It’s time to update your subscription to the website class emails and/or newsletter!

Please could all parents update their subscription preferences for the class emails – this can be done by clicking on the ‘update subscription preferences’ link right at the bottom of every website newsletter/email.  You will need to change the preference from your child’s class/year group last academic year to their new class/year group starting this September.

If your child has now left the school (e.g. is now in year 7 at secondary school) please use the ‘unsubscribe from this list’ link at the bottom of any of the website emails.

If you are reading this on the website and would like to subscribe to the weekly newsletter email and additional bulletins from your child’s class, please click on the following link – Subscribe to Newsletter

Website weekly newsletter – please sign up!

NEW PARENTS – please sign up using the link below.

EXISTING PARENTS – please amend your subscription to your child’s new class/room so you get emails from the right teacher!  Or perhaps you need to sign up for the first time? Please use the sign up link below.

Just a friendly reminder to sign up for the school weekly newsletter (sent out automatically from the website at 5pm every Monday) which has lots of important news and events that you need to be aware of.  When you sign up, you can put in your child’s class/room number (not year group), so make sure you know which it is before clicking on it (you can update this at any time if you get it wrong!)  You will then also receive any bulletins the class teacher may send with last minute reminders during the week (these will arrive in your inbox at 5pm on whichever day the teacher posts it).

You will need to change your child’s class/room email preference every September when your child moves class.

Please sign up here – Weekly Newsletter Sign Up Page

For parents/carers who have signed up in previous years, if you click on the ‘update subscription preferences‘ link at the bottom of all the weekly newsletters, you will be able to change the class/room for your child.

Mr Langford

Unfortunately, Mr Langford will not be returning to work at the beginning of this term due to a recurrence of a serious heart condition.

Governors have appointed Mr Lowrie-Herz as full-time Acting Head for the time-being and have full confidence in his ability to lead the school.  He will be ably assisted and supported by staff and by governors who will ensure that any additional support and resource needed is made available.

We appreciate he will not be teaching Year 3 as planned during Mr Langford’s absence but appropriate long-term cover has been arranged in order to provide stability and continuity for the children.

In the meantime, I am sure you will wish Mr Langford all the best at this worrying time.

Ann Thorne

Chair of Governors