Try the worksheet below.

BusyAnt_y4_HTO X O