PE kits required.

Room 6 and Room 8 have been lucky enough to have been given the opportunity to develop their cricket skills further this term with four more additional lessons with a professional coach.

Therefore, could we remind the children that their PE kits need to be in next Monday 14th) for their session in the afternoon.

Kind regards,

Miss Evans and Mrs Pope.



New homework date.

Due to Year 3 now going swimming on a Friday afternoon, I have had to move the day in which the children hand in homework.

The reason behind this is because by the time we get back from swimming on a Friday afternoon there will be very little time to organise the children in regards to homework and spellings. Therefore, and throughout the week, I have reminded the children that homework will now be due in on a Wednesday and new homework and spellings will be given out on a Thursday afternoon.

I can only apologise for the inconvenience, however, I cannot make this activity work in the current timetable for this term.


Thank you.


Soggy PE kits.

As we were outside for PE today, many of our PE kits got a little soggy. We have encouraged the children to take them home today so they can dry, however, we really need them back in for Thursday so we can continue our English/PE sessions with Shrewsbury Town Football Club.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Kind regards,

Miss Evans


Year 3 & 4 letter to parents from Mr Langford

Dear parents,

This half term Year 3 and Year 4 will be taking part in the ‘Reading the Game’ programme with Shrewsbury Town in the Community. The programme captures the motivational power of football and sport to inspire young people to read more and improve their English skills. It delivers the statutory requirements of the new national curriculum.

‘Reading The Game’ is a 6 week (12 hour) programme starting Thursday 19th April. Each session is split, half classroom based and half practical based. Classroom sessions are teacher led using STFC resources and supported by STFC coaches and volunteers. Practical sessions are led by sport teachers or afPE qualified coaches.

Subject to availability, the class will receive a player visit and a visit from Lenny the Lion – Shrewsbury Town’s official mascot.

Each pupil will be given a Lenny log book, an opportunity to win free tickets to a Shrewsbury Town match and a completion certificate.

Mr Langford

Shrewsbury Town in the Community logo

It’s DT time!

Over the next two weeks, Room 8 are finally going to be building our exploding volcanoes! Thank you to anyone who helped bring in newspaper and bottles for this project. It is gratefully appreciated.

Because we are dealing with PVA glue and eventually paint, it might be a good idea if your child comes to school with a t-shirt they don’t mind getting dirty. Obviously, this is not compulsory, however, it might be useful and saves the worry of any clothes getting dirty or ruined.

Thank you,

Miss Evans

What’s the time Mr Wolf?

This week in numeracy, Room 8 have been trying really hard to tell the time. We have labelled a clock with the basics such as O’clock and half past, we’ve looked at telling the time with just minutes past the hour and then looking at just minutes towards the next hour.

We’ve practised learning to write the time, with the correct spellings, and draw the hands of the clock accurately, and at different lengths , so we don’t get confused.

Our homework this this week is to practise these skills at home. Telling the time is such an important skill and one which we will need throughout our life. From now on, any adult in school are going to keep asking us what the time is so we can keep practising it.

Any help from home would be fantastic and having an watch with two hands would be really helpful too!

PE clothing reminder.


Just a quick reminder. Room 8 have PE in a Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning. I have suggested that children come to school in their PE kits on Friday because their lesson is straight away at 9:00am and then they can get changed into their school uniforms afterwards. This is not compulsory but it would obviously mean the sports coaches are not delaying the lesson and the children can get their full hour of PE.

Please can the children make sure they have appropriate clothing for PE (school fleece/joggers) as they are outside and it is still rather chilly. The PE coaches have also suggested hats and gloves are a good idea to stop them getting cold hands. If you are unaware of our PE uniform and appropriate colours, please have a glance at the website or ask at the reception.

Thank you,

Miss Evans


Welcome back!

Welcome back Room 8, I hope you had a fantastic Christmas and had a well deserved break because you worked very hard last term.

Quick reminder, PE for Room 8 this term is on a Wednesday afternoon and a Friday morning. Could you please bring in your PE kits, with all the appropriate clothing, on the first day back (3rd January) as the Sports Coaches are in and eager to get going.

Also, a plea to parents for their assistance, we are planning on doing some DT this term, therefore, any old newspapers would be very gratefully received because we need a lot of them. In addition, if  you have a plastic bottles, standard water bottle size of 500 ml/ 750 ml, these would also very handy. I need per child, so 31 needed.

Thank you and welcome back!