Mr Farlow is retiring :o(

We are so very sad to be saying farewell for one last time to Mr Farlow who has been a wonderful member of Pontesbury CE Primary School staff for many years now, bringing a wealth of talent and inspiration to the children of Pontesbury. He started teaching at Mary Webb School in 1986 and when he retired from there he came to us – and lucky us!

If anyone would like to give to a collection for him you can make donations via the School Money shop or by sending donations in an envelope to the School Office.

School picnic on Wednesday 21st July – deadline for ordering 9am THIS FRIDAY!

On the last day of term, Wednesday 21st July, we will be having a school picnic.  This will be for pupils only (not for parents etc, sorry)!

* There will be no hot school dinners that day.  

Please could every pupil order their picnic lunch order using the form below (whether or not they are eligible for a free school dinner or are ordering a paid school dinner), OR please indicate on the form that your child will be bringing a home packed lunch with them that day instead.

We need everyone’s information to be submitted by 9.00am THIS FRIDAY 9th July at the latest please so our lovely kitchen staff can order in the correct amount of food.  Thank you!

Free Picnic Clipart Pictures - Clipartix

Morning Drop-Off

Parents, please remember that our school doors are currently opening 5 minutes earlier than usual at 8.40am.  Staff will be manning the entrances to welcome the children, but please note that children will not be allowed on site prior to 8.40am as teachers are setting up their classrooms for the day ahead.

With this in mind, please refrain from arriving earlier than 8.40am and congregating outside the school gates; this is still not safe conduct while the pandemic is still circulating.

Thank you, as always, for your continued cooperation and understanding.

Mr Langford