Letter to Year 6 from Mrs Mould at Mary Webb

Dear Y6,

I do hope this message finds you and your family well. I was so looking forward to coming out to meet you in your primary schools to talk about you starting at Mary Webb School in September. I won’t be able to do this now, but I wanted to tell you that we have lots of exciting plans for you still to get to know about your new school. I have been talking to your Y6 teacher and we will be able to do lots of the transition activities…but in a virtual way. I will also be sending things to you by post and via your Y6 teacher.

In the meantime, I hope you have found a new routine and are doing your school work to give you the best start possible at secondary school. I hope you have found time to read every day, to take regular exercise and to keep in touch with your friends. We look forward to working with you and I will be in touch again soon.

Stay well.
Mrs Mould
Head of Personalised Learning and Transition
at Mary Webb School and Science College

Y6 transfer to Mary Webb School

KS2 Virtual Reality Experience – Tuesday 10th December (parental permission required to participate)

We have booked for a company called PrimeVR to come and deliver a virtual reality experience day at our school on Tuesday 10th December in all of our KS2 classes.  We are currently learning about the Romans and the Vikings and it would be great to be able to ‘virtually’ transport our pupils to those times.

We think this is a fantastic opportunity for our pupils and will help to bring their learning to life. We would like to ask parents for a voluntary contribution of £4.00 to help fund this amazing experience.

Please note: it is recommended that children with epilepsy or children who are prone to seizures consult with their doctor before using a VR headset. If your son/daughter has epilepsy or is prone to seizures, please inform the school reception as it is possible to access the same programs in a 2D version.

Please complete and return the letter we will send home by Monday 9th December at the very latest please.  Children will only be allowed to participate if we have received parental consent.  Thank you.

Prime VR letter

Missing Books

Dear Parents,

We have completed our reading book audit and unfortunately there are still 74 books missing and this is a substantial amount. These missing books have accumulated over the past two years.

We would be very grateful if you will have another really good look at home over the summer as, if we were to order all of these books, it would cost the school a significant amount of money! They are vital for us to be able to deliver the reading scheme effectively to provide the best reading experience for our pupils.

If these books are not returned and this level of depletion continues, then I will have no choice but to start charging parents for missing books.

Mr Langford

Running for the NSPCC

This afternoon, our wonderful Year 3’s and Year 4’s tied up their laces and got running…all in the name of charity.

To help raise money for the NSPCC, children were sponsored to run the Daily Mile. Thank to all who sponsored them, with Room 6 winning the award for the most sponsorship forms returned for KS2. Overall, the school did brilliantly and raised over £1000. An achievement I know everyone is very proud of.

Check out some of pictures of us running and even those who were lucky enough to run with Buddy, the NSPCC mascot.

IMG_0291 IMG_0294 IMG_0301 IMG_0305


Calling all parents for a little help!

I hope you are all having a lovely half term!

This is just a quick shout out for any help please. We have arts week coming up in a few weeks time and I have an exciting art project planned for the children. It does mean that we will be doing some serious Papier-mâché work and therefore need as much newspaper as possible. So, before you put your recycling out, could you please check to see if you have any old newspapers or magazines which we could use. If so, please bring them into school when we get back so I can store it up for when it is needed.

Thank you,

Mrs Davies.

Homework- Pictograms

In Room 8, we have been looking at pictograms in maths and reading them carefully to answer questions on them. The first step is to find the key or work out how much each picture is worth.

Room 8’s homework is based on this for this week. However, I have been unable to send it out in their homework books, I apologise for the inconvenience.  So to make sure the children don’t ‘lose’ it I have attached a picture of each group’s work so it can made available to you. I also have plenty or extras in the classroom if needed.

Thank you x







Cheeky request!

Can I make a cheeky request in regards to swimming. If you have a daughter, could you try and send them in socks or trousers to school on the day we have swimming rather than wearing tights. Time is very limited on a Friday afternoon and we can sometimes be a little rushed getting back on the bus. As you can imagine, damp legs and tights do not help the situation so if possible socks would be so much more helpful.


Thank you 🙂

Investigating how light travels.


Our new Science this term in looking at both light and sound. We have been investigating how light travels. We have found that light can only travel in straight lines however, by using reflection we can actually see objects around corners!

And that is exactly how Perseus defeated Medusa in one of the Greek Myths we have read. It all links!