Bring PE Kits

As you know, we are dressing up on Tuesday 28th March for our Victorian morning. Please can you send your child to school with their PE kit in a bag ready to change into for the afternoon.

Many thanks,

Mrs Pittaway

Year 2 ‘Victorian Classroom’ morning – Tuesday 28th March

Dear parents,

This half term the year 2 children are learning about Victorian life. Africa class will become a Victorian classroom for the morning of Tuesday 28th March.

To help make this experience feel more authentic, it would be fantastic if the children can come to school wearing clothes in the style of the Victorian era.

Please don’t feel you have to go out and buy new clothes for this (and if you are unable to find Victorian style clothes, just dressing your child in black/ grey trousers or skirt and white t-shirt/ shirt would be fine).

I have included a few pictures below for inspiration.

Mrs Pittaway

Well done Year 2!

A huge well done to all the children for being excellent at Colomendy. I hope you share your adventures with people at home and tell them about all the fun you had. I will arrange an opportunity for parents/carers to view photos from our time there after half term. Have a restful half term break!

Mrs Pittaway


Dear Parents/Carers,

I will not be able to attend Colomendy due to a recent operation on my arm.

Mr Rogers will attend in my place.

The children’s groups will remain the same but Group 1 will now be with Mrs Pittaway and Mr Rogers and Group 2 will be with Mrs Keyland and Miss Gwilliam.

Kind regards,

Mr L-H

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I would just like to say another huge well done to the children for making the nativity such a success this year! They all worked incredibly hard to learn their lines and songs. A special thank you to everyone at home who helped with learning their parts and sorting costumes.

We had an amazing Christmas party this afternoon! They danced their socks off… as did I!

Finally, I would like to thank you for all the Christmas wishes, cards and gifts. It is extremely kind.

I wish you all a merry Christmas and happy new year!

Mrs Pittaway

EYFS/KS1 reading letter

Dear Parents,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to our reading questionnaire for EYFS/KS1. The information you have provided has been very helpful.

Going forward, and in response to your feedback, please note the following:

  • The e-books will continue to be available for you to access at home.
  • Please can you make contact with your child’s teacher if you cannot access the app.
  • Should you require support with accessing the app on a device that is suitable (e.g. requiring a tablet as opposed to a phone screen) please contact Mrs Andrew.
  • Paper books will now be changed whenever you feel your child is ready for a new book but please clearly indicate this in the record by writing ‘Finished’. If you finish the book with your child but think they will benefit from reading the same book again to practise sounds and build fluency, please explain this in the comments and only write ‘Finished’ once you are happy for the book to be changed. Please also record when your child has read the e-book in the reading record.

A huge thank you to those parents who said they would like to volunteer to listen to readers. We will be in touch in the new year.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Mr Lowrie-Herz