June 2nd – World’s Largest Children’s Choir At Home

Exciting news in from Young Voices, it would be great if you could sign up and join in.

I’m emailing this to you all as there is valuable practice time between now and the next newsletter to be had!


Dear Colleague

We’re really excited to invite you to get involved in a special #YVatHome project over the next few weeks!

Young Voices, the current Guinness World Record holders for the world’s largest simultaneous sing are staging the World’s Largest Children’s Choir at Home for a record breaking #PowerInMe Singing Challenge and dedicate it to all our teachers.

On 2nd June 2020 2.30pm – you are invited along with families and children from across the world to pay tribute to all teachers by joining together to sing “The Power in Me” from the safety of your own homes.

You can register your involvement at youngvoices.co.uk/powerinme to access free learning resources for the song. More importantly – we are asking you to share this email with your parents and children to get them directly involved.

Between now and 2nd June, you are also encouraged to take part in the #PowerInMe singing challenge and to film yourselves singing the song’s lyrics “I’ve got the Power In Me” and post it online with the hashtag to see who responds completing the song’s chorus “You’ve got the Power in You!”.

It is all explained here by our conductors David Lawrence and Francisco Núñez – here.

Before 2nd June we have provided a selection of free online rehearsals that you can watch in school or at home to prepare for the big day:

Rehearsals playlist on Facebook
Rehearsals playlist on YouTube

Have you got the power in you? Get involved!



Important Update – expanding school opening

Dear Parents/Carers

We have been working hard in school over the last few days to try and get our heads around everything to do with the return to school for a larger number of children on June 1st.

We have now put all the key worker children into their ‘bubbles’ and those parents should be receiving a text soon to let you know which adults your child/ren will be with when they come back. You should also be receiving a time slot in which to drop your child/ren off and pick them up. Time slots have been given out according to surnames to enable family groups to come together – we hope this makes sense to everyone! It is essential that you stick to this time slot to ensure safe social distancing from others. We ask that you drop the children off at their exterior classroom door and collect them from there at the end of the day, within your designated time slot.

Reception and Year 1 – Room 4 & Room 5 (as required)

Year 2 – Room 3

Year 3 and Year 4 – Room 2

Year 5 and Year 6 – Room 8

We will be operating a strict one way system for dropping off and collecting children which is as follows: enter through the school gates as normal, then onto the playground past Room 2, across the Key Stage 2 and Key stage 1 playgrounds and through the outside areas of Room 4, 5 and 8. Then turn past Room 7 and down the narrow passage back towards the front car park. For the first few days a member of staff will be on the playground to help everybody get the hang of this. We will endeavour to make this as clear as possible and if you are really stuck there will be someone in the office. Please do not enter the foyer if anybody else is already in there. Parents will not be able to enter the school building.

Important Things to Note:

  1. Your child will need a packed lunch, bottle of water and suitable clothing (including a coat, hat etc) for the day. Your child should not come in school uniform. You will also notice that staff are wearing more casual clothes (clothes which are easy to wash and dry at the end of the day!).
  2. Clothes need to be changed and washed at the end of each day; staff will be doing this too. Longer hair should be tied back and children must keep their hair up during the day in school. We recommend that everybody has a shower or bath as soon as they get home to reduce the risk of bringing any bugs home.
  3. If it is sunny please ensure your child comes to school wearing suncream and that they are able to reapply it during the day if needed. Staff will not be able to assist with this. We will get outside for breaks and learning opportunities as much as we can.
  4. Please prepare your child for the social distancing measures that will be in place and for the extra hand-washing. Whilst the government guidance does recognise it will not be possible for primary school children to maintain 2m social distances throughout the day, we are going to make sure that we do our best to keep everybody safe within their bubbles. This means, amongst other things, no hand holding or sitting on laps, sitting in your own table space and not changing places during the day. We know that this will seem very strange; please be reassured that the staff are looking forward to welcoming the children back and will make the day as happy and purposeful as we can. There will be toys to play with in EYFS/KS1 classrooms and time to socialise in the fresh air. We will minimise any mixing between bubbles and encourage the highest standards of hand washing and respiratory hygiene. Staff will be cleaning regularly throughout the day and each bubble will have their own designated hand washing sink. 
  5. The only items children can bring into school are their coat, lunchbox, water bottle and suncream/hat. Children should bring a bag with these items in and they will hang this on a peg. We cannot have any toys or books moving between home and school.
  6. If your child exhibits any symptoms associated with the coronavirus (high temperature, cough, loss of sense of smell and/or taste and diarrhoea) they must be kept at home for 7 days. All family members of that child should self-isolate for 14 days. Parents should organise for their child to be tested via the 111 NHS helpline. If anyone tests positive for Covid-19, this will mean that all members of staff and children from that bubble must self-isolate for 14 days. It is possible that school may close if a case of Covid-19 is confirmed; we will communicate swiftly and clearly with all parents and staff members regarding any such measures.
  7. If a child develops any symptoms during the school day they will be taken to the nurture room and their parent will be required to collect them as soon as possible. Parents of all other children in their bubble will be notified. Please note that staff members required to care for a child with symptoms will be given full PPE for their protection. 
  8. The school day will feel different! As well as staggered start and finish times, your child will not have a normal timetable during their week. All the staff are really keen to teach! That is what we love doing and we will certainly be planning learning opportunities that will support the online learning that we will continue to offer. However, we will not be marking work as we would usually and – because of mixed age bubbles – the lessons will feel different.
  9. Drop off/collection – please respect social distancing as you wait to deliver or collect your child. Please don’t block the pathways around school – we will try and make it clear where to wait if you need to, but hopefully our staggered start and end to the day will reduce the likelihood of anyone having to wait too long. 
  10. Online learning will continue. However, with so many staff involved in face-to-face teaching in school during the day, you might notice that we are not able to respond as swiftly to emails. We hope everybody will understand that and we really will do our best to stay in touch.

We are looking forward to seeing all the children’s faces and we know that some of them might be anxious about what the day might be like. We will all do our absolute best to make sure that they have a lovely, happy, safe time in school.

To everybody who is not coming into school – we haven’t forgotten about you, we really miss you and we can’t wait to see you again.

In the meantime, have a lovely half term and we will see you on the 1st June.

Partial opening of Schools on 1st June for Years R,1 and 6

Dear parents

I am amending my post  yesterday to  change the wording of the bullet point relating to home learning.

I am sure the thought of all support from staff for home learning ceasing has caused understandable worry, especially for those in pupils in years 2,3,4 and 5. I can assure that, whilst home learning support may change due to staff having to work more in school, you will continue to receive regular support from staff; some of you will see no change at all. Trying to plan for the implementation of the Government request for the 1st June does not mean the abandonment of all Y2,3,4 and 5 pupils: I simply will not let that happen.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns or comments as we re-open for more children and year groups over the coming weeks and months.

Kind regards

Mr Langford

Subsequent to the Prime Minister’s announcement on Sunday for schools to start preparing for the return of reception, year 1 and year 6 children from June 1st, senior leaders, staff and governors have spent a considerable amount of time and thought as to how to facilitate this request safely.

One of the key factors in determining how we potentially organise provision on the 1st June is pupil numbers. Parents and guardians of pupils in reception, year 1 and year 6 will therefore shortly be receiving a text asking whether or not  you will be sending you child to school on June 1st, if we were to open to YR,1 and 6. If you receive a text, please reply with a simple yes or no.

Factors to consider when deciding on your response:

  • School will do everything in its power to ensure all Covid-19 recommended safety precautions are adhered to including social distancing and handwashing requirements. 
  • Any parents taking the decision not to send their children to school on 1st June will face no action; absence will be recorded as authorised and no fines will be issued.
  • Classes in school will be split into small groups to ensure that social distancing rules will be maintained. Each group will stay with the same member of staff for all their time in school and each group will not mix, at any time, with other groups within school. Your child may not be with their class teacher.
  • Home learning will cease for classes whose teacher is required to cover reception, year 1 and year 6 children within school.
  • Entry and exit times will be staggered to avoid congestion and to facilitate social distancing.

Please rest assured that my overriding intention, which will be the bedrock of all decisions made, is to ensure that every possible precaution is taken to ensure all staff and pupils remain safe as we look to re-open our school when lockdown rules are eased.

The announcement on Sunday has necessitated the need to ask for reception, year 1 and year 6 families to inform us of their decision whether or not to send their children to school on June 1st. I will be asking for the views of the wider school population when we look to open our doors for more year groups in the future.

I am fully aware of the gravity of the decisions we will be making over the next few weeks: schools are vital institutions which underpin the fabric of their communities. Please rest assured that I, senior leaders and governors, will continue to strive to balance the needs of all our community whilst ensuring the safety of all during this terrible pandemic.

Thank you for your continued support, especially for staff providing home, school learning and for staff providing support for the children of our key workers. It really is appreciated.

Kind regards and stay safe

Mr Langford