For a break between sessions and for exercise you can do at home, there are some wonderful websites you can use.

One I particularly recommend is Les Mills on demand.  Born to Move is a program designed specifically for children , its a mixture of dance, martial arts and yoga put into a 25 minute workout that the children can copy, they just need a little bit of space.  It’s great fun for adults too.  Not all of the videos are free to access, just the ones without a padlock symbol.

If you as an adult usually enjoy going to the gym or exercise classes and these are cancelled, I can highly recommend a subscription to this site for all of the other exercise sessions – it’s amazing for exercise at home and it seems they’re doing a 4 month free trial which is a bargain!  Might help with the cabin fever!  There’s aerobic style classes, weight training, dance, yoga – loads of great quality stuff.

Lots of children may remember cosmic kids yoga too.

School Closure

With the news that the school is closing, I thought I’d let you know what we’re planning to do during the closure. Every evening (so long as I am well enough!) I will post some actives for the following day on our Room 2 class page on the school website. I will try to stick to the timetable as closely as possible, to help you to structure the day and provide a variety of activities. The children have been given a Home Workbook in which they can record any of their learning, plus any other activities they would like to share when we return to school.

The activities will include a maths task, English work and a selection of computing, science, reading comprehension, art, French and RE throughout the week.

I will include a weekly spelling list, for the children to practise and encourage reading everyday.

It will also be important to get out and about throughout the day, whenever possible for exercise.

If your child was not here today and you would like to call at school to collect their workbooks, reading books or PE kits, please do so tomorrow.

Lots of good educational websites are helping out at the moment, by providing free resources, some of which are already listed on our website. I will let you know if I discover any others that will be of use to you.

Tomorrow I will contact you all by email, through which the children can write to me or share any photos if they wish.  I will try my best to reply to this wherever possible.

Please just do your best, we appreciate this is a really unpredictable time and every household will have different demands and resources available.  If I post a worksheet, just write the answers into your books, there is no expectation to be printing resources and sticking things in, unless you wish to.  I’m hoping the children will be pretty self sufficient with the tasks and may just need a bit of help finding and understanding the task from the website.

I hope you all manage to stay safe and well.  Please contact me via email if you have any questions and I’ll do my best to help.

Thank you for your understanding.

Lesley Hilditch



KS2 Virtual Reality Experience – Tuesday 10th December (parental permission required to participate)

We have booked for a company called PrimeVR to come and deliver a virtual reality experience day at our school on Tuesday 10th December in all of our KS2 classes.  We are currently learning about the Romans and the Vikings and it would be great to be able to ‘virtually’ transport our pupils to those times.

We think this is a fantastic opportunity for our pupils and will help to bring their learning to life. We would like to ask parents for a voluntary contribution of £4.00 to help fund this amazing experience.

Please note: it is recommended that children with epilepsy or children who are prone to seizures consult with their doctor before using a VR headset. If your son/daughter has epilepsy or is prone to seizures, please inform the school reception as it is possible to access the same programs in a 2D version.

Please complete and return the letter we will send home by Monday 9th December at the very latest please.  Children will only be allowed to participate if we have received parental consent.  Thank you.

Prime VR letter

This week in Room 2

This week we will be / have been learning about…

English – we are continuing our work on Queen Boudicca.  We have been writing a rousing speech as Boudicca to inspire her Celtic army to stand up and fight against the Roman invasion.  The children have been extremely inspired by this and have done amazing work!  We are now working on a script for our i-movie to show the story of Boudicca.  Hopefully we can invite you to watch our movies before the end of term!

Maths – this week we have been practising our 4 times table.  We have been using these facts to work out the corresponding division facts.  We will also be using our tables facts to work out our 40x tables or 400x tables too!

Topic – we are continuing our work on the Romans and how they have changed Britain.  We have been looking at the things the Romans have introduced to Britain.  Test your child on how many they can remember!

Science – we have started a new unit this half term on food chains, teeth and digestion.

In computing we are using i-movie on the iPads to make a Boudicca movie.  Your children could play with i-movie if you have an iPad at home.  They should know how to insert video, photos and narration.

French – this week we have been practising the months and how to say when out birthday is.

Hopefully this has given you a little insight into what we have been doing in Room 2 so you can talk to your children about their learning.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Hilditch


Understanding all about respect.

In Room 2 this week, we having looking at the term ‘respect’ and what we think it means. We have decided that respect is:

  • Thinking and acting in a way that shows others you care about their feelings and their well-being.
  • You think good things about who a person is or how he/she acts.


  • In order to respect others, you must think positively about yourself too!

As a whole class we listed down how we could show respect in different areas of our life and came up with some fantastic ideas. We pulled them altogether and created a respect poster. Please feel free to take a look, especially the ‘At home’ part where we have talked in length about the children offering their help this week even if they weren’t asked to because, in the words of someone in the class ‘it would help mummy and daddy a lot.’ 🙂

Fingers crossed and please let us know of any respectful little acts you notice from any of your little helpers this week!

Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you all on Monday.

Mrs Davies and Mrs Hilditch

Times Table Rock Stars Information- Room 2

Welcome back to all the new members of Room 2, we’ve had a fantastic start to the new year already.

A little note for parents in regards to the game ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ as I’ve had parents asking about it already after some eager children have wanted to start playing already. It is brilliant programme the children can play both at home and at school to help improve their recall of their times tables, which I’m sure you’ll agree are important to learn as they have so many links to other parts of the maths curriculum.  All children have got a log in which is stuck onto the inside of their reading record books.

Your can either download the app onto phones or ipads or simply type it into google on your laptop. You many need to search for our school and make sure the tab student is selected too!

Today, the children have completed a baseline test to allow us to see where they are at the beginning of the year. Based on these, I have assigned them different times table to practise. Sometimes, it might only be one particular times table or it could be a collection of them over a couple of weeks. The difficulty should increase incrementally over the course of the term.

For Year 3, the children should be comfortable in not only revising the 2, 5 and 10’s but also the 3’s, 4’s and the 8’s. After that, they can learn all the rest!

We have shown the children how to play either as a single player or challenge others with a Rock Slam! The more coins you earn, the funkier your avatar can be!

Now, get rockin’ Room 2!