Welcome back Room 3

Hi Room 3,

We hope that you have all had a great summer and are excited about starting Year 2. Tomorrow both Mrs Pope and Mrs Pittaway will be here for the morning so you can meet us both and we can’t wait to see you all! When you arrive tomorrow, please come around to the classroom gate and say your goodbyes to mum and dad there. Mrs Pope and Mrs Keyland will be waiting to greet you.

Dear Room 3 Parents,

For the new term, reading books will be sent home on a Monday and will need to be returned by Thursday that week. A new book will be issued on Thursday to be returned by the Monday so that we are able to leave time between books going to different households. At present, this seems the safest way to send reading books home, but we will review this as the term progresses. Please have a look for any reading books from last year that you may still have at home and bring them back to us as soon as possible.

Our classes PE day will be a Wednesday each week so please send your child into school in their PE kits. They will remain in the kit for the whole day. Please consider the weather for that day so that they are dressed appropriately. We will be outside for most PE sessions.

We are really excited to see you all coming back to school tomorrow and can’t wait to get started with all the fun things we have planned.

Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Pope

School Closure

Hi All,

With the news that the school is closing, I thought I would let you know what I am planning to do with regards to daily lessons.   Every day I will put a post on our Room 3 class page on the school website.  This will include an English task,  a maths task, topic or science task, weekly spellings and reading comprehensions or other activities so that you can keep a bit of a school like routine if you wish.

Tomorrow I will send each of the children home with a ‘Home Workbook’. This will be for the children to complete tasks in, write a diary in or draw pictures etc. It would be lovely if, when we are open again, the children can bring the books in and we can share what we have done.

Please just do your best, don’t feel the need to print out worksheets or other resources unless you wish to, just write the answers into the Workbooks.

Tomorrow I will email all Room 3 parents so that you will have my school email.  Please use this to keep in touch with me, the children can email me or send me pictures of their work or drawings if they wish. I will try my best to answer all emails.

I hope you all stay safe and well.  Any problems, do not hesitate to contact me.

Charlotte Pope


EYFS/KS1 ‘Born In A Barn’ Nativity – what a brilliant performance!

Another fabulous performance by our lovely Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils!  Thank you so much to all the children for learning all those songs and words, you were brilliant!

There are a few seats still available for Thursday afternoon’s performance if you haven’t managed to come and watch the Nativity yet – don’t miss out, it’s really lovely!

(Feel free to save these photos for your own memories, but we ask that you do not post them on any social media sites. There are parents who have specifically requested that their children do not appear on there and we need to respect their wishes. Some children are allowed to appear in this private ‘parents area’, but have not been blanked out for use elsewhere. Thank you for your understanding). 

Evening Nativity Performance Information – Monday 9th December

Please can all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children be brought to school for 5.30pm on Monday 9th December.  (This will give them time to get their costumes on and settle down before the performance begins at 6.00pm).

If you are not staying to watch, please can you be back at school to collect your child from outside their classrooms at 6.45pm.

Thank you!  We hope you all really enjoy whichever Nativity performances you are able to attend, the children are very excited about performing for you all!

Missing Books

Dear Parents,

We have completed our reading book audit and unfortunately there are still 74 books missing and this is a substantial amount. These missing books have accumulated over the past two years.

We would be very grateful if you will have another really good look at home over the summer as, if we were to order all of these books, it would cost the school a significant amount of money! They are vital for us to be able to deliver the reading scheme effectively to provide the best reading experience for our pupils.

If these books are not returned and this level of depletion continues, then I will have no choice but to start charging parents for missing books.

Mr Langford

Room 3 Class Assembly

Next Thursday 4th July it is our class assembly. Children were sent home with a script on Wednesday. Please help your child learn their lines- they will need to know them off by heart by Monday 1st.

I will not be sending spellings to learn this week as I think they will have enough to remember. However, stamps in their timetable passports still need working on as part of their homework.

Children have been told what they need to wear for the assembly, but if you want to speak to be about this, grab me one night after school.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Pittaway