Room 6 has got talent!

Tomorrow afternoon the children have been asked to think of a skill, passion or talent they could share with the class.  This could be a dance, a musical demonstration, some photos of a special activity or just a talk about something they do.The children are very welcome to bring any equipment or things in from home that they may need. The children are really looking forward to sharing their talents and we can’t wait to get to see what wonderful things they do outside of school. We’ll post some photos from the afternoon too.

Thank you

Mrs Hilditch, Mrs Pope and Mrs Giles

PE Kits

I would like to remind all Room 6 children of the required PE kit for gymnastics. Children should have a blue PE t-shirt and navy shorts for indoor PE.  It is very important that children have shorts, rather than long tracksuit bottoms, so that they can use the gym equipment safely. Please can parents also help to ensure that kits are sent into school on a Monday and remain in school all week? I have included a screenshot of the PE kit from the uniform section of the school website.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs Hilditch


Thank you!

A huge thank you to our two volunteers Mrs Perks and Mrs Owen who generously gave up their whole afternoon to help with the Stepping Out practise walks for both Room 6 and Room 8.

We very much appreciated your help.

If anyone is available to help next Tuesday morning we really do need you for the ‘observed walk’, please let the office know (and thank you to the mums who have offered to help so far!)

Rooms 6 & 8 Class Photographs and Cricket Sessions

Academy Photography will be in on the morning of Monday 18 March to take class photographs, this is also the time of our last sessions of cricket.

Room 8 Parents

Please send your child to school as usual in their PE kits and once their cricket session has finished they will get changed and have their class photograph.

Room 6 Parents

Room 6 will be photographed first at 9am so as not to conflict with their cricket session and will change into their PE kits afterwards.

Room 6’s and 8’s School Trip to Birmingham.

As you may be aware, on Wednesday 11th July, both Room 6 and 8 have their school trip to the Birmingham Art Gallery to help bring their Ancient Egyptian topic to a close.

A few reminders about the trip:

  1. We are expecting to leave school at 9:15am, so can all children be in school on time, ready to go.
  2. All children are to wear their school uniform and bring with them a snack, lunch and a drink, which is to be in a resealable bottle, to avoid spillages. Children will be expected to carry their own lunch so can they also bring with them a back pack or a carrier bag with their name on.
  3. Because we have such a busy day, full of workshops, we will unfortunately not have any time to look around the museum shop, therefore, no money is needed for the children.
  4. We should be arriving back to school at around 16:00. Could we ask that all parents wait for both classes on the main playground and we will dismiss them like we would on any other school day. For any children who should be attending a sports club or Morris dancing, I have informed both clubs so they are aware that the children will not be attending.
  5. If your children suffer from any form of travel sickness, could we ask that they children take their medication before they come to school, if they require a dosage for the return journey, please inform the office so we know when to prescribe it.

It should be a great day, thank you for your co-operation.

Kind regards,

Miss Evans and Mrs Pope.


PE kits required.

Room 6 and Room 8 have been lucky enough to have been given the opportunity to develop their cricket skills further this term with four more additional lessons with a professional coach.

Therefore, could we remind the children that their PE kits need to be in next Monday 14th) for their session in the afternoon.

Kind regards,

Miss Evans and Mrs Pope.



Year 3 & 4 letter to parents from Mr Langford

Dear parents,

This half term Year 3 and Year 4 will be taking part in the ‘Reading the Game’ programme with Shrewsbury Town in the Community. The programme captures the motivational power of football and sport to inspire young people to read more and improve their English skills. It delivers the statutory requirements of the new national curriculum.

‘Reading The Game’ is a 6 week (12 hour) programme starting Thursday 19th April. Each session is split, half classroom based and half practical based. Classroom sessions are teacher led using STFC resources and supported by STFC coaches and volunteers. Practical sessions are led by sport teachers or afPE qualified coaches.

Subject to availability, the class will receive a player visit and a visit from Lenny the Lion – Shrewsbury Town’s official mascot.

Each pupil will be given a Lenny log book, an opportunity to win free tickets to a Shrewsbury Town match and a completion certificate.

Mr Langford

Shrewsbury Town in the Community logo

Room 6 – 20 cube reward


As you will almost certainly know already the children have finally obtained their 20th cube so have been busy planning their reward. We have all voted and they have chosen to watch the film ‘School of Rock’ which is certified ‘U’. The screening will take place on Monday 12 February in the afternoon. I will be bring a selection of sweeties to share during the film. The children can bring in some comfy clothes to watch the film in should they wish to change at lunchtime.

Update: please note Mrs Pope has noticed the film is actually a ‘PG’ rating. If you do not wish your child to watch the film, please let school know by Monday lunchtime (12th February). Thank you.