Monday 1st March, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and French.


This week we are looking at non-chronological reports. Today, we are looking at the features of a non-chronological report. First, look at the PowerPoint below.

non-chronological report

Look at the non-chronological report below and see if you can recognise the features mentioned in the PowerPoint. Also, what is each paragraph about?

The British Barn Owl


I am really looking forward to seeing you next week. Today, I would like you to tell me in French which subject you would most like to do next week. Look at the clip below and then tell me which subject you are looking forward to. You may also want to do the talking about school quiz.

Talking about school in French


Today, we are looking at lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes. Look at the PowerPoint below and then find the lines of symmetry on the worksheet below. After that, draw four polygons of your own and mark on the lines of symmetry.


BusyAnt_y4lines of symmetry

Friday 26th February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and P.E.


I have really enjoyed reading your I Don’t Like Poetry poems. We have lots of poets in the making. Thank you!

Today, please do the reading comprehension about Georgia O’Keeffe. Please choose the comprehension sheet most suitable for you.



First, make a poster about the number 26.

Then try the mental maths test. You will need someone to read the questions to you.




It is Friday so it is P.E. today. Try the Cosmic Kids Yoga session. I know some of you really enjoy doing this.

Cosmic Kids Yoga


Thursday 25th February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Science.


Today, I have a challenge for you!

Can you arrange the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 into three 3 digit numbers so that their total is close to 1500?

What is the closest you can get to 1500?

You might also like to think about how many different ways there are of getting close to 1500.

Remember, Mr Boffey is doing a live maths lesson at 9am.


Today, you are going to be putting your ideas together to write your poem.

I particularly like this verse:

I don’t like alliteration

We learnt about it in school

but it’s seriously, stupendously silly;

definitely drastically difficult;

terribly, troublingly tricky.

I can’t wait to read your poems!


Today, we are looking at ways to absorb sound.

Read through the PowerPoint and note down the key points.

Lesson Presentation Soundproofing

If you are able to, carry out the investigation on sound proofing and record your results.

Activity Sheet 5 Soundproofed Studio


Wednesday 24th February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Art.


Today, I would like you to plan out your poem based on Joshua Seigal’s I Don’t Like Poetry poem. You will need to think of some similes, metaphors, alliteration and onomatopoeia that you could include in your poem.

The poem begins:

I don’t like similes                                                                                        Every time I try to think of one                                                                          My brains feels like..                                                                                          My eyes feel like….                                                                                         My fingers feel like…..

You might want to add your own similes to describe how your brain, eyes and fingers feel or you might want to choose your own part of the body that hurts when you are trying to think of some similes.

Look at the structure of the poem.

I don’t like poetry

Plan out your similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia and alliteration ideas ready to write your version of the poem. We will start writing it on Thursday.


This half term we are looking at the artist Sandra Silberzweig. Look at some of her artwork and then follow the instructions to draw a face in the style of Sandra Silberzweig.




Today, we are looking at adding numbers with up to four digits using the formal written method of addition.

Look at the PowerPoint and then try some of the challenges on the worksheet below.


BusyAnt_y4_ estimate, calculate and check

Tuesday 23rd February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and History.


Yesterday, you listened to Joshua Seigal’s poem I Don’t Like Poetry. In the poem it mentions similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia and alliteration.

Yesterday, we looked at similes and metaphors. Today, we are looking at onomatopoeia and alliteration.

Look at the PowerPoint and then complete the worksheet.

PP Onomatopoeia and Alliteration

Onomatopoeia and Alliteration


Today, we are looking at mental methods of subtraction. In the following calculations, subtract the 100s and then subtract the 10s.

Challenge 1

a. 643 – 120 =     b. 657 – 180 =     c. 682 – 230 =     d. 716 – 140 =                  e. 745 – 220 =     f. 757 – 270 =

Challenge 2

a. 1352 – 140 =     b. 1225 – 170 =     c. 1443 – 190 =     d. 1462 – 240 =          e. 1526 – 310 =

Some of you might want to choose your own strategy to work out these calculations.

Challenge 3

a. 1684 – 560 =     b. 1762 – 420 =     c. 1873 – 360 =     d. 1627 – 470 =


Today we are looking at what the Anglo-Saxons believed.

Read through the information in lesson 4 and then unscramble the sentences about the beliefs of the Anglo-Saxons. The sentences are on page 19 of the Anglo-Saxon booklet.



Monday 22nd February, 2021

I hope you have all had a lovely half term.

Today it is English, Maths and French.


This week we are looking at a poem by Joshua Seigal. First of all listen to Joshua Seigal’s five top tips on how to write a poem and then listen to one of his poems. The poem is called I Don’t Like Poetry.

We are going to be looking at some of the things he has mentioned in his poem like similes, metaphors and onomatopoeia. We will then use them to write our own poems.

First, look at the PowerPoint below.

Similes and metaphors

Now, try task one and some of task two on the worksheet below.

similes and metaphors


This week I would like you to talk about colours in French. Look at the clip below and then try the French colours quiz.

French colours


Today, we are looking at mental methods for addition.

In the following calculations, first add the 100s and then add the 10s.

Challenge 1

a.  528 + 130 =     b. 562 + 150 =    c. 591 + 210 =    d. 645 + 260 =     e. 673 + 220 =

Challenge 2

a. 975 + 130 =     b. 843 + 250 =     c. 961 + 270 =     d. 982 + 320 =     e. 1005 + 340 =

Some of you might like to try these calculations.

Challenge 3

a. 1150 + 365 =    b. 1270 + 424 =    c. 1320 + 487 =    d. 1390 + 538 =   e. 1450 + 527=

Friday 12th February, 2021

It is Friday and next week it is half term! Thank you for working so hard. It has been lovely to see your work. Please have a super half term.

Today it is English, Maths and P.E.


Please test yourself on your spellings for this week.

Then have a look at the PowerPoint below. It is about the Chinese New Year.


It is the Year of the Ox.

Please do the comprehension about the Year of the Ox. Choose the comprehension sheet most suitable for you.



Today, we are working on our times tables. Try the Chinese New Year times table worksheet below.



It is Friday so it is P.E. today. Try the P.E. session with Joe Wicks or the Cosmic Kids Yoga session.

Joe Wicks

Cosmic Kids Yoga


Thursday 11th February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and Science.


Today we are looking at how sounds change over distance.

Look at the PowerPoint and do the travelling sound worksheet.

Lesson Presentation String Telephone

Activity Sheet Travelling Sounds

After you have looked at the PowerPoint, record what you now know about how sounds change over distance.

If you have any paper cups and string at home you might like to try the activity below.

Activity Sheet String Telephone


Today, you are using your knowledge of fractions to solve problems.

Look at the worksheet below and try some of the problems. Remember Mr Boffey will be going through this at 11am.

Fraction problems


We are going to continue to write our stories today. Lots of you are now at the stage where you steal the item you need to join your chosen gang.

Remember to use fronted adverbials to tell me where, when and how you did it. I have put some examples below to remind you.

Glancing nervously behind me,

Trembling with fear,

In the distance,

After a few minutes,

As quick as a flash,

I can’t wait to read your stories!