Message from Mr Langford regarding parking restrictions

Can I please remind those of you who drive your children to school to observe the parking restrictions (single and double yellow lines) on Bogey Lane. They have been introduced to make it safer for pedestrians by reducing congestion and allowing the buses to travel along Bogey Lane unimpeded by parked cars rather than having to make challenging manoeuvres.

The double yellow lines mean no parking and waiting at any time and the single yellow lines mean no parking and waiting during school times shown on the accompanying signs.

Shropshire Council’s parking enforcement officers have been asked to visit and patrol the road in the mornings when schools fully reopen from 8 March.

Can we also ask that just because the road is clear of parked cars, you don’t increase your speed but drive slowly and carefully so you don’t pose a risk to children, parents and other members of the community trying to cross the road.

Thank you very much for your observing these parking restrictions and your valued contribution to a safe and pleasant environment around the two schools.


Zoom wellbeing event invite from Shropshire Libraries

Shropshire Libraries invite children aged 7+ and their parents/carers to a FREE wellbeing event during Children’s Mental Health Week:

Coping with our feelings – A Reading Well for Children online event via Zoom

Date: Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Time: 3.30pm – 4.15pm

As parents we all want to help our children come to terms with the current situation. Join us with your children via Zoom to explore books and activities from the Reading Well for Children Collection. We will read some of the titles and explore how we can keep healthy minds as well as healthy bodies.

If you would like to receive a free Zoom invite to this event, please follow the link below to book your place:

Booking will close one day before the event date and your free Zoom invite will be sent out 24 hours before the event begins

To find out more about the Reading Well collections in our libraries, please visit:




Mental Health and Wellbeing

Hello Everyone,

We know that many of you are finding it hard to juggle everything at home at the minute and many children are starting to struggle with their motivation and are missing their friends.

We’ve found this little booklet about supporting your child’s mental health and well being, which may be helpful.

Wellbeing pack for parents

We are also aware that it is a rather stressful and isolating time for many of you as parents too, so with that in mind we’d like to invite you to a virtual coffee morning next Wednesday 3rd February.

We’re hoping it will be time to have a little chat with other adults, have a cuppa without feeling guilty and see how others are getting on.

We understand this may mean you need to put something on the TV for half and hour so that you can have some peace and that’s OK, we all need a bit of time too.

We’ll set up two meetings:

EYFS & Key Stage One parents 9:00-9:30am (Reception, Year 1 & Year 2)

Key Stage Two parents 9:30-10:00am (Years 3 to 6)

You can drop in at any point during this time and if you have more than one child, you can obviously choose which meeting you join.

Please contact


If you are interested please email either of us and we will send a link to your email.  We will do this over Zoom so we can send the link directly to your personal email address.

Take care and keep well.

Mrs Hilditch and Miss Roberts x

Closure of the school kitchen

Regretfully it is not currently viable to keep the school kitchen open . So from Monday 18 January 2021 all children attending school will need to bring a packed lunch from home.

Children currently in receipt of benefits-related free school meals will be catered for until such time as vouchers can be issued. They have been contacted separately.

If anyone feels they may now be entitled to claim free school meals please apply online at

We do look forward to resuming full service in due course. In fact I think it is fair to say we all long for normality to return.

Thank you for your understanding.