Vision Screening For Reception Class Only – Thursday 20th October

A letter has gone home with your child today regarding the Vision Screening for Reception Class Children.

On Thursday 20th October Reception will be having vision screening to test your child’s eyes, treat squints and lazy eyes etc. The tests will be short simple matching games with letters which will involve wearing a pair of glasses with one eye covered, in order to test the vision of the other eye.

If you DO NOT want your child to take part in this vision screening, please send the opt out form back to the school office before Wednesday 12th October.

Thank you!

Printable copy of the letter sent home today Vision Screening Letter October 2022

Reading and Phonics

Please read the Bug Club reading book letter that your child brought home today. Further information can be found on the school website in the English Reading and Phonics area: English | Pontesbury CE Primary School (

A copy of the letter sent home can also be found there and a helpful Parent Guide with more information on how to navigate the Pupil World homepage, including accessing the e-books. The children have their own username and password and the school code is wkxl.

The e-books will be assigned each Friday and the first one will be assigned on Friday 30th September. Next week, we will begin changing paper reading books twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child brings their paper reading book into school EVERYDAY.

Mrs Pittaway

Room 4 Walk around Pontesbury on Tuesday 1st February


Dear Parents and Carers,

As you know, our topic this half term is all about vehicles. As part of this, we would really like the children to have a walk around Pontesbury, looking at all the different vehicles we can spot and collecting data for our maths work. We will be going for our walk around Pontesbury on Tuesday 1st February.

On the way back through Pontesbury, we are going to call in at Hignetts Bakery and the children can collect an iced bun.  There will be a small charge of £1.10 for their cake.  We would like the children to have the experience of paying for the cake themselves, so please can the children bring £1.10 in a sealed envelope with their name on it.  We will collect the envelopes up before we go and hand them out in the shop so that the children can pay for their cake themselves.

We will be leaving school on Tuesday around 9.30 and be back in school no later than 11am.  The children will not need a packed lunch as we will be back in school in plenty of time for a hot lunch.  They will need a warm coat and hat and sensible shoes for walking. I know it is usually our PE day, but please can the children wear their school uniform on this occasion.

If you are free to help us walk around Pontesbury, we would really appreciate it.  If you are available, please could you let me know by Friday afternoon.


Thank you,

Charlotte Pope

Year 2 and Reception Staffing From January 2022

Dear Parents and Carers

As you are aware, Miss Roberts will be starting her maternity leave after Christmas and Mrs Pittaway will be returning from her maternity leave.

Through the autumn term, we advertised for a reception teacher to take over from Miss Roberts and, whilst we had a good interest, none of the candidates, with the exception of one, were of sufficient calibre to join the Pontesbury staff. The one candidate who was shortlisted and invited to interview unfortunately withdrew her application: she was offered another post.

Therefore, I am writing to inform you that, from January, Mrs Pope will be teaching the reception class, supported by Mrs Roberts, Mrs Davies, Mrs Dignam and Mrs Cherrington, who will be joining the Reception team.

Mrs Pittaway will return to the year 2 class (3 days) with Mrs Manna (2 days) supported by Mrs Keyland, Mrs Christopher and Mrs Butler, who will be joining the Year 2 team. Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Manna will ensure that the Year 2 class continue to have a very highest quality of education.

Miss Roberts will be starting her maternity leave on 17th January so will continue for the first two weeks in January and work alongside Mrs Pope.

The decision to ask Mrs Pope to teach the reception class was taken to ensure that the highest quality of provision continues for our wonderful reception children, and I am very grateful to Mrs Pope for agreeing to take up this post until the end of the year.

Mrs Pope will still, of course, be accompanying the children when they go to Colomendy.

If there are any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me at the start of next term.

I wish everyone a very happy Christmas, a fantastic New Year and I look forward to seeing you all again on the 5th of January.

Half Term Challenge

You might have noticed some of your children showing you a magic way that we have learnt to put our coats on. It’s a great way to encourage a little bit of independence as it’s a really easy way for them to put their coats on by themselves. Over half term, could you encourage children to keep having a go at putting their coat on independently until they are really confident with it? It would also be amazing if you could help show them how to do their zips up too.

With the colder weather approaching it’s hard work helping 30 children to put their coats on all at the same time, so the more they can do themselves the better!

Have a watch of the video below if you aren’t sure of the method then have a watch of the video below.

Have a lovely half term everyone – you have definitely earnt it!

Parent phone calls


Just to let you know, I have managed to ring half the parents so far today. If I haven’t managed to contact you about how your child is settling in then I will do this next Friday, but please feel free to email me or speak to me at the door after the sessions in the meantime.

Miss Roberts

Welcome to school!

Hi everyone,

I am so excited to get to meet all your lovely children properly next week. I’ve got lots of exciting things planned and I’m sure they are going to love coming to school.

Just a quick reminder about PE and Forest School.

Forest School will be on a Wednesday. Children need to come into school wearing clothes for outside on these days, and there’s no need to bring uniform for them to change into afterwards. Please bring wellies and waterproofs in for us to keep in school.

PE will be on a Thursday. Children need to come in wearing their PE kit on these days, some PE sessions may be taking place outside, so please remember to make sure children have a PE jumper / fleece with them on these days too.

Forest School and PE will be starting the week beginning 20th September, once all children are in full time, so no need to worry about this for the next few weeks!

Also, please remember to make sure your child has a water bottle with them in school each day. We politely ask that it is water in bottles and not juice, as this is our school policy.

See you all next week,

Miss Roberts

Next Week

I can’t believe our last few days of Reception are finally here! It looks like it’s going to be a scorcher, so please remember sun cream, sunhats and water bottles every day this week.

We will be sending a few bits home with the children this week, including their books that they have been working in this year. I will choose 3 children and keep their books in school for a year, and theirs will be sent home at the end of next year. So please don’t worry if your child comes home without their books.

We will also be sending wellies and other Forest School bits home this week, so please can you all send your child into school with a carrier bag to bring them home in? Or just take them with you in the morning / at the end of the day if you would prefer.

Remember there is no Forest School on the last day – so come in uniform on Wednesday please!

If you haven’t already, please have a little hunt for any reading books at home and send them into school. We will be passing on their reading records to Year 1 so that the adults in there know which books to start off with next year, so please send these in too.


Thank you!

Miss Roberts

Reading Books

Just so you know, we won’t be sending any more reading books home now as we need to make sure that they are all collected in again ready for next year. So please send reading books in to school as normal tomorrow, but please be aware that they won’t be coming home again for the rest of the term.

Please can you also have a good look around your house to see if you have any that are lurking around and send these back into school too.


Many thanks,

Miss Roberts and Mrs Garcia