Season’s Greetings

Sorry to mention the horrid Covid word on the last day of term but I have been asked a hypothetical question and I have sought advice from the Department of Health and thought it best to share this with you all.

If your child develops any of the coronavirus symptoms within two days of being in school and then has a positive test we would ask that you email me at school and we will then be able to provide track and trace with the details of all those in the same bubble in order for them to isolate. If a child develops symptoms later in the holidays you would just advise us on return to school. I very much hope this is not the case for any of you, we want you to be able to enjoy Christmas with your families and then want you all back happy, healthy and rested on Wednesday 6 January 2021.

On a happier note I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and very happy Christmas and hope 2021 sees us all being able to return to normal life albeit not immediately – the end is in sight!

The FOPPS ”Lockdown Recipe Book” is here!!

The FOPPS “Lockdown Recipe Book” is here!

Join us to celebrate this unique keepsake of the delicious recipes that have sustained us through the 2020 lockdown.

We have been working hard to get the recipe book ready in time for Christmas and we are delighted to announce it is ready to pre-order!


Copies ordered by Thursday the 26th of November are just £6

and you will be entered into a raffle to win a hamper of delights!

From Friday 27th of November each recipe book will cost £8 or three for £18.

Payments can be made via School money (in the shop) or via cash or cheque through the school office.

Thank you so much for supporting our school!


Disclaimer: Please be aware not all recipes submitted will feature in the recipe book due to the page limit.


Staffing From January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers

Firstly, thank you once again for your continued support at the beginning and end of the day, especially for wearing masks and continuing to remain as much as possible socially distanced, when collecting and dropping off children.

The Covid-19 virus is now all around us and the number of schools having to close ‘bubbles’, or shut completely, is growing daily. So far, Pontesbury CE Primary School has not being affected – touch wood – but if we are, action will be swiftly taken. If we have a confirmed case, our initial action will be to phone Public Health England. They will tell us what action to take which we will then immediately communicate to parents via the website, text message and email. Please ensure that the school office has your latest contact information.

Could I please ask you to complete this short survey? To help us ascertain what technologies our families have at home to cope with online teaching if and when the need arises.

Over the last few weeks, several parents have spoken to me to ask for advice about how to limit access to social media sites at home and how to ensure children have some ‘downtime’ from mobile devices. There are several applications both for Android and Apple devices to do this but ‘Screen Time’ is excellent and can be found in ‘settings’ on Apple devices. Also, Disney + is excellent and works across any device. There is a free lite version and a subscription version for the full App. Both can be found in the App store.

As you are all aware, from January, Mrs Pittaway will be on maternity leave and Mrs Rowe is leaving to take up the position of Headteacher at Long Mountain CE Primary School. I am pleased to tell you that, in room 8, Mrs Smout will continue to teach the year 5 class for 4 days a week and Mrs Pope will continue to teach the year 2 class, again for 4 days. For the remaining day of the week we will appointing a new teacher to join our ranks and teach in both classes.

With Mrs Rowe leaving, we are also losing our Deputy Head. We will be advertising for a new Deputy headteacher in February to start with us in September. I am therefore also very pleased to announce that Miss Roberts and Mrs Hilditch will be joining the senior management team as Assistant Headteachers until the new deputy headteacher is appointed.

If there are any questions about staffing, or anything else at all, please do contact.

Mr Langford