Snacks and healthy eating.

As we are a ‘Healthy School,’ we would like to continue promoting this status. Therefore, please see the following:

Just a polite reminder, please can you ensure that snacks at breaktime are healthy ones (e.g. fruit or vegetables).

Also, some pupils are visiting the shop and bringing and eating sweets on the way to, and at school. Whilst it is lovely to have a treat from time-to-time, please can you encourage this to take place after school or at the weekend. No one likes a sugar crash midway through maths!


Many thanks,

Mr L-H

Message from Mr Langford – Pontesbury Neighbourhood Plan Consultation:

Dear all

I have been asked by Councillor Allan Hodges, chair of the Pontesbury Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, to draw your attention to the new policy proposals relating to the Pontesbury Neighbourhood Plan and associated consultation currently taking place.

Both the plan and the consultation response form can be found on the Pontesbury Neighbourhood Plan website:

The closing date for the consultation is 12th April at 5.00pm.

Mr Langford

A day to raise money for British Red Cross Ukraine Appeal – 15 March

Dear parents/carers

Like many schools across the world, staff and pupils would like to support the humanitarian aid that the British Red Cross are providing to help support those people suffering in Ukraine.

To provide opportunity for staff, parents and our community to donate money, we plan to have a bake sale on Tuesday 15th March at the end of school, with cakes selling at 50p each or per slice.

If you wish to take part, children can bring in cakes for the sale in the morning, either made or shop bought, and they will be on sale at the end of the day outside room 2.

Any remaining cakes will be available for pupils during the following breaktimes with any additional donations they wish to provide.

We would also like to encourage everyone to wear something blue and yellow on Tuesday. This could be, as well as their school uniform, yellow hair ribbons, socks, wrist bands etc. or instead of uniform, yellow and blue clothes.

There is no expectation to do this; it is entirely up to the individual and it is not a non-uniform day. Please be reminded that nothing should be bought especially for this activity and all items or clothes must be yellow and/or blue.

Throughout the day, our purpose and focus will be about thinking about others in difficult circumstances and will not involve discussions about the atrocities being committed! The day will be similar to the way we support other charities throughout the year.

Mr Langford

Academy Photography are in on Monday 7th March

Academy Photography will be in on Monday 7th March to take class photos, year 6 leavers, Reception graduation photos and musicians.  Please could all children wear full and clean school uniform ready for looking their best on the photos!

Also, could all musicians who have lessons through Shropshire Music Service, please bring their instruments in too.  Thank you!

Ban on smart watches with cameras and or games

It is with regret that I have to request that children with Vtech smartwatches or similar brands that have cameras and games are not worn to school. From Monday 24 January any child found wearing one will have it confiscated until the end of the day where it will need to be collected by the parent/person picking up as it is contravenes our Safeguarding Policy.

We are more than happy for children to wear watches/bands that incorporate fitness trackers (without cameras) as we are keen to encourage a healthy lifestyle in all our children.


Clothes Recycling – fundraiser for school (THIS coming Tuesday 18th January)!

We are having another clothes recycling fundraiser (using the Roberts Recycling scheme) so hopefully you all have lots of clothes you no longer want!

If you’d like to have a sort-out over this weekend and fill some bags (carrier bags, black bin bags etc), we’d be really grateful.  Please see the picture below for a list of the items they will or won’t accept (e.g. they will not accept uniform with school logos, dirty or damaged clothing etc), they do now also accept bed linen and towels, but not  duvets or pillows.

Please bring your bags of clothes to school by Tuesday 18th January.  Roberts Recycling will collect and weigh the bags and donate to our school based on the weight of the filled bags received. Please help us with this great fundraising initiative!  Thanks everyone!

Please note, we will be unable to accept bags of clothes brought to school after Tuesday 18th January as we simply don’t have the storage space available!

Roberts Recycling is a family run business dedicated to buying, collecting and exporting unwanted clothes.  Their primary aim is to divert waste from landfill, but they also pride themselves on supplying affordable clothing to poorer parts of the world outside of the UK.  Roberts Recycling no longer provide recycling bags as part of their efforts to improve their carbon footprint.