Partial opening of Schools on 1st June for Years R,1 and 6

Dear parents

I am amending my post  yesterday to  change the wording of the bullet point relating to home learning.

I am sure the thought of all support from staff for home learning ceasing has caused understandable worry, especially for those in pupils in years 2,3,4 and 5. I can assure that, whilst home learning support may change due to staff having to work more in school, you will continue to receive regular support from staff; some of you will see no change at all. Trying to plan for the implementation of the Government request for the 1st June does not mean the abandonment of all Y2,3,4 and 5 pupils: I simply will not let that happen.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns or comments as we re-open for more children and year groups over the coming weeks and months.

Kind regards

Mr Langford

Subsequent to the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday for schools to start preparing for the return of reception, year 1 and year 6 children from June 1st, senior leaders, staff and governors have spent a considerable amount of time and thought as to how to facilitate this request safely.

One of the key factors in determining how we potentially organise provision on the 1st June is pupil numbers. Parents and guardians of pupils in reception, year 1 and year 6 will therefore shortly be receiving a text asking whether or not  you will be sending you child to school on June 1st, if we were to open to YR,1 and 6. If you receive a text, please reply with a simple yes or no.

Factors to consider when deciding on your response:

  • School will do everything in its power to ensure all Covid-19 recommended safety precautions are adhered to including social distancing and handwashing requirements. 
  • Any parents taking the decision not to send their children to school on 1st June will face no action; absence will be recorded as authorised and no fines will be issued.
  • Classes in school will be split into small groups to ensure that social distancing rules will be maintained. Each group will stay with the same member of staff for all their time in school and each group will not mix, at any time, with other groups within school. Your child may not be with their class teacher.
  • Home learning will cease for classes whose teacher is required to cover reception, year 1 and year 6 children within school.
  • Entry and exit times will be staggered to avoid congestion and to facilitate social distancing.

Please rest assured that my overriding intention, which will be the bedrock of all decisions made, is to ensure that every possible precaution is taken to ensure all staff and pupils remain safe as we look to re-open our school when lockdown rules are eased.

The announcement on Sunday has necessitated the need to ask for reception, year 1 and year 6 families to inform us of their decision whether or not to send their children to school on June 1st. I will be asking for the views of the wider school population when we look to open our doors for more year groups in the future.

I am fully aware of the gravity of the decisions we will be making over the next few weeks: schools are vital institutions which underpin the fabric of their communities. Please rest assured that I, senior leaders and governors, will continue to strive to balance the needs of all our community whilst ensuring the safety of all during this terrible pandemic.

Thank you for your continued support, especially for staff providing home, school learning and for staff providing support for the children of our key workers. It really is appreciated.

Kind regards and stay safe

Mr Langford

Thursday 19th

Hi all,
Here are some bits for you to get on with on Thursday whilst you are at home. I will try and stick to our timetable as much as I can so that you can get some structure at home.

We have been working on our gymnastic skills. Can you have a go at performing as many of the rolls as you can from these cards?


Letters and sounds:
Have a look at the sound ‘ow’, can you make a list of real words and a list of silly words including this sound?

We have been doing capacity this week so can you have a look at some of the cups and containers in your house and order them by size? Could you fill them and half fill them? Could you select the best sized mug or cup to make your favourite drink in?

On Thursday it’s our Library day so enjoy your favourite book with your grown up. You could always turn it into a snuggly story and sit on the sofa under a blanket. We also have child initiated time in the afternoon so have some time to play with your favourite toys and games.

Enjoy your day, I’ll be thinking of you all!
Miss Roberts

Activities for when you’re stuck!

Here are a few ideas of activities you could do at home if you get completely stuck on what to do with your child. It’s a good opportunity to do as many lovely things as you can as a family.

Home Activities

We also love using the Cosmic Kids Yoga website for movement breaks there’s lots of lovely videos on here to keep children entertained.

We watch Numberblocks and Alphablocks on CBeebies in school, they are great for keeping on top of number and phonics skills.

If you would like to do some phonics at home, we use we have nearly finished Phase 3 in school (we have learnt up to the ‘ow’ sound) so any games or activites on Phase 2 or 3 are suitable for Room 4. They have made all their resources free for the time being with the username and password on their website.

School Closure

Hi all,
With the news of school having to close from Thursday I just thought I would let you know what I am planning on doing in terms of home learning whilst we are not in school.
Each day I will post some activity ideas on our class page of the school website for you to access. Children who are in school tomorrow will be coming home with a blank exercise book to complete suitable activities in. These books can come back in to school once we return and children can tell us about what they have been up to.
I will also be checking Tapestry each day and replying to anything that is on there so please use Tapestry as much as you can for any activities that aren’t suitable to go in the exercise book (or any other fun things that you are doing!)
For children who have been in school today, we have put 5 books in their reading packet for them to read at home which we will be sending home tomorrow.
If you have any queries about anything, please let me know.
Very warm regards and keep safe!
Miss Roberts

Room 4 ‘Dinosaur Detectives’ Shrewsbury Museum Visit (Thursday 5th March)

Dear Parents of Room 4 (Reception) children,

Next half term we will be starting our new topic of ‘Dinosaurs’, as part of this topic we will be going on a visit to the Shrewsbury Museum to be Dinosaur Detectives! This will take place on Thursday 5th March and will be a full day trip.

We will be spending the morning doing the following:

  • looking at fossils
  • learning about dinosaurs and palaeontologists
  • singing dinosaur songs
  • going on a dinosaur hunt around the museum
  • taking part in a dinosaur dig
  • making a fossil to take home

The cost for this visit will be £8.00 per pupil, which includes transport.  Please remember to send children to school wearing school uniform for their visit with a coat and water bottle.

Please return the consent slip and packed lunch order form (indicating whether you are ordering a school packed lunch or will be providing a home packed lunch) by Monday 3rd February 2020.

Many thanks,
Miss Roberts

Printable letter:  Room 4 Shrewsbury Museum Visit 050320

EYFS/KS1 ‘Born In A Barn’ Nativity – what a brilliant performance!

Another fabulous performance by our lovely Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils!  Thank you so much to all the children for learning all those songs and words, you were brilliant!

There are a few seats still available for Thursday afternoon’s performance if you haven’t managed to come and watch the Nativity yet – don’t miss out, it’s really lovely!

(Feel free to save these photos for your own memories, but we ask that you do not post them on any social media sites. There are parents who have specifically requested that their children do not appear on there and we need to respect their wishes. Some children are allowed to appear in this private ‘parents area’, but have not been blanked out for use elsewhere. Thank you for your understanding). 

Evening Nativity Performance Information – Monday 9th December

Please can all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children be brought to school for 5.30pm on Monday 9th December.  (This will give them time to get their costumes on and settle down before the performance begins at 6.00pm).

If you are not staying to watch, please can you be back at school to collect your child from outside their classrooms at 6.45pm.

Thank you!  We hope you all really enjoy whichever Nativity performances you are able to attend, the children are very excited about performing for you all!