Year 1 teaching

Dear Parents/Carers,

The staffing in Year 1 will change slightly after Easter. Ms Vincent will now teach Monday – Friday with the exception of Wednesdays where Mrs Davies will teach the class for the day. Mrs Cherrington, Miss Thomas and Mrs Oldham will also remain with the class.

We wish to thank Mrs Manna for all that she has done at Pontesbury. She has been a big part of the school during her time here and will be missed by all. We hope to see her again soon.

Many thanks,

Mr Lowrie-Herz

EYFS/KS1 reading letter

Dear Parents,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to our reading questionnaire for EYFS/KS1. The information you have provided has been very helpful.

Going forward, and in response to your feedback, please note the following:

  • The e-books will continue to be available for you to access at home.
  • Please can you make contact with your child’s teacher if you cannot access the app.
  • Should you require support with accessing the app on a device that is suitable (e.g. requiring a tablet as opposed to a phone screen) please contact Mrs Andrew.
  • Paper books will now be changed whenever you feel your child is ready for a new book but please clearly indicate this in the record by writing ‘Finished’. If you finish the book with your child but think they will benefit from reading the same book again to practise sounds and build fluency, please explain this in the comments and only write ‘Finished’ once you are happy for the book to be changed. Please also record when your child has read the e-book in the reading record.

A huge thank you to those parents who said they would like to volunteer to listen to readers. We will be in touch in the new year.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Mr Lowrie-Herz

Reading feedback

Dear Parents,

Firstly, thank you for the very noticeable increase in reading at home. This collaboration will and is definitely benefiting the children.

As part of our ongoing mission to improve reading at school, we wanted to get your feedback on the recent changes that we have made (e.g. E-books/changing books twice a week).

Please can you complete the short survey to help us identify areas to improve further? It is important that you note that this is for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 only.


Many thanks in advance,

Tom Lowrie-Herz

(Acting Headteacher)

Reading and Phonics

Please read the Bug Club reading book letter that your child brought home today. Further information can be found on the school website in the English Reading and Phonics area: English | Pontesbury CE Primary School (

A copy of the letter sent home can also be found there and a helpful Parent Guide with more information on how to navigate the Pupil World homepage, including accessing the e-books. The children have their own username and password and the school code is wkxl.

The e-books will be assigned each Friday and the first one will be assigned on Friday 30th September. Next week, we will begin changing paper reading books twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child brings their paper reading book into school EVERYDAY.

Mrs Pittaway

Message for Year 1 Parents

Dear Parents and Carers

This is just a quick email to inform you that, from tomorrow, Mrs Crane, who currently teaches with Mr Lowrie-Herz in year 3, will also be teaching the year 1 children on Wednesdays. This is to release Ms Vincent to undertake her duties as Special Education Needs and Disabilities Coordinator.

If there are any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact either me or Ms Vincent.

Mr Langford

Staffing in year 4 and year 1

Dear year 4 and year 1 parents and carers

Due to personal reasons, Mrs Gwyther will be absent from school from today and for the foreseeable future.

I am very aware that over the last few months the year 4 children have had a number of supply teachers covering Mrs Gwyther’s absence. To ensure that, from today, the year 4 children have the least amount of disruption possible as we move foward, Mrs Smout has kindly agreed to teach our wonderful year 4 class, Monday to Thursday, for as long as necessary.

I will inform you of who will be teaching the year 4 class on Fridays as soon as possible.

As Mrs Smout has moved to year 4, Ms Vincent has kindly agreed to teach the Y1 children full time from today.

As usual, if there are any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mr Langford


Reading Books

Just so you know, we won’t be sending any more reading books home now as we need to make sure that they are all collected in again ready for next year. So please send reading books in to school as normal tomorrow, but please be aware that they won’t be coming home again for the rest of the term.

Please can you also have a good look around your house to see if you have any that are lurking around and send these back into school too.


Many thanks,

Miss Roberts and Mrs Garcia

Parents and Carers of Children in Year 1 and 2

Dear Parents and Carers

I have been asked by Mrs Roberts, one of our wonderful TAs working in Room 5, for your help. Her daughter, Harriet Roberts, is a third year student studying Psychology at the University of York and she is about to embark on a research project called ‘The SleepStory Study!‘; she needs some volunteers.

Harriet explains:

Children aged 5-7 are being invited to take part in research conducted by students at the University of York, supervised by Dr Lisa Henderson.

The purpose of the research is to explore how children learn words from stories read to them by their parents, at different times of the day. You will be asked to read your child a story in either the morning, afternoon or at bedtime. Straight after reading the story and the next morning you will be required to ask your child some short questions about the story and see how many new words they remember from the story.

All responses will be kept completely confidential and stored anonymously.

The storybook and questions will be provided via email along with clear instructions about what to do. You can complete the task at home, on a day that suits you and your family. In order to take part you must have access to a laptop/tablet.

If you are interested in participating please register your interest on this link below in order for us to confirm your eligibility. We will be in contact with the relevant materials for your participation shortly.

Please click this link to register:


If you have any questions. please use the link below:


Many thanks

Mr Langford