Birmingham visit for year 3’s & 4’s – packed lunch orders needed!

Dear parents,

If you haven’t yet paid for your child’s visit to Birmingham (and the ThinkTank museum) on the new Weduc app, you will not yet have indicated their packed lunch choices for their trip (which is part of the payment process).

The kitchen staff need their orders by the end of this week at the latest please so they can place the food order and get it delivered in time for the following week’s visit.

Thank you!

School Packed Lunch Orders for the year 3 & 4 Birmingham ThinkTank class visit

Please can all year 3 and year 4 parents order your child’s school packed lunch on Weduc as soon as possible, as the kitchen staff need to order food ready for delivery in time for the class visit.

If you will be providing your child with a home packed lunch on their Birmingham ThinkTank visit day (Wednesday 15th March) please either indicate that on the Weduc app, or let the school office know.

Thank you!

ThinkTank Birmingham Science Museum - YouTube

Year 3 teaching

Dear Parents/Carers,

The staffing in Year 3 will change slightly after half-term. Mrs Smout will continue to teach Monday-Wednesday with Mrs Davies (who returns from Maternity Leave) teaching Wednesday-Friday. Mrs Christopher, Mrs Davies and Mrs Keyland will also remain with the class.

We wish to thank Mr Tipton for all he has done and we hope to see him again soon.

Many thanks,

Mr Lowrie-Herz

Year 3 teaching update

Dear Parents,

The staffing in Year 3 will change slightly after half-term. Mrs Smout will continue to teach Monday-Thursday with Mr Tipton (who has worked and taught in our school a lot this year) joining us to teach on a Friday. Mrs Christopher, Mrs Davies and Mrs Keyland will also remain with the class.

The children will be told today and already know Mr Tipton from his work with the class.

We wish to thank Miss Knowler for all she has done and we hope to see her again soon.

Many thanks,

Mr Lowrie-Herz

Year 3 teaching after half term.

Dear Parents,

The staffing in Year 3 will change slightly after half-term. Mrs Smout will now teach Monday-Thursday with Miss Knowler (who taught Year 4 last year with Mrs Smout) joining us to teach on a Friday. Mrs Christopher, Mrs Davies and Mrs Keyland will also remain with the class.

The children are being told today and are also meeting Miss Knowler.

We wish to thank Miss Saunders for all she has done and wish her the best of luck as she starts her new teaching job at another school after half-term.

Many thanks,

Mr Lowrie-Herz

Acting Headteacher role

Dear parents,

I am writing to inform you that with Mr Langford not being in school, my role entails me stepping-up to lead in his absence. Rest assured that I will continue to check-in with the class. Miss Gwilliam, Miss Cooper and Mrs Crane (Thursday and Friday) will remain in class as usual to keep continuity and consistency.

Many thanks for your understanding,

Tom L-H

Year 3 Camp

Our PPS Year 3 Camp is next Thursday and Friday!

Please can children come to school in their adventure gear and with all of their kit. They will have a ‘normal’ school day on Thursday and then camp will begin.

At the end of the school day, on Thursday, children will go out to the school field and meet the camp leaders. They will make camp, enjoy activities, have tea, prep for bedtime and have a good night’s sleep (hopefully).

On Friday, we will have breakfast and then spend the day having fun with different activities, ending with the children returning home at normal time.

Mrs Crane, Miss Gwilliam and Miss Cooper will be with the children throughout the day (normal school hours). Myself and Mrs Andrew will be staying on-site overnight alongside a night watchperson who will be awake/up all night for any issues (they will wake me or Mrs Andrew if needed).

Children have been allocated to a tent based on who they would like to share with (we will let the children know this next week).

Any concerns or questions, please ask.

Year 3 camp – kit list

Please find the suggested kit list below:


Sunscreen – required for all skin tones

Sun hat

Waterproof jacket

Sleeping bag (3 season if possible) and pillow

Pyjamas or onesie

Toothbrush and toothpaste

Torch and batteries

Warm socks

Warm hat


Warm jumpers or fleeces

Trousers or leggings – preferably not jeans



Drinking bottle

A bin liner for any smelly socks!




Towel and hairbrush



Year 3 Egyptians Day – Friday 18th February

Year 3 parents/carers

We are holding an Egyptians day on Friday 18th February to end our topic of Ancient Egyptians. We will be creating some arts and crafts as well as learning about Egyptian games. If you would like your child to dress as an Ancient Egyptian, then that would be great: It doesn’t need to be an expensive costume!

Please could they bring in PE kit for the afternoon session.

Thank you in advance,

Mrs Crane