Rooms 3 & 5 African Experience Day – possible cancellation

Unfortunately we have not (as yet) had sufficient parental contributions for the African Experience Day to go ahead, so a decision will be taken this Wednesday (14 March 2018) as to whether or not to cancel the day.

This is a great shame as it is an experience we have previously organised and it was very successful. The children thoroughly enjoyed the day and despite it appearing to be costly for an in-house visit, it was deemed to have been very good value for money.

As I am sure you can appreciate, taking children off site always involves an additional cost for transport and means the activities are more limited because travel time is lost. By having visitors to our school this means we get a day full of activities which is better value for the children.

You will be informed on Wednesday of the decision, in the meantime, thank you to those of you who have already paid. It isn’t too late to contribute to the African Experience Day to ensure it can still go ahead. If you haven’t yet used your £6 credit (refund from the Chester Zoo visit) this can be applied to the cost so it would leave £6.50 to pay. Thank you.

PE kit reminder

Hello all,

This term, Room 3 and Room 8 are incredibly fortunate to be able to have another PE session. Starting on Wednesday 31st  January, the children will be participating in a 7 week cricket course run by an experienced coach from the Shropshire Cricket Board.

Obviously, most children will have their PE kit already in, but if not, could we ask that the children bring them in so we are ready to start. It might also be advisable that children come with gloves, hats, scarves, a warm fleece/jacket as well as their normal PE kit in case they are outside.

  • Room 3 = 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • Room 8 = 9:20 – 10:20 am

Thank you for your cooperation,

Kind regards,

Mrs Pittaway and Miss Evans


Year 2 Colomendy meeting for parents

Please do not worry if you were unable to make today’s meeting, as it was a short meeting aimed at parents who have not experienced their child going on a residential visit before and who may have questions.

There will be a longer information meeting for parents after the Easter holidays giving full details of the itinerary, travel arrangements etc.  Mrs Pittaway will let you know the exact time and date of this second meeting nearer the time.