Stockings needed in Year 2

With many of you bound to be putting up Christmas decorations over the weekend, I thought it was a good time to ask you to keep hold of any stockings that you have at home. We will need them in school for Thursday 6th December to look at as part of our design and technology unit- Stockings.

Thank you.

Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Crane

Reading feedback

Dear Parents,

Firstly, thank you for the very noticeable increase in reading at home. This collaboration will and is definitely benefiting the children.

As part of our ongoing mission to improve reading at school, we wanted to get your feedback on the recent changes that we have made (e.g. E-books/changing books twice a week).

Please can you complete the short survey to help us identify areas to improve further? It is important that you note that this is for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 only.


Many thanks in advance,

Tom Lowrie-Herz

(Acting Headteacher)

Year 2 Reading

Dear Parents,

As you are aware, we are really promoting reading at Pontesbury as we value the power that reading can have on a person’s life.

You may find it useful to watch the following short video which demonstrates the level of fluency and accuracy expected by the end of Year 2.

KS1 Reading – Working at the Expected Standard – The Day the Crayons Quit – YouTube

We are trying a new reading incentive in Year 2 to encourage reading at home and a love of books. Once your child has read at home on 7 occasions (for around 10 minutes), they will get a lucky dip prize. This does require adults at home to record when home reading has taken place. A detailed comment isn’t necessary every time, but please make sure each separate reading session is clear by including the date, book/pages read and by signing.

Thank you for your continued support with reading.

Kind regards,

Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Crane

Year 2 Reading and Phonics

Please read the Bug Club reading book letter that your child brought home today. Further information can be found on the school website in the English Reading and Phonics area: English | Pontesbury CE Primary School (

A copy of the letter sent home can also be found there and a helpful Parent Guide with more information on how to navigate the Pupil World homepage, including accessing the e-books. The children have their own username and password and the school code is wkxl.

The e-books will be assigned each Friday and the first one will be assigned on Friday 30th September. Next week, we will begin changing paper reading books twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child brings their paper reading book into school EVERYDAY.

Mrs Pittaway

Important: Park Hall Farm visit – change to lunch arrangements

Unfortunately, due to the early departure on Monday morning (4th April), we will struggle to provide school packed lunches for the class. If you have already filled in Mrs Andrew’s online lunch form, please disregard as Mrs Andrew is off poorly and we are unable to access the orders.

If you are able to provide your child with a home packed lunch on that day that would be really appreciated.  If, however, you are unable to do so, please contact the school by tomorrow morning (Tues 29th March) at the latest.

A text message has been sent – please reply to it to confirm you’ve received the message and let us know whether you can provide a home packed lunch.

Thank you

Year 2 SATS Information Evening and Colomendy Photo Sharing

On Monday 14th March at 3:30, I will be holding a short information evening to tell you more about the Year 2 SAT assessments that will be carried out in May. It will be an opportunity to see what the SAT papers look like and ask any questions that you may have. After this, you are welcome to stay to see the photographs from our visit to Colomendy – I thought I would save the best until last! Children will be asked to go to another classroom while we meet regarding SATS and can return to share the Colomendy photos with you.

I hope to see you there.

Mrs Pittaway


Year 2 Colomendy Parents Information Meeting

Dear Year 2 Parents,

On Monday 31st January, at 3:30pm, Mrs Pope and Mrs Pittaway will be holding a short meeting for parents of those attending the residential to Colomendy. It will be held in Room 3 and will be an opportunity to share the itinerary, groups and sleeping arrangements for the visit with you.

For anyone unable to make the meeting, we will can provide you with an itinerary and if you feel as though you would like to talk to us further, please arrange this via the school office.

We hope to see you there.

Kind regards,

Mrs Pittaway and Mrs Pope