Website and Home / School Survey


Dear Parents

I would be very grateful if you could find the time to complete the survey below. I am seeking your views about our new website and the ways in which we are communicating with you during the Covid-19 crisis. Your views are important, especially when it may be a significant amount of time before normality returns.

To access the survey, please click HERE.

Many thanks

Mr Langford

Message from Mr Langford

All parents who identified as Key Worker families have now been contacted and provision organised at school for their children.  If you have not been contacted, then please do NOT bring your child to school on Monday.

The key guidance that we have all been given is that if your child can stay at home, they must stay at home.

We do not know how long this crisis will continue for but please keep checking the website and your emails to keep contact with your class teacher.  Work will continue to be posted via the school website for all children working from home.

Please stay safe during this period of closure, be mindful of Government advice, especially with respect to social distancing, and hope you all stay safe.

Mr Langford

Key Workers

Dear Parents

I would be very grateful if you would contact school today by 2.00pm at the latest to inform us if you feel you are a ‘Key Worker’ in the fight against Corona virus, as identified in the government advice.

Please bear in mind that the advice clearly states:

“If children can stay safely at home, they should, to limit the chance of the virus spreading.”

The school phone number is 01743 790226.

Many thanks to those who responded via the website form yesterday. Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient responses to be able to allocate our places for Monday yet.

Parents of those children who we are able to offer a place to, will be contacted directly today. We will require ID/evidence of your place of work when you drop your child off.

Please note, places allocated are not on a full-time Monday to Friday basis, but limited to school cover provided for the hours and days you specifically work.

Mr Langford


Please use the following emails to send your children’s work to their teacher.

Room 2 or

Room 3

Room 4

Room 5

Room 6

Room 7

Room 8


Should you have any queries about usernames and passwords please send them to me using

If your child wants to log into their school email they should use this link

their email will look like this

( the number is the Year they would have started Reception, then your surname then . And then their first initial. Some children may also have a number after this although that is unusual)

As well as giving access to their emails you can also install the Microsoft Office suite to your pc/laptop free of charge from here.

School Closing from 19 March 2020

17 March 2020

Dear Parents,

The governing body and senior management team have taken the decision to close school at the end of the day tomorrow until further notice. This hasn’t been an easy decision, we have many families and staff now in isolation, we have risk assessed the situation with vulnerable staff and children in school which has led to us making this decision. We do not do this lightly; we realise the impact this will have on the community and therefore ask for your understanding.

Teachers will be planning work and posting on the school website regularly, your KS2 child will come home with their computer logins for email/Google/Yacapaca/TT Rockstars. For children in EYFS/KS1 all work will be delivered via the class pages on the school website.

Yours sincerely

Richard Langford

FREE access to Twinkl resources and other websites you can use at home

As soon as possible, teachers will update the website with relevant work for pupils who are currently having to self-isolate at home.

In the meantime, a number of educational websites have either permanent or temporary free access to their resources to parents who are supporting their child’s learning at home.  Many of these have been recommended to us by the Home Schooling Community but are not necessarily used or endorsed by our school.

Some useful links:

Also, don’t forget to keep reading daily and sharing stories with those at home with you!