Message from Mary Webb School for Y6 children

Dear parent/carer,

We are looking forward to inviting Y6 with parents/carers to our Open Evening this week and to our series of Open Mornings between now and half term.


Due to the increase in Covid-19 cases in your primary school community you will understand our request that you book onto an Open Morning later this half term instead of coming to our Open Evening. Apologies for any disappointment this causes. You will receive a call from our reception team to make individual arrangements if you had already booked on.


There will be a number of opportunities to see the school during this year as we work with your child and their primary school on a full transition programme. I am sure you understand our need to ensure all our school communities remains safe and well. Indeed, you will also find several department videos on our website (Y7 transition page) to explore with your child.


We look forward to seeing you later in the half term on one of our Open Mornings if you are well and able to do so:

Open Mornings: Friday 1st, Monday 4th, Wednesday 6th, Friday 8th, Monday 11th, Wednesday 13th, Friday 15th, Monday 18th, Wednesday 20th and Friday 22nd October, 9:15 -10:00am – book by ringing school on 01743 792100.


Yours sincerely,

Mr P Lowe-Werrell


Help for Year 6 please!

Hello there!

A little help needed for Year 6 please. This week in Science, we are looking at how light is reflected and ideally we would love to make some periscopes to help with the understanding of how we can see around corners or over walls etc.

So, if possible, could your child bring in a standard size cereal box please. If you have any spares could they come into school too, to help with any shortages. We will be doing this activity on Thursday.

Thank you.


Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Davies.

Arthog 2021

Dear year six parents

As Arthog approaches, I am posting some final information which will, hopefully, answer any remaining questions you may have; let you know the timetable of activities and give a little insight into the amazing week our wonderful year sixes will experience!

The day at Arthog starts with an early rise followed by a hearty breakfast cooked by the excellent Arthog kitchen. Activites are next, with the children returning to the centre between 4 and 5pm. This is followed by the evening meal, evening activities (photosearches, centre orienteering, an evening walk and the dreaded nightline!), and finally, exhausted (both staff and children) a good night’s sleep!

The Arthog experience is immersive.

Instructors, who stay with their group all week, get to know your children inside out and exactly what they are capable of. They then tailor activities to ensure all are challenged yet have it within themselves to succeed. That is their great skill. The children will find some activities challenging or maybe even a little scary, but when they do succeed, they will experience the unbridled pride at having done so, whether it is reaching the top of the climb or simply making it to the top of the mountain. They will also experience the joy at seeing their peers sharing and applauding their success. For all of our children, the power of this is inestimable and the main reason that Arthog is such a special, treasured experience. The Arthog instructors are also all amazing storytellers!

Below are links to some key information. Some you have had before, but are included as a quick reminder and some are documents from Arthog.

All the dormitories at Arthog have very recently been fully refurbished. The children will be allocated a bunk and expected to make their own beds! It maybe a good idea to do a little duvet practice before Monday! Over night there are Arthog staff on site and Pontesbury staff are in the same dormitory block so are very close if needed.

There is also a tuck shop which will be opened on one of the evenings. Please send no more than £10 in a named, sealed envelope with your child if they wish to buy an Arthog memento from the tuck shop.

All money will be collected and looked after by a member of staff.

Unfortunately, there is still a risk of Covid-19 infection in society and we sincerely hope that this will not affect our trip in any way and Arthog take every precaution to ensure that risk of infection is minimised as much as possible.

If a child starts to exhibit significant Covid-19 symptoms, a temperature, significant cough or loss of taste, then they will be isolated and we ask that parents come to collect them. This will only be the case if symptoms are very evident and significant! Staff know all children very well including for example if they have any small coughs, sniffles due to hay fever, or if they are currently recovering from a cold! Parents will only be contacted if it is absolutely necessary and thank you for your understanding with this.

When the children arrive on Monday morning, they will be ushered into the hall with their kit before loading up and leaving for Arthog about 9.30am. There will be a daily post letting parents know how things are going so please do keep an eye on the website. Other than that, your children won’t be contacting unless there is a very good reason too, such as to speak to parents if it’s a birthday. Children are not to bring mobile phones. In my significant Arthog experience, once the children are there and settled in, they do not give home a second thought!

The staff accompanying the children are Mrs Hilditch, Mrs Davies, Mrs Giles and Mr Rogers (one of our TAs working in year 3). I am also going on Monday, but unfortunately returning late Monday evening once all are settled down.

So, finally, please do remember to provide a packed lunch on Monday and if you wish to speak to either myself, Mrs Hilditch or Mrs Davies, we will be available after school tomorrow in Room 8.

Below are a few photos of Arthog I’ve taken over the years. Some of the children in the photos are now in their mid-thirties!!





Secondary School Admissions for September 2022

A named letter will be coming home today with your Year 6 child regarding their application for a place at secondary school for September 2022.  It contains important information about the process, but further information can also be found on Shropshire Council’s website here:  School admissions | Shropshire Council

Please note: the closing date for your child’s application is at midnight on 31st October 2021 and Shropshire Council will not give a ‘grace period’ for late applications, so please do not miss the deadline.

You do not apply through our primary school, but directly with Shropshire Council.

Year 6 Arthog Residential Visit for this September 2021

Following on from previous very successful visits, the residential visit for Year 6s in September 2021 will take place at the Arthog Outdoor Education Centre near Fairbourne. I have been leading visits here since 1999 and its reputation is excellent. It offers the opportunities for ‘real’ experiences, for example: 

 Rock climbing on the sea cliffs followed by beach combing along the seashore. 

  • Team building is incorporated into each activity, whether mountain walking, high rope activities, or water based activities.  
  • To achieve the John Muir Award 

 Arthog has an exemplary record of providing outdoor opportunities for its pupils in a safe, yet challenging environment. It provides a wonderful start to the children’s final year at primary school and memories which will live with them for the rest of their lives. It provides the perfect opportunity for children to become more independent, resilient and self-confident. 

 We have made a booking for Monday 13th to Friday 17th September 2021 which has just been confirmed.  The cost of the visit is £305 (which includes transport and all equipment including waterproofs, walking boots and a rucksack). 

Due to the short notice, and that families have previously felt it would have been less of a financial burden if they could have spread the cost over a longer period, we are suggesting the following payment plan over 9 months (which will mean payments will still being made after this September’s residential visit but is the only way to spread the payments for you). The payment plan can be paid by cash, cheque or via School Money. 


Instalment 1     £25  1st July 2021 – non-refundable 
Instalment 2  £35  1st August 2021 
Instalment 3  £35  1st September 2021 
Instalment 4  £35  1st October 2021 
Instalment 5  £35  1st November 2021 
Instalment 6  £35  1st December 2021 
Instalment 7  £35  1st January 2022 
Instalment 8  £35  1st February 2022 
Instalment 9  £35  1st  March 2022 

Please complete both the school reply slip and the Arthog consent form and return to school as soon as possible to confirm you would like your child to be a part of this incredible experience.  Please keep this letter and the Kit List for your own reference. 

If you do not wish to follow the payment plan, please note the £25 initial (non-refundable) deposit will still be due on Monday 19th July 2021 at the very latest please, with the full balance due by 1st March 2022 (although you can pay it off as soon as you wish, if you’d prefer).  

Consent_Form 2021


Room 8

Dear Room 8

As Mrs Smout does not work on Fridays, I would be grateful if any home learning queries or questions could be directed to me using the email below.

Mrs Smout will set work as usual on Thursday but please do not email her on Friday.

Many thanks

Mr Langford


Wear What You Want Day-Friday 13th November

This Friday is ‘Wear What You Want’ for Children in Need. Room 8 have PE on Friday, they are welcome to come in to school in an outfit of their choice but if you would like your child to get changed for PE then please send them with a ‘school PE kit’ so they can get changed. Otherwise they will do PE in their own clothes but they are likely to get very dirty. Thank you.

Year 6 Transition to Mary Webb Information

Please read the attached letter from Mrs Mould regarding your child’s transition to Mary Webb.
Y6 parent update June 2020
You should have received a request for some paperwork from Mary Webb. This included a green data collection form and a really important form for the children to fill in themselves. This is very important and should be completed and returned as soon as possible (the letter included a stamped addressed envelope). I am attaching the blank form for the children here, in case anybody’s has gone astray!
Learning Plan

There is an awful lot of work and conversations going on behind the scenes at the moment. I have spoken to many members of the Y7 transition team to tell them all about your child and we are working together to make sure that they have support through their transition, albeit virtually! The role of parents in preparing our children from this transition it key. Please don’t underestimate how much your active involvement in their move from primary to secondary will count. This is even more true as we find ourselves unable to gather together as a year group and discuss the questions they have. Please make time to talk to them about how they are feeling about their move to Mary Webb and see if they have any questions they would like answers to; I have encouraged them to email me or to add questions to our Google Classroom stream.

Here is a message for the Y6 children:

Dear Y6 student,

I do hope this message finds you and your family well. We have lots of exciting plans for you to get to know about your new school. I have been talking to your Y6 teacher and we will be able to do lots of the transition activities…but in a virtual way.

I sent you a Learning Plan in the post to complete – have you sent it back to me? There was a stamped addressed envelope in there to help you. It’s important I get this to know a bit more about you and for you to tell me the people you work well with so I can create form groups and teaching classes.

In the last week of June, I will send you a pack of transition activities. You can open this pack on 29th June. Your Y6 teacher will be able to support you with this – they will also send you a link to a video tour of the school. I hope we will answer lots of your questions through this video. All Y6 will be doing this in the same week so you can chat to your friends about it all.

In the meantime, I hope you have found a positive routine. Some of you will be going back to school and some of you will still be learning at home. We look forward to working with you and I will be in touch again soon.

Stay well.

Mrs Mould

Head of Personalised Learning and Transition at Mary Webb School and Science College


Partial opening of Schools on 1st June for Years R,1 and 6

Dear parents

I am amending my post  yesterday to  change the wording of the bullet point relating to home learning.

I am sure the thought of all support from staff for home learning ceasing has caused understandable worry, especially for those in pupils in years 2,3,4 and 5. I can assure that, whilst home learning support may change due to staff having to work more in school, you will continue to receive regular support from staff; some of you will see no change at all. Trying to plan for the implementation of the Government request for the 1st June does not mean the abandonment of all Y2,3,4 and 5 pupils: I simply will not let that happen.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns or comments as we re-open for more children and year groups over the coming weeks and months.

Kind regards

Mr Langford

Subsequent to the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday for schools to start preparing for the return of reception, year 1 and year 6 children from June 1st, senior leaders, staff and governors have spent a considerable amount of time and thought as to how to facilitate this request safely.

One of the key factors in determining how we potentially organise provision on the 1st June is pupil numbers. Parents and guardians of pupils in reception, year 1 and year 6 will therefore shortly be receiving a text asking whether or not  you will be sending you child to school on June 1st, if we were to open to YR,1 and 6. If you receive a text, please reply with a simple yes or no.

Factors to consider when deciding on your response:

  • School will do everything in its power to ensure all Covid-19 recommended safety precautions are adhered to including social distancing and handwashing requirements. 
  • Any parents taking the decision not to send their children to school on 1st June will face no action; absence will be recorded as authorised and no fines will be issued.
  • Classes in school will be split into small groups to ensure that social distancing rules will be maintained. Each group will stay with the same member of staff for all their time in school and each group will not mix, at any time, with other groups within school. Your child may not be with their class teacher.
  • Home learning will cease for classes whose teacher is required to cover reception, year 1 and year 6 children within school.
  • Entry and exit times will be staggered to avoid congestion and to facilitate social distancing.

Please rest assured that my overriding intention, which will be the bedrock of all decisions made, is to ensure that every possible precaution is taken to ensure all staff and pupils remain safe as we look to re-open our school when lockdown rules are eased.

The announcement on Sunday has necessitated the need to ask for reception, year 1 and year 6 families to inform us of their decision whether or not to send their children to school on June 1st. I will be asking for the views of the wider school population when we look to open our doors for more year groups in the future.

I am fully aware of the gravity of the decisions we will be making over the next few weeks: schools are vital institutions which underpin the fabric of their communities. Please rest assured that I, senior leaders and governors, will continue to strive to balance the needs of all our community whilst ensuring the safety of all during this terrible pandemic.

Thank you for your continued support, especially for staff providing home, school learning and for staff providing support for the children of our key workers. It really is appreciated.

Kind regards and stay safe

Mr Langford

Class Zoom Meeting for Y6

I would love to hold a class ‘webinar’ using Zoom so that Y6 can have a chance to see each other and me! Mr Langford and I would co-host the meeting and we would keep it fairly brief! Zoom works pretty well for group conversations and we can mute everybody so we take turns to speak.

I would like to receive consent from all parents that they are happy for their child to participate in this so will be sending a text to request that you indicate you give consent. I will put the login details on google classroom a bit closer to the time.