Important message from Mr Langford:

We are working hard to respond appropriately to all advice being given about Coronavirus. This advice is being reviewed on a daily basis and if anything changes we will let you know as soon as possible.

If your child is experiencing sore hands due to increased hand washing, please send them to school with suitable unmedicated hand cream (they must be able to apply it themselves).

In the current climate, if your child develops a temperature or other symptoms, we would encourage you to contact the NHS 111 helpline and follow their advice prior to coming to school.

A message from Mrs Hilditch

As you are aware, today is World Book Day, to celebrate we have decided to join in with World Book Day’s mission to share a million stories throughout this month.  Sharing a story is incredibly important, this could be done with parents, siblings, grandparents, friends – anyone who loves a good story time.

Today we will be sending home a letter and a reading record sheet.  Every time your child shares a story for ten minutes they need to tick off or colour in a step on their ladder.  Please keep the record and fill in for the next four weeks, you can then either return your record to school so we can add the story shares to our school total or keep it over the holidays to add even more story shares.

We will be keeping a record of all our story shares in school and entering our total each week onto the World Book Day website to be in with a chance of winning £1000 worth of books for school.

Happy World Book day and we hope you enjoy sharing some wonderful stories over the next four week (and beyond!)

World Book Day – Thursday 5th March

We are looking forward to celebrating all things bookish on Thursday 5th March (although, every day is a book day here at school)! In a change from previous years, we are not asking children to dress up; we have noted the potential expense and stress that dress-up days can involve for parents and would much rather any spare pennies were spent on a new book rather than on an outfit!

So instead, we would like children to bring a potato that they have decorated as a book character! There will be a prize for the best potato in each class and an overall winner for EYFS/KS1 and KS2.

If you are stuck for ideas, get googling! There are loads of amazing ideas to inspire new potato decorators.

We can’t wait to see them all displayed in school on Thursday 5th.


Opportunity to order ‘The Highland Falcon Thief’ book signed by the authors (suitable for KS2 pupil age group)

Button & Bear Bookshop are hosting another author visit at one of the primary schools in Shrewsbury.  We have been given the opportunity to order a signed copy of M G Leonard & Sam Sedgman’s children’s book ‘The Highland Falcon Thief’, which is aimed at KS2 children.

If you would like to order a signed copy of their book (£6.50 per copy or £12.00 for two copies), please download an order form here: The Highland Falcon Thief signed copy order form

Orders & payment need to be returned to our school office by Monday 2nd March at the latest. Payment must be made at time of order, and can be made by cash, cheque (made payable to ‘Button & Bear Ltd’) or in the School Money shop.

About the authors:  M G Leonard is a beetle expert & award-winning author of the Beetle Boy trilogy and The Beetle Collector’s Handbook.  Sam Sedgman is a novelist, playwright & award-winning digital producer.  Sam is a lifelong train & mystery enthusiast.

About the book:  Harrison Beck is reluctantly joining his travel-writer Uncle Nat for the last journey of the royal train, the Highland Falcon, with a stop at Shrewsbury no less! During the journey a priceless brooch goes missing. As Harrison begins to investigate, he uncovers a few surprises.

Konnie Huq Author Visit to open our New School Library on Monday 3rd February – and order her signed book (by 10am Monday 3rd Feb please)

Apologies for the short notice, but we have been able to arrange a visit by Author, Konnie Huq, to open our new school library – this Monday 3rd February, parents are invited to arrive at 2.45pm to watch the opening!

There is also an opportunity to purchase a signed copy of her book ‘Cookie and the Most Annoying Boy in the World!’ (a sequel, ‘Cookie and the Most Annoying Girl in the World’, is out this August).  Please order your book in the School Money shop – orders need to be in by 10am at the very latest on Monday 3rd February as we need to let Button & Bear Bookshop staff know how many books to bring with them for Konnie Huq to sign.

Party Clothes – a message from Miss Roberts

In particular a message for Reception parents (who won’t be aware of our Christmas festivities).

Can your child please bring named party clothes in a bag to school on the morning of their party so they can get changed at lunchtime?

Christmas parties are as follows:

Rooms 7 & 8 – Tuesday 17 December PM

Rooms 2 & 6 – Wednesday 18 December PM

Room 3, 4 & 5 – Thursday 19 December PM

Parking Problems

Please can I remind parents who transport their child/ren to and from school by car to only park in official parking areas along the roads.  We are getting reports from some understandably irate neighbours that parents are parking across their driveways obstructing the access to their property. This is totally unacceptable.  Our neighbours are already as understanding as they can be about the levels of traffic due to the school run and we do not wish to make life any more difficult for them.

Further clarification for our new timetable

Some further clarification on the new timetable starting next week.

  • The school door will open at 8.45am (no change here)
  • Registers are taken promptly at 9am (no change here)
  • Lunchtime is now 12.30 – 1.30pm (half an hour later than previously)
  • The school day will end at 3.15pm (no change here)

Mr Langford felt it was a good opportunity to remind parents to get their children to school for 8.45am as teachers have work set ready for them to complete whilst dinners etc are completed.

Although the majority of families arrive for 8.45am some arrive at 9am or later which means their child has already missed up to 15 mins of work and is often late for registration by the time they have hung up their coats or dawdled down the corridor.


Reminder: Share the Christmas spirit with the elderly in our community!

Just a reminder we are still collecting for our lovely elderly in our community.

We have had 11 items donated so far and would very much like more, to better represent our generous families. If you have forgotten and would still like to give please have all donations in by Monday 25 November, thank you!



Please accept my advance apologies for asking you for donations once again but this is such a lovely idea and for local people in our community, that I thought it would be wonderful if we could be a part of it too.

We have been approached by a local resident whose children attended Pontesbury CE Primary School in the not too distant past. This is her message:

“Three years ago I saw an advert of an old person alone on Christmas day, it just made me feel that surely there was something I could do to bring just that little bit of happiness and put a smile on their face. So I put a plea on Facebook for hamper items and we managed to make up eight hampers. I spoke to Allcare in the village and asked if they would distribute them as they knew more people and who was in need.

The following year I did fifteen hampers and last year twenty.”

Wouldn’t it be great if we could help her make up even more hampers this year?

What can you donate?

Chocolate, boiled sweets, mince pies, Christmas pudding, biscuits, cakes, Horlicks, teabags, sugar, crackers, pickles, jams, Marmite, Bovril, packets of porridge.

Tins: rice pudding, custard, corned beef, spam, salmon, evaporated milk, soup.

All we ask is that the donations are not close to their use by date.

If there is a surplus of food this is donated on to The Shrewsbury Ark for the homeless and Mencap.

The deadline for donations is Monday 25 November 2019. We will have collection boxes just inside the school. Thank you very much in anticipation of your generous donations!