On Tuesday afternoon (15th December) it will be Room 4’s Christmas party! We will still have PE in the morning, so children are to come into school wearing their PE kit and bring their party clothes (not shoes) in their school bag. We will get changed after lunch ready for our party and then send children home in their party clothes.

I can’t wait to see your party outfits!

Forest School

Just to let you all know that Forest School will still be going ahead tomorrow (Wednesday 9th), but obviously children can wear their Christmas jumper with their outdoor clothes.

Next week (Wednesday 16th) we will be watching the pantomime in the morning, but will still go out to Forest School in the afternoon. So we won’t miss any sessions between now and the end of term.

Miss Roberts

Forest School

This week I am out of the classroom for training on Tuesday and Wednesday, therefore for this week only we will be moving our Forest School day to Thursday (12th). Our PE day will stay as Tuesday as normal, but please send children into school wearing their uniform on Wednesday.

Also, please be aware that we have chicken pox going around Room 4. If your child hasn’t had it yet, please check for spots before sending them into school in the morning – they have been springing up very quickly!

I’m looking forward to another lovely week in Room 4!

Miss Roberts


Since the start of term, we have acquired 4 unnamed jumpers. If you are missing a jumper, please let us know and you can have a look through our unnamed selection.

Just a reminder to PLEASE label everything that the children bring in to school (jumpers, coats, water bottles – the lot!) we have quite a few duplicates of different items, and sometimes the children can forget which item is theirs.

Thank you in advance,

Miss Roberts


Forest School

Wednesday will be Room 4’s first Forest School session and I’ve had a few queries from parents so I thought I would try and clarify the logistics for you all.

Every Wednesday, please send children into school wearing their own clothes that are suitable for the weather that day and you don’t mind getting a bit muddy! Please send children in wearing shoes or trainers with wellies separate. We will keep wellies in school on the rack outside Room 4 for any other adventures we might have on non-Forest School days.

Please also send in a set of waterproofs (either an all in one suit or separate trousers and coat – it’s up to you) which we will keep in school too. Please make sure these are named! We will send waterproofs home for a wash whenever they get too muddy.

We also have PE on a Tuesday, so children need to come in to school wearing their PE kit on this day. We will stay in this all day so no need for uniform.

So, to clarify what children need to wear to school each day:

Monday – school uniform

Tuesday – PE kit

Wednesday – Forest School clothes

Thursday – school uniform

Friday – school uniform


Please feel free to email me if you are unsure about anything. I’m looking forward to seeing all of Room 4 together for the first time tomorrow!

Miss Roberts



All of your children have now been made active on Tapestry, this means that when they start school, we can start adding observations for them which you can see at home.

It also means that you can upload pictures for us to see in school. If you would like to, it would be lovely if you could upload an observation to your child’s account showing us some things that they have been up to in the summer holidays, or of them doing something that they really enjoy at home. That way we can start to get to know your child a little bit more and hopefully have something to chat to them about on their first day.

I’m looking forward to your photos!

New Reception Intake Information

Hi everyone,


I hope you have all had a lovely summer and are ready for your first days of school! In case you are unsure, here is the plan for phased starting of school for the new Reception intake.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
w/b 7.9.20

Group A


Group B


Phone or zoom meetings with Miss Roberts (in place of home visits)
w/b 14.9.20

Group A


Group B


w/b 21.9.20 All children in full time. See details on the main page of the school website for information on staggered drop off and collection times.

If you are unsure of which group your child is in, please contact Miss Roberts via email or Mrs Andrew in the office.

When you bring your child for their first day, there is a one-way system in place, this is detailed on the main page of the school website. I know most children will be excited for their first day, but due to the current situation we ask that you don’t arrive early and congregate outside the school or classroom.

For the first two weeks of school we won’t be having any PE or Forest School sessions, so just send the children to school in their uniform as normal. There is no need to bring any PE bags, wellies or waterproofs on these sessions.

From the week beginning 21st when all children are in full time, we will be having PE on a Tuesday and Forest School on a Wednesday. This means children will need to come to school wearing their PE kit on a Tuesday, and their own outdoor clothes on a Wednesday. There is no need to bring any uniform with them on either of these days.

If you have any other queries ahead of your child starting, please feel free to email me on There is also lots of extra information about the new term for the whole school on the main page of the website.

I’m very excited to meet everyone next week!


Miss Roberts