St George’s Explorers – 26 July 2022

The next gathering of St George’s Explorers will take place on Tuesday 26 July at 2 pm.

We will meet on the carpark at the top of Pontesford Hill and then walk (with fun activities along the way) finishing by 3.15. If you would like a lift up the hill, please come to the Wynnstay carpark for 1.50pm (at the latest).

The afternoon will include a bible story, song and prayers, with a refreshment break half-way through. Please bring your own drinks and snacks. We will bring a few treats too.

If you would like to join our WhatsApp group, text 07902 794653

Tuesday – High temperatures information

Dear parents,

With tomorrow forecast to have extremely high temperatures again, school will offer an optional ‘early’ pick-up time of 1:00pm (until 1:20pm to reduce the time the staff are outside manning the gates). With temperatures due to peak at normal pick-up time (3 – 4pm), we feel that this will reduce risks posed to health by the extreme heat. This will also enable us to limit numbers in school. Please collect your children as ‘normal’ via the outside route until 1:20pm. After this, please collect your child via the main entrance.

Please bear in mind that breakfast and after-school club will take place as normal.

In addition, please ensure the following for tomorrow:

  • Children wear PE kits
  • Bring hats and water bottles
  • Wear sun cream

We have made further adjustments in school to accommodate this extreme weather.

I will be in contact should there be any further developments.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Tom Lowrie-Herz (Acting Headteacher)

Monday – High temperatures information

Dear parents,

With tomorrow forecast to have extremely high temperatures, school will offer an optional ‘early’ pick-up time of 1:00pm. With temperatures due to peak at normal pick-up time (3 – 4pm), we feel that this will reduce risks posed to health by the extreme heat. This will also enable us to limit numbers in school. Please collect your children as ‘normal’ via the outside route until 1:30pm. After this, please collect your child via the main entrance.

Please bear in mind that breakfast and after-school club will take place as normal.

In addition, please ensure the following for tomorrow:

  • Children wear PE kits
  • Bring hats and water bottles
  • Wear sun cream

We are making further adjustments in school to accommodate this extreme weather.

I will be in contact should there be any further developments. In addition, I will inform you of any changes to Tuesday following a review of the weather forecast and any further local or national advice.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Tom Lowrie-Herz (Acting Headteacher)

Book amnesty

As we are coming to the end of this academic year, we are beginning to sort reading books for each class. Please have a good look at home for any forgotten books (these include our Reading for Pleasure books from our library). All books need to be returned to school by Monday 11th July. Due to this, there will no reading books sent home after this date however, children will still be reading in school and be read to.

Many thanks for you cooperation.

N.B. We are always happy for books to come back into school (it doesn’t always have to be at the end of the year!)

Sports Day

On Monday, we will be having a brief Sports Day run-through. Please send your child in their PE kit with their water bottle, cap and suncream applied (fingers crossed for a nice day).

Please can this also be repeated for the actual Sports Day?

The school will provide pupils with coloured t-shirts to represent their house.

Parents Survey

Dear Parents

Parent Survey

As you know, we are constantly seeking to enhance every aspect of provision here at Pontesbury CE Primary School and we really value your views and feedback so we are able to make further improvements. Please can we ask you to complete our Parent Survey by clicking on the following link

The final two questions (before your name) are particularly important. We are very keen to gather your positive comments and will take time to share these with our staff as they are always such a boost for us all. It is equally important for us to gather any constructive comments regarding how we can further improve.

Please be mindful, though, that the Parent Survey is not the appropriate forum for raising serious concerns or complaints. If you do have concerns, these need to be raised with your child’s class teacher in the first instance. Similarly, I would also request that staff members are not named in any criticism as these concerns should be separately raised with me in a confidential manner as per the complaints procedure available on the school website. Thank you.

We will, of course, carefully consider all points raised as we build our strategic School Development Plans for 2022-23 and we very much look forward to hearing your views about our school.

This survey will be open for one week and will close on Thursday 7th July at 4pm.

Thank you for taking the time to fill in this survey.

Kind regards,

Tom Lowrie-Herz (Acting Headteacher)