Christmas Lunch 2021 – Friday 10 December

Our fabulous catering team will be serving up this wonderful menu.

As with last year we won’t be sending out paper order forms but ask that you complete the online form Order here

Please order by Monday 29 November at the latest, please note we need everyone to complete the form for each child (and staff). There is the option to select school packed lunch if your child doesn’t want a hot school meal. Please pay as you would normally for your child’s school dinner.


Dear Parents/Carers,

We have recently been reviewing our spelling approach for Key Stage 2 to ensure that it links in with the teaching of phonics in Reception and Key Stage 1, is consistent, progressive and focuses on teaching and applying spelling rules.

As of today, Year 1-6 will receive weekly spellings to practise. We will test these on a weekly basis, and they will align to the spelling rules being taught (or a review of previously taught rules) and the tricky words/statutory word lists. We would appreciate it if you could assist and support your child in learning their spellings at home in addition to reading (on a daily basis).

Many thanks,

Tom Lowrie-Herz (Acting Headteacher)

Updated Covid-19 PCR Testing Guidance (28/09/2021)

Please see the updated guidance from the Local Authority that we will be following as of today:

PCR testing
All household contacts of a confirmed case (PCR positive) should undertake a PCR test, with or without symptoms, and remain home until a negative PCR is returned.  This means that pupils who have a household contact who is a confirmed case (PCR positive) should be recommended to take a PCR test and not attend school while awaiting the result.  If the PCR result is negative, then pupils should be recommended to have a further PCR test after 4 or 5 days as a precaution. They can continue to attend the setting when waiting on the second PCR result.

All close contacts of confirmed cases (PCR positive) are also recommended to take a PCR test but unless they have any of the 3 main symptoms of COVID-19 or any of the precautionary symptoms, they can continue to attend the setting when waiting on results of the PCR.

Anyone with the 3 main symptoms or the precautionary symptoms (even if they are not a close contact of a confirmed case) are recommended to get a PCR test and only return to school after a negative result. They should also consider contacting 111 for medical advice if required because these symptoms are not unique to COVID-19.

New Covid procedures (one way system) September 2021

Due to the current outbreak we once again ask parents to wear face masks however only when communicating with school staff. You do not need to wear a mask (unless you want to) whilst on the premises unless you are talking to staff or inside the building.

If it is easier for you, you can email the school.

Arriving at school in the morning

Departing school at the end of the day

Mr Langford absence

Unfortunately Mr Langford tested positive for COVID-19 last week and remains quite poorly he is not well enough to return at the end of his initial 10 days isolation as he still has symptoms and is unwell.

Fortunately Mr Lowrie-Herz has been acting headteacher for the whole of this week and his teaching commitments have been covered by Mrs Parry, we have managed to secure Mrs Parry to teach in Year 3 Monday – Wednesday next week and as per the usual timetable Mrs Crane will teach the class on Thursday and Friday. Although this is regrettable we are happy that we have managed to arrange this consistency for our Year 3 children.

We know you will all join us in wishing Mr Langford a full and speedy recovery.

I’m sure you will have heard that we do have several positive cases in pupils, we are in daily communication with Public Health who are advising us at every stage. There will be further information to follow.